Chapter 117

Lily groaned as she opened her eyes and blinked as the sunlight coming through a window hit her face, she sat up and rubbed her head as she began to look around only to smile when she found Eri sleeping beside her.

She then noticed she was in her room back in castle Trodain, which confused her quite a bit since the last thing she remembers is hitting Malroth with her Golden Avan Strash with all of her energy and then falling asleep "Papa Harry must have brought us back home after we defeated Malroth...".

Lily quietly got out of her bed so she wouldn't wake Eri up, she smiled as she felt the fluffy rug underneath her bed with her feet, and after enjoying the rug for a bit she quickly grabbed her shoes and put them on.

Once she did so, she then immediately left her room in search of her godfather and aunty plus she also wanted to make sure both Yangus and Red were okay so she ran through the halls of castle Trodain surprising the maids and soldiers roaming around.

Though they soon smile happy to see their princess up and about as usual.


Harry had been informing Hiro and Medea of what had happened in the Dark Ruins and even told them of what they found in the Waterfall Cave as well, needless to say, both the King and Queen of Trodain were disturbed by everything Harry told them.

The fact that such a thing could have happened not only once but twice under their nose was a very legitimate concern now, Hiro sighed and leaned back on the couch of the living quarters where everyone chose to gather to speak.

Medea turn her head towards Hiro and worriedly watched her husband sigh, Hiro then spoke up "Unbelievable... an A-rank monster and two X-rank demonlords were at large and no one knew...".

Everyone frowned upon hearing Hiro's statements and couldn't agree more with his concerns, Hiro turned his gaze towards Harry "If you hadn't come here to visit now and haven't decided to take the scenic route while visiting our friends I dread to think what would have had happened Harry...".

Harry shrugged "This sort of thing happens to me often enough that at some point I thought my presence was the cause for these sorts of events to happen but it turns out that no, I am in fact this lucky... kinda wished I had a different kind of luck though but oh well the Potter curse strikes again".

Hiro chuckled and shook his head, he then turned to Yangus and Red who were silently digesting everything Harry told them about what he had been doing in other worlds.

Both of them were shocked by everything Harry told them and Hiro couldn't blame them, the sheer scope of Harry's adventures was enough to give anyone pause but right now the King of Trodain had more pressing matters to deal with "Yangus, you should have come here when you first heard of these rumors".

Yangus turned his head towards Hiro and sheepishly grinned "Sorry Guv, I just wanted to confirm things before I came to you, I was also sort of hoping they were baseless rumors ya know? but luck wasn't on my side this time".

Hiro sighed but still smiled at his friend "Next time come here first and we'll think about what to do alright? You almost got yourself and Red killed".

Yangus grinned and then nodded to Hiro "You got it Guv!".

Everyone smiled at both friends while Red turned her head towards Harry "Say... you mentioned something about a Natural Dungeon that's full of treasure and that's available for everyone right?".

Harry grinned already knowing why Red was asking that "That's right but you do need to join a guild in order to get an adventurer's card, that card acts like a bank for your money and allows access to all of the facilities in Kyoto".

Red looked down "You don't suppose Neo Kyoto would need the services of two thieves right?".

Harry chuckled which made Red raise an eyebrow at him, Jessica was the one to answer her question though "Kyoto accepts all talents Red, we even have a Thieves Guild in Neo Kyoto".

Red and Yangus gaped while Harry continued on "Sometimes in the Natural Dungeon, buildings and structures take form and we need people capable of infiltrating places like that, there are also locked chests found all over the dungeon so parties usually tend to take a thief with them when they go Dungeon Diving".

Red happily grinned while Medea hummed "but don't you have ninjas? They should be able to do everything a thief can do and even better no?".

Harry smiled at Medea "Sure but Ninjas are usually used for scouting and infiltration missions not only in the dungeon but out in my world as well so we rather not have to use them for something that other kinds of talents can take care of just as well as they can, plus ninjas are usually used for assassinations".

Medea nodded and looked to be thinking about something for a little while "I guess a big community like Neo Kyoto has to have a lot of enemies, so a unit in charged of shady things like spying and assassination is needed".

Harry nodded "Yes and given the fact that our so call enemies are supernatural in nature we can't really send weak people to spy or take them out which is why we either use our own Anbu Corps or as we have been doing as of late, hire ninjas from Konoha and Suna".

Yangus, Red, Medea, and Hiro nodded but before anyone could further comment about all of this the living quarter's door slammed open startling almost everyone in the room except Jessica and Harry who had sensed who was coming their way.

Harry turned his head towards the doorway and smiled as he saw Lily standing there with a big wide smile on her face, as soon as Lily saw her godfather she took off running and jumped towards Harry.

Harry widen his eyes and caught the excitable Princess of Trodain in his arms, Lily, however, was loudly laughing as Harry caught her "Papa Harry we won! We beat Malroth and Hargon!".

Everyone in the room smiled as Lily happily celebrated her victories while Harry chuckled and hugged Lily "We sure did and you fought wonderfully Lily, you truly gave it your all against two monsters known as demonlords".

Lily brightly smiled but then shook her head "I was only able to fight like I did because I had everyone with me, I was really scared at some point! and there were times I doubted that I could do anything... but I still tried my best".

Harry smiled "There's nothing wrong with that Lily, this world taught me that you don't have to always deal with things by yourself... here I learned that together with those you care about and love there's nothing you can't pull off".

Lily looked up to her godfather and gave him all of her attention while Harry went on "That belief only grew as I continued with my adventures and over time I made it my symbol... you don't have to do things alone and you certainly don't have to hold the weight of the world on your shoulders by yourself, not when you have so many friends and family willing to carry that weight and the world with you".

Everyone smiled at Harry, having been there as Harry grew and learned in this world they knew that he lived a very lonely life before coming here so he was used to always relying on himself but little by little as he spent time with Hiro, Medea and later Jessica he came to learn that he didn't have to do things by himself.

Sure saying goodbye when it was time for him to leave was always difficult but as he traveled the multiverse he came to learn that the bonds he made stayed with him throughout his adventures.

As silly and as embarrassing as it sounds Harry truly believed in the bonds he made and he cherishes each and every one he has made with all of his heart, and it is something that he always passes down to friends, family, and students.

This is why he has always been willing to share his knowledge and power with his loved ones, not only for them to be able to defend themselves but to also be able to stand with him.

Lily smiled at Harry and nodded feeling reassure now but there was one more thing Lily learned out of this whole adventure and she needed to voice it out "Papa Harry! I want to be stronger! I want to be the most powerful dragon in the multiverse!".

Harry chuckled in amusement "You have a little bit of competition there Lily, there are plenty of powerful dragons in my world and that's not counting Hope, Morgan, and Eri".

But Lily just grinned "I know! but like you said, I can count on my friends and family to help me plus a good dragon needs a good rival right?"

Harry grinned "As long as you don't become destructive and annoying like Ddraig and Albion then you're right".

Lily giggled, she had heard of the Heavenly Dragons Albion and Ddraig from Morgan when she met her, and even though she felt they were being silly causing so much trouble she still was awed at the fact that it needed the devils, angels, and fallen angels to work together kill them, to her that was very impressive.

Medea smiled and stood up from the couch she was sitting on and walked up to both Lily and Harry, once she was close she grabbed Lily into her arms from Harry and smiled at her daughter.

Lily brightly smiled at her mom "Mom! Did Papa Harry tell you about everything we did!?".

Medea giggled and nodded "Yes and I'm very proud of you Lily, not only were you smart throughout your adventure but you also were very brave".

Lily blushed feeling a bit bashful at being praised by her mom like that but then she still had a big wide smile on her face, Hiro stood up as well and walked up to his wife and daughter.

Once he was close to them he gave his daughter a head pat which made her giggle "You're a hero Lily, your actions saved the World of Light from a horrible fate".

Lily widen her eyes as the weight of what she had accomplished finally hit her, at the time she didn't think to much about it since she was more worried about stopping Hargon and then Malroth from doing whatever they were planning.

But the fact of the matter was that she and everyone who fought by her side were heroes though most of them already were already considered heroes though both Eri and she weren't.

So Lily sheepishly smiled at her dad who chuckled in amusement "Didn't think about it until now huh?".

Lily shook her head while the adults laughed a bit confusing her but her dad explained, "We know what it's like, at the time our only concern was stopping Rhaptorne but when we did and people began to call us heroes it finally hit us that what we did was an amazing thing".

Lily awed at her dad and then looked around towards all the adults who nodded and smiled at her, Hiro then continued on "You should be proud of what you have accomplished my daughter but I'm also so proud of you as well".

Lily teared up a bit but then reached out to her dad and gave him a hug while her mom still held her in her arms, Hiro smiled and continued speaking "Which is why we decided to do something very important for you Lily".

Lily let go of her dad and listened to what he was going to say next, Hiro smiled "I'm glad that you yourself are aware that there's still a lot for you to learn, that you want to get stronger and to help you your mother and I decided you should go live with your godfather for a little while, that way you can train with him".

Lily's eyes widen in surprise, she then turned towards her mom who smiled at nodded "Yes, we think this would be the best for Lily, plus your father and I can come to visit you whenever we want so there's no problem there but when we see just how much you've grown not only in strength but in maturity during this small trip you took we can't help to think that this is the best for you".

Lily stared at his mom for a few moments completely surprised but before she could say anything her dad spoke first "I've said it before but this castle is too small for you Lily and so is this world as well, I'm sure you will grow even more learning from your godfather and the rest of the Potter family plus you'll get to have friends your age as well something that you can't find here in Trodain".

That was true, in Trodain there weren't any children her age and the older kids didn't want to play with her because she was the princess and other such stupid reasons.

It used to really bother her but she then found her passion for the sword and focused on that instead but she had always wanted friends, she now has a best friend in Eri but having more would make things even more fun for her plus she really did like both Hope and Morgan too.

To her, they were the coolest girls ever and they treated her like a little sister which was awesome to Lily, so Lily nodded to her father with a happy smile on her face.

Hiro grinned at Lily "I would tell you to behave and not get into trouble but since you're going to be living with the Potters that's almost impossible so instead I'll tell you to have fun!".

Everyone shared a laugh, though Harry's eyebrow twitched at the verbal jab he just got from Hiro the King of Trodain knew that Harry will eventually get even with him with a prank but it was worth it to see the expression on his old friend's face.

So Lily, the Dragon Knight and Princess of Trodain would be moving to the Potter Household and she couldn't help to be excited about all the amazing and fun adventures she will have in the future.


Harry and Jessica stayed in the World of Light for two more days since they still have some time before they had to go back to Kyoto thanks to Harry's time manipulation and during that time Harry kept quite busy.

First, he continued to train and teach Lily all sorts of dragon skills and sword techniques among some other things, Jessica helped her with her magic since Lily grew very curious about the spells both she and Eri used against Hargon and Malroth.

Though Eri would also help her friend learn and understand the concepts behind the spells and how to control the flow of her energy since Lily's power would always explode outwards.

This would sometimes cause her to overcharge her spells increasing their power and the amount of damage they can cause but that made it a problem for her to use them in populated places.

It seems like her awakening of that hybrid form of hers did all kinds of things not only to her energy but power levels and her body as well.

So Harry also focused on that as well and it was something he was going to have her work on later when they go back to Kyoto plus once she gets a good handle on her own abilities Harry was also going to give her all the perks he gives to all his loved ones.

But first, he wants her to have a bit more control of her power on her own, besides training and teaching Lily, the Dragon God also chose to go around the world in search of anything weird that might hint at a situation similar to what happened with Hargon and Malroth.

This time it was only the adults who chose to investigate and check a few places that could serve as a location for a resurrecting powerful monster or even a demonlord.

Lucky they didn't find anything of the sort but Hiro promised to keep a vigilant eye on anything that might point to something like what happened in the Dark Ruins and Waterfall Cave, he was going to make sure nothing like what happened in those two situations catches them off guard again.

He also sent letters to the rest of the kingdoms and friends across the world letting them know of what had happened and the seriousness of the situation, the plan is to create a sort of information net that will allow the kingdoms to deal with these sorts of situations as they happened.

They all agree that they couldn't allow something like what happened with Hargon and Malroth to happen again and right under their noses, it could have ended being a horrible situation if Harry hadn't come to this world to visit and Hiro knew it.

So he took steps to prevent this sort of situation from catching them by surprise, of course, Harry also offered his help and that of Kyoto so Trodain will soon have access to the guilds and technology that will help them in case a dire situation happens again.

This made both Hiro and Medea feel at ease knowing they can trust Harry to come to their help if they needed it.

But the time for him, Jessica, and Eri to go back home soon arrived which meant that Lily, Yangus, and Red were also leaving as well.

Yangus and Red were very interested in joining the Thieves Guild in Neo Kyoto and having access to the Natural Dungeon, adventuring, and making money by finding treasures was their livelihood already so to them moving to Neo Kyoto was the smart thing to do.

Lily was also excited and happy about her moving to the Potter Household, she had spent the last two days asking her godfather and Eri everything about their world, and from what she heard, she knew she would be getting into several exciting adventures soon enough.

She of course couldn't wait and was the first one to wake up when the day of departure arrived, which made Harry chuckle because she went to immediately woke him and Jessica up not wanting to wait any longer.

So Harry and Jessica got ready while Lily went to wake up Eri as well as her parents, Yangus and Red, soon enough everyone was ready to leave the World of Light and so they met up in the room of castle Trodain's portal chamber.


Everyone had gathered to see their friends and family off with a smile, both the King and Queen of Trodain hugged their daughter, and told her to have a lot of fun and to learn everything she wanted.

The little princess smiled at her parents and hugged them back just as tightly, she was very happy that she was allowed to do this and she was going to take full advantage of this opportunity.

Harry smiled as the royal family of Trodain said their farewells and as soon as he saw Lily run up to Eri and grabbed her hand in excitement he walked up to Hiro and Medea "Don't worry guys she will be safe".

Both Hiro and Medea smiled and nodded at Harry, Hiro then grinned "We know you will keep her safe and we also know that this is for the best, besides we will be coming over often enough so it's like she never left".

Harry chuckled "Plus I know she will be coming over often too, my daughters and Morgan use the portal often so don't be surprised if you see them and Lily roaming around the castle".

Hiro chuckled and Medea smiled "We actually welcome a little chaos in here, the Goddess knows that the castle needs a little bit of excitement now and again".

But Hiro and Harry grinned at Medea knowing that she always complained about how boring things could get in the castle which to them was hilarious, most of the time it was her and her ideas that would get them into trouble when they were younger but they didn't mind it since they always had fun.

Jessica walked up to the King and Queen of Trodain and gave them a hug "We'll be seeing you later guys! and make sure you come to visit often okay?".

Both royals nodded and smiled at Jessica while Harry grinned and patted Hiro's back and gave Medea a big hug "We'll come to visit often as well and Hiro I'll be sending Tony later to get your office updated and to give you a couple of smartphones so you can also call us and what not".

Hiro nodded and smiled excitedly about all the cool new stuff he'll be getting, with that said Yangus and Red also gave their farewells and promised to come over with all kinds of stories.

After that, the King and Queen of Trodain watched as their daughter and their family in all but blood left this world to theirs, but both of them were smiling knowing that they will see each other soon enough.


Harry and company arrived a day before the rest of the Greek Gods and hunters were meant to arrive which gave him a whole day to get everything Yangus, Red, and Lily needed to be able to move around his world.

So with the help of Pepper and Yasaka, he created for them whole identities as citizens of Japan and Neo Kyoto, plus he also got them all the documents they will need as well.

Meanwhile, Jessica along with the rest of his girlfriends began to create a room for Lily in the Potter Household and buying her anything she will need and would want for her room.

Of course, this meant that Lily was taken shopping with everyone for clothes and other things plus this was also the girls' way to teach her about the new world she will be living in from now on.

The little Princess of Trodain had a lot of fun, especially because the rest of the kids of the Potter Household also went with them, this also included a new addition to the Potter Family.

A little girl known as Sherry who was adopted as a little sister by Morgan and Hope during one of their adventures and that, of course, meant that Harry and his girlfriends adopted her as well.

Sherry was a little odd to Lily compared to everyone in the Potter Household, unlike the crazy and chaotic members of the Potter family, she was calm and shy though Lily liked that about her.

But despite the calm and shy nature Sherry projects, Lily can also see a fire in her eyes and an inner strength that made her very curious, it was like she had seen some really horrible things but instead of wallowing in sadness and despair, she decided to instead grow strong.

So when she asked Sherry about her, the little blonde girl told her that she would tell her about how Hope and Morgan had met her later, though Lily did ask her if she was a fighter.

Sherry just gave her a small shy smile and told her that she was pretty good with the spear and that she would show her later since right now the day was about her and getting her stuff.

Lily agreed and stuck close to Sherry for a while since she liked the calm and pleasant atmosphere she brings with her presence something that both Hope and Morgan were very happy with.

Sherry needed more friends anyways and who better than a brave little princess, it was too bad that Sherry had been busy learning a lot of things she wanted to learn, which is why she hadn't met Lily and her family until today.

But now that she had more free time they can have more fun together, especially since both Morgan and Hope themselves were almost at a high level with everything they wanted to learn and soon enough they will go on a new adventure, and perhaps for this one they will take Sherry, Eri, and Lily with them.


Meanwhile, Harry built a new home for Yangus and Red in Neo Kyoto since they both thought it would make things easier for them, Harry didn't mind since they knew that the both of them were really independent.

Though that didn't stop him from making them a big house and filling it with all the cool stuff they would ever want, this is how Yangus met the boys since Harry had gathered them to help him fill his and Red's home with all the modern toys.

Something he enjoyed, Red just rolled her eyes and laughed while saying something about boys but she also quite enjoyed hanging out with the boys, she wasn't one for shopping or things like that anyways.

She was more comfortable drinking, fighting, and being a bro than being a proper lady 'her own words actually' so she hung out and drank with the boy and had fun as they told her about their pranks and project.

By the end of the day she was granted the title of Honorary Boy which made all the girls of the Potter Household gape in shock and demand answers from Harry about how come, she got the title and they didn't.

Harry of course being the brave Dragon God he is immediately threw his friends under the bus and said that they all decided amongst themselves and he didn't have anything to do with it.

In any case, all the new members of the Yokai Faction and the Potter Household were now fully ready for their new lives in Harry's world and they couldn't be any more excited about it.


The next day Harry was already ready to welcome the new minor gods and Olympians that decided to join the Yokai Faction for a chance to spend time with their children, of course for this, Amaterasu came to welcome them along with Yasaka and Rhea.

This also meant that today Harry was also going to have a talk with Artemis and her Hunters, depending on their attitudes and their responses he might have to deal with them harshly but he was hoping it wouldn't come to that.

Thanks to Hestia he, Yasaka, and Amaterasu had the names and energy signatures of everyone who wanted to join the Yokai Faction so he and Le Fay had already added them to the wards around Kyoto so they weren't surprised when the Greek Deities began to arrive.

Most were minor gods that wanted a better life and treatment, Amaterasu was happy to welcome them into Takamagahara where she would give them a place and a shrine representing their domains as well as some responsibilities and a voice in meetings and important events dealing with Takamagahara.

This made the minor gods very happy and content since they already had better treatment than what they got from Zeus and the Greek Pantheon, next were the titans who chose to leave the Greek Faction.

When Harry, Yasaka, and Amaterasu read their names on the list Hestia had sent, they were very surprised that they were willing to leave the Pantheon they were born from.

Rhea however had told them that to her it wasn't very surprising, since most Titans were treated poorly by the Olympians and most of them like her just wanted to live in peace, of course, Zeus being the horrible person he is instead would seal, punished, or restrict them in fear that they would raise up against him someday.

Apparently, both Hades and Hestia had helped them escape where they were sealed or restricted and told them about what had happened to Zeus and the plans to leave the Greek Faction.

All of them jumped at the chance and immediately agreed to join the Yokai Faction, all of them didn't want any domains or responsibilities though, instead, they just wanted to live in peace in Neo Kyoto.

Something Harry and Amaterasu allowed and so Harry welcomed the Greek Titans that decided to join the Yokai Faction.

First were Rhea's sisters, Thea, Themis, Mnemosyne, Phoebe, and Tethys, these titanesses decided to join their sister Rhea as caretakers of the demigod children and the Big House where they live.

Though Mnemosyne also brought her daughters the muses to join the Yokai Faction as well, like their mother and aunts they just wanted to live in peace and just sing which was perfectly fine with Harry, he even pointed them to Serafall who can definitely help them get a career as singers.

With all of these titanesses now taking care of the Big House Harry was quite happy that his new children were going to be well-taken care of, after these came three more titans Oceanus, Crius, and Prometheus.

These old and very tired Titans just wanted to live a quiet and peaceful life and Harry granted them that by building them houses away from civilization where they can spend their days just enjoying their retirement, though Prometheus would have to spend some time in Kyoto's healing temple since he wasn't in the best physical and mental condition from the many, many years he spent being tortured by Zeus.

Next were the actual Olympians that had come to join the Yokai Faction, both Harry and Amaterasu were quite surprised with how many actually came though in hindsight they should have expected this since most of the Olympians really wanted to spend time with their children.

It was only because of Zeus and his unhinged reactions to the laws being broken that prevented them from actually doing something about the whole situation, no one wanted war and conflict after all.

The first one to officially join the Yokai Faction was Hestia and she was welcomed with open arms by both Harry and Amaterasu, both had decided to give her a high-ranking seat in Takamagahara since she had more than earned it and Harry was also going to build her a shrine in her name right beside his own Temple.

His Dragon Priestesses were also more than happy to maintain and take care of her shrine as an extension to their Lord Harry Potter the Dragon God, which made Harry a little embarrassed but he knew that Hestia deserved it and he was happy to do this for her.

The little goddess was very moved by this gesture as she cried, Harry smiled and gave her a hug and told her something that everyone had neglected to say to her "You did a good job, Hestia, Thank you for your hard work".

Hestia couldn't help it and began to sob and cry, no one had ever thanked her for everything she does nor was she expecting any thanks or recognition but to her, it felt amazing for someone like Harry to thank her.

So Harry continued to hug the poor goddess and let her cry as he smiled at her, she was truly a goddess worthy of respect in his eyes and he was glad to be able to do this for her.

After a little while Hestia calmed down a bit, at least enough to go to her mother Rhea and cry in her arms instead, much to her amusement.

Harry was now ready to deal with the rest of the Olympians who looked rather nervous as Harry stared at them, he then calmly spoke to them all "Well let's get started with what to do with all of you... I hope you know that things here in the Yokai Faction work differently and I expect each and every one of you to follow the rules here, otherwise you will share Ares's fate".

The Olympians who chose to come to Kyoto and join the Yokai Faction couldn't help to nervously gulp as they heard Harry's words, they knew they couldn't blame him for being harsh on them.

All of them were aware of the horrible things they have done but most of them were already trying to change even before Harry came to Olympus and took care of Zeus and Ares.

So they were hoping that coming here to be able to spend time with their children would also allow them to start a new life and perhaps help them atone for some of the things they have done.