Chapter 120

Frieza was completely and utterly shocked at just how powerful young Broly is and even though right now he faced him in his golden form he was still overwhelming him by a large margin, a surprise since even those two monkies Goku and Vegeta had a bit of a hard time the first time he unleashed his golden form.

But Broly was beating him senseless so easily that it was getting ridiculous and so Frieza was losing his patience and was about to explode in rage when he was suddenly tackled by a pink blur that not only push the air out his lungs but made him feel quite a bit of pain as well.

He couldn't even do anything when he was suddenly thrown off by the pink blur and sent flying towards the ground, but he twirled in mid-air and landed on his feet before he could crash against the ground, he then glared up towards the sky and saw who was the insolent mongrel who had manhandled him.

A petit pink-haired girl floated up at the sky with a cocky smirk on her face as she looked down at him, the girl then suddenly spoke "So you're Frieza... I heard quite a bit of you from Harry but honestly? You're not that impressive, I wonder why Harry is so cautious of you?".

Frieza's eyes widen in rage, not only is this girl speaking to him like he was nothing short of a hindrance but she had mentioned that damn lizard as well "... Harry? The hairy lizard is here?... I see, so he must be back from his so-called travels, that's perfect! Now I have the chance to pay him back for all the humiliation I have suffered at his hand!".

Milim raised an eyebrow and tilted her head "You weren't a match against him and Goku on Namek and you weren't one when you came back to life, what makes you think you can beat him now? Especially when he's hundreds of times more powerful than he was when he last was here".

Frieza gaped at the words that this girl just spoke {That damn lizard got even stronger!? How!? How does he keep getting stronger and stronger!? It makes no sense! That growth is unnatural!}.

Milim suddenly grinned at Frieza "Besides you shouldn't worry about Harry, it's me you should worry about! I'm not very good at holding back and all my toys always get broken~ but I hope you will at least last a bit".

Milim then roared and her body exploded with a pink aura, Frieza widen his eyes in surprise but then Milim disappeared and appeared right in front of Frieza shocking him "Fast!".

Milim grinned and then got ready to punch Frieza "My name is Milim Nava! One of Harry's girlfriends and a True Demonlord! Do try to last sometime Frieza!".

Frieza barely had time to react and block a punch from Milim but he soon regretted it as he felt the bones on his arms vibrate from the blow, but he didn't get any chance to even absorb that information as he was forced to suddenly block and dodge a barrage of blows from Milim.

Meanwhile, Milim was excited, Frieza didn't die from her punch in one blow in fact he was dodging and blocking most of her attacks and that doesn't happen often.

She now knew why Harry was cautious of Frieza, he's not a pushover and is as tenacious as herself and so for the first time in a while Milim was excited about a fight.

That was bad news for Frieza, who was struggling to block and dodge Milim's attacks but what was really getting on his nerves is that she was smiling and laughing like she was having the time of her life.


Broly roared towards the person who had attacked him so powerfully and watched as he created a massive orb of ki, the power behind that attack had the hairs on Broly's body stand up and he knew what was coming was going to be big so he got ready.

Harry watched as Broly began to charge up his ki in response to his attack {I see... he's not completely out of control, there's a bit of consciousness in his mind... the way he adapts and learns is impressive as well, but what kind of saiyan is he?}.

Harry had used his Rinnegan and his Observe Skill on Broly the moment he felt his attack hurt even a bit, he learned all his information as he watched as his stats continued to increase as time went on along with the amount of ki he had which has been increasing as well.

It was perplexing to Harry who had only seen this sort of thing in some of the most powerful beings he has battled before {It's not only that... it's like he's in a constant loop of increasing and healing as well, it's like he's constantly receiving zenkai boosts for just surviving the influx of his own power}.

Throughout his fight with Broly, he watched as he healed and got stronger by the second, it was like the saiyan genes in Broly were tailored towards battle and survival {It's like he was born to be nothing but a beast...}.

Harry frowned at this and even more so when he learned everything Broly had gone through thanks to his Observe skill, the abuse from his father, the betrayal of King Vegeta, and the years he spend surviving in that desolate and dangerous planet he called home.

It made Harry understand one thing and that was that Broly wasn't a bad guy but just the result of circumstance and bad people seeking to control something that was way out of their ability to control, it was all very sad to Harry.

But it also brought about a bit of excitement in him since Broly could pose a fight against him in his base form, and that's saying quite a lot since not many can boast to be able to do the same.

So with a smile on his face, Harry waved his hand toward Broly, the massive orb of ki he had formed above him suddenly began to spin and shot a multitude of smaller orbs of ki toward Broly.

Broly in response roared and shot off towards Harry engulfed in his green ki while tanking the orbs of ki raining down on him, this caused Harry to chuckle in amusement and as soon as Broly appeared in front of Harry he caught one of his punches with one hand "You're certainly strong Broly and quite talented in battle".

Broly growled and began to violently pull on his hand to try and set it free from Harry's grasp, but the Dragon God just smiled and continued speaking "It's been a while since I felt pain, especially since my scales a very strong but I felt that punch... so how about we have a little fun while we wait for Vegeta and Goku to arrive?".

Broly despite being out of control calmed down a little bit hearing Harry's tone of voice and Harry seeing he had relaxed he let him go, he then nodded "I know Broly... what it feels to be alone and being treated as a freak... I know how it feels to be mistreated by family when instead you should be protected and cared for... I know how it feels to have that beast inside you roar and flail about wanting to be free, so... let it free! Show me what you got and let's have some fun!".

Broly stayed in the air and stared into Harry's eyes for a few moments in silence, he didn't understand why or how but Harry's voice was reaching him from deep within his mind and he understood that Harry was like him.


Whis chuckled as he watched Harry connect to another person on a deep level, it was something unique to Harry something that perplexed him quite a bit {Harry has always been a very unique existence... his growth, his power, and his ability to connect to others... at first it might not seem important but even Lord Beerus has been affected by Harry's ability to connect to others... it's a power that not only makes him stronger but also those he connects to}.

Whis turned his head towards where the pink-haired girl was beating Frieza left and right with a fun-filled smile on her face, he then moved his gaze towards the girl with animal features who was watching Harry fight with a big smile on her face {These two are also connected to Harry and both of them could give Lord Beerus a run for his money... fufufu just what have you've been doing all of this time Harry?}.

Whis closed his eyes with a smile on his face as he reminisce about the time Harry participated in the Tournament of Power, back then Harry wasn't this powerful or skillful and he hadn't become a god yet.

That was another surprise to Whis as well, Harry had become a god, a true god that is not like the super saiyan god both Vegeta and Goku have mastered.

No Harry had become a god with control over various concepts and that was impressive in itself, sure he had the seeds of divinity back then but he and Beerus never thought he would actually become a god {But then again Harry Potter is just full of surprises... he even somehow become a saiyan too}.


Broly stared at Harry and growled before nodding letting Harry know that he heard him, Harry smiled and watched as Broly roared and powered up once again.

Meanwhile, Harry was also watching what Vegeta and Goku were doing with a monitoring spell, he watched as both argued and then eventually danced around and fused into a fat fusion of themselves {Fusion huh? Makes me curious what the result will be, both Trunks and Goten are extremely powerful when they both fuse after all}.

Harry nodded and then grinned at Broly "We have at least one hour before my friends come here to join in on the fun Broly! So let's make it count!".

Broly in response only roared and then shot forward towards Harry who yelled and engulfed his body in a green and black aura and received Broly's barrage of attacks with his own.

Every blow sent shockwaves everywhere further destroying the area and causing everyone in the area to stare up in surprise at the sheer destruction caused by just both Harry and Broly clashing against each other, both Kunou and Milim smiled as they watched Harry fight with a smile on his face.

Despite his peaceful nature and the fact that he was an inventor and a creator didn't change the fact that, Harry enjoyed a good fight and it showed right now with how happy he seemed to be fighting against Broly.


Frieza stared towards Harry in shock and anger as he watched him fight Broly and match him blow for blow, something he was unable to do even in his golden form "How!? How does he keep getting so strong!? It makes no sense!".

Milim turned her head away from Harry's fight and giggle "Wouldn't you like to know?" Frieza growled at Milim who just shrugged "I'm afraid that Harry's source of power is a secret to everyone who isn't family or friends, besides you knowing that information wouldn't change a thing... after all you will never catch up Harry".

Frieza glared at Milim in pure unadulterated rage as his body exploded and engulfed itself with a golden aura, Milim just smirked "Oops? I just pushed the Harry button huh?".

Frieza roared and then shot himself toward Milim and tried to hit her but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't touch her, that only served to feed his rage further.

Milim easily dodged all of Frieza's attacks "Wow! You are really prone to getting very angry~ but that just makes you sloppy!" Milim suddenly dodge a punch to her face and twirled around Frieza's arm.

Frieza's eyes widen in shock and couldn't do anything but receive a chop to the neck by Milim that sent him flying back, Milim then shot forward and followed Frieza's flailing body and appeared in front of his flying trajectory.

She then lashed out an elbow that struck Frieza on his spine making him scream in pain, Milim then swung around and back-heeled Frieza in the ribs sending him crashing down towards the ground.

Milim then pointed an open palm toward Frieza while her body was engulfed in a pink aura as she began to charge her next attack "Let's try this one! 'Grand Ray Zero!'".

A massive beam of black and pink energy shot forward from Milim's hand and raced towards a still-recovering Frieza, the frost alien only had time to widen his eyes in both surprise and shock as he was blasted by Milim's spiritual and ki-mixed Grand Ray Zero.


Bulma screamed from within Kunou's barrier as a massive explosion and boom shook the planet, Whis however smiled "Ohoho! How marvelous! What sort of strange and unique technique is that? I believe I've seen Harry use it before but I've never thought to ask about it, this one was mixed with ki and something else though hmm~".

Kunou smiled and answered Whis' question "That was a Grand Ray Zero and it's using the power within the negative side of the soul to bring about a massive beam of destruction, normally it wouldn't have much effect on powerful living beings but by mixing it with ki? Well, you saw the result".

Whis nodded and smiled "Interesting so that energy I felt before is the power of the soul... yes it is quite powerful but it didn't have much effect when Harry used it in the Tournament of Power, why didn't he mix it with ki then?".

Kunou shook her head "Perhaps he couldn't do that yet or since it's Harry who is using it, it might have been far more powerful than necessary so maybe he held back as well, you know about his title right?".

Whis nodded "The Master of Death was it?".

Kunou nodded "Yes that's right, that title makes spiritual-type techniques and attacks extremely powerful... plus with Harry, it actually damages the soul so maybe he didn't want to hurt anyone like that".

Whis hummed "I see... so he was limiting his skill set so as to not kill anyone, it's true that the Tournament of Power had limits placed upon the participants so that might have forced Harry to hold back quite a bit... extraordinary, to think that he might have been holding back even then".

Whis chuckled in amusement, Harry was a menace in the Tournament of Power and that earned him the respect and fear of the contestants but to think that even then he was holding back because of the rules set by Zeno-Sama {Now I'm even more curious than ever to the extent of your power Harry}.


Milim looked down towards Frieza and watched as his golden form dissipated and he became white in color as he layed there on the ground injured and unconscious, Milim huffed and crossed her arms "So much for the Emperor of the Universe... then again he was beaten around by that big guy for a while before we arrived".

Milim turned her head towards where Harry and the big saiyan were fighting at full force 'or at last Broly is' and smiled as she watched her boyfriend smirk as he dodge a punch and retaliate with one of his own towards Broly's body, only for the the big saiyan to block it with a knee and then try to grab Harry by the head.

Milim grinned while she watched Harry disappear is a blur only to appear behind the big saiyan who disappear and reappeared in a blur beside Harry, both fighters then began to do that none stop looking for an opening "Wow! That big guy is catching up to Harry in his current level of power! not bad~.


Harry blurred out of the way from a kick only for his eyes to widen when Broly suddenly waved an arm at him where he had reappeared and blasted a ki shockwave towards him, Harry covered his body with his arms and the energy shockwave crashed against him and exploded.

Broly shot off towards Harry immediately and punched towards him while he was covering his body with his arms, Harry growled and moved to the side and twirled around Broly.

He suddenly jumped back and then shot forward toward Broly and hit him with a high kick to the head, but Broly caught it and began to whip Harry around while dropping from the sky towards the ground at high speed.

Intending to slam Harry onto the ground Broly roared and whipped him towards the ground while Harry growled, suddenly Harry's body exploded in smoke and Broly found himself slamming a log onto the ground which confused him.

But Harry didn't give him any chance to even ponder what had happened and appeared behind Broly and jumped while twisting his entire body in mid-air.

Broly didn't noticed until he was struck in the back of the head by a spinning knee which made the big Saiyan lurch forwards while grunting in pain, Harry cupped his hands and suddenly roared "'Kamehameha!'".

Harry shot his cupped hands forward directly on Broly's opened back and blasted him with a massive blue beam of ki that dragged him away from the Dragon God screaming in pain.

But Broly suddenly roared and engulfed his body in a shroud of green ki that caused Harry's Blue beam of ki to explode, Harry chuckled finding Broly's stubborness amusing "Well, you're certainly tenacious!".

Broly suddenly appeared in front of Harry engulfed in green ki and launched a barraged of punches forcing Harry to backpedal and dodge them all, Harry's green eyes suddenly glowed as he pointed his opened hands towards Broly "'Shinra Tensei!'".

Broly was caught off guard by the sudden and violent force and was pushed back a bit but the big saiyan suddenly smashed his hand on the ground and stopped himself from being pushed away.

Harry grinned "You stopped that with only brute force, pretty cool" Broly actually grinned a bit and suddenly shot forward on all fours while Harry continued to try and sent him flying with his Shinra Tensei but Broly eventually caught up to Harry forcing him to stop his technique in favor of dodging a kick to the chest.

But Broly immediately moved forward and lashed out an elbow towards Harry which caught him in the chest causing him to grunt, he suddenly roared and pointed both open hands towards Broly "Hah!".

Broly found himself right in front of a barrage of ki blasts, the ki blasts crashed and violently exploded all over Broly's body causing him to grunt in pain, meanwhile, Harry took a big breath and suddenly belched a stream of red-hot flames that engulfed Broly's body.

Broly roared as he felt the flames of Harry's fire-breathing begin to burn his skin, it said a lot that magma didn't bother Broly but Harry's flames were actually beginning to burn him.

Broly not wanting to burn into ash suddenly took off flying away from Harry and the flames, Harry followed him with his fire breath for a bit before stopping and staring at Broly who continued to fly forward.


Kunou smiled and shook her head "Even though Harry is holding back he seems to be having a lot of fun, I think this is the first time I've seen him get damaged too... to bad his healing factor is healing everything that big guy is dishing out so fast".

Bulma "Harry is holding back? Just how strong did he become? He was already pretty strong and could fight and beat both Vegeta and Goku but you make it sound like he's not even trying now".

Kunou smiled at Bulma "It's because he isn't trying right now, the fact that he hasn't taken on another form or powered up is a big sign he's not going all out, in fact, I'm sure he's just having fun".

Bulma nodded and stared at Harry, she still remembers when she met him so long ago along with Goku in Mt Paozu.

According to Goku Harry someday just suddenly appeared sometime after his grandpa died and stayed with him to take care of him and train, it was later during their adventures to find the dragonballs that she and Goku learned about who and what he was.

At the time he was just a dragonlord who was going around different worlds learning and growing stronger, Goku of course accepted it right away and was happy to learn from Harry.

Her though, she was flabbergasted at what Harry had said, his existence proved the multiverse theory, and that just tickled her scientist brain.

She did a lot of tests with Harry after they finished their first adventure and while Goku and he were training with Master Roshi he would sometimes come to visit her, from all those tests she found a lot of new things.

She learned about other sources of energy, about supernatural physiology, and what it meant to be a dragon for Harry, over time he became a good friend and one that always visited her and her family something Goku wasn't good at.

But even though Harry liked to train and get stronger he also liked spending time with his friends and loved ones, the fact that he always took time to check on her and their other friends is proof of that, plus he was also very smart and liked to learn from her and her father.

Now that same powerful and intelligent boy she met had become something beyond whatever she had predicted, she can feel it in her bones after all.

She knew that Harry had become something extraordinary and she couldn't wait to hear all about what he's been up to in his travels.


Broly suddenly roared loudly and then pointed an open hand towards Harry and shot forward a massive orb of green ki towards him, Harry widen his eyes a bit and frowned at the massive orb of ki "Huh? So I can't dodge because this would blow up the planet... pretty smart but unfortunately for you, this tactic doesn't work on someone like me!".

Harry waved his arm in front of him and opened a massive portal using his control over space and then open another one in front of Broly who could only widen his eyes in shock before being blasted by his own massive orb of ki that exploded soon after, shaking the planet from the force of the blast.


Whis raised an eyebrow and tilted his head "How peculiar, to be able to rip space itself in two places simultaneously and so fast... so he really became a god".

Whis watched as the explosion subsided and Broly seemed a bit shaken by what had happened, and Whis could understand why, having your attack flung back at you so fast and so easily is disturbing enough as it is.

But the fact that Broly actually felt that must have brought some apprehension in his heart as well {Lucky for him it seems both Goku and Vegeta are finally done with what they're doing}.

Whis smiled knowing that Harry can now tag out since Vegeta and Goku were ready and he hoped that he can now answer a few questions.


Harry looked up at Broly and smiled but he suddenly felt a new ki signature that made him sigh he then teleported right in front of Broly and grinned "Looks like we're done playing for now big guy but don't worry, someone else will play with you now".

At that moment a new individual teleported right beside Harry and gazed at him from his side, he then smirked at Harry "Well if it isn't Harry, it is nice to see you but do you mind if I cut in? This guy and I have some unfinished business to deal with".

Harry chuckled "So you did fuse huh? What's your name then?".

The new individual pointed a thumb towards his chest and with a grin, he stated his name "I'm Gogeta!".

Harry nodded and then smiled "Alright Gogeta, go have your turn! Let's see what you can do".

Gogeta nodded and Harry teleported away from the area, the saiyan fusion turned towards Broly and smiled "Sorry to keep you waiting, but let's have some fun now!".

Broly now that Harry was gone roared and engulfed his body with his green ki and launched himself towards Gogeta ready to fight once again, Gogeta smirked and launched himself towards Broly to fight him with everything he has.


Harry teleported right beside Kunou and soon after Milim arrived as well as both Gogeta and Broly began to fight at full force, Milim jumped on Harry's back and laughed "Looks like you had some fun Harry!".

Harry chuckled and nodded "Definitely, it's been a while since I had a fight like that" Harry raised his hands up to his face and grinned "If I had fought Broly back when I was here I would have lost... he's stronger than Jiren".

Whis chuckled "You're right Harry, it's a good thing you've gotten stronger and wiser as well to have noticed that" Harry looked over at Whis and nodded.

Bulma smiled as she watched Gogeta fight against Broly "Ah! They did a fusion!".

Whis tilted his head "fusion?".

Harry was the one who decided to answer Whis' question while Bulma was distracted by watching the fight "Yeah it's a technique where two individuals fuse together to create a being far more powerful than the originals individually, the downside is that it only lasts an hour".

Whis hummed as he looked towards the fight and watched as Gogeta and Broly flew all over the place while trading powerful blows against each other "So like the potara earrings I see, how marvelous".

Harry nodded and then sighed "So can anyone explain what happened here, and where Broly even came from? Plus what is Frieza even doing here?".

Suddenly Gogeta and Broly crashed against the ground and began to fight underground and inside a giant pool of magma, Harry was using his Rinnegan to keep a close eye on the fight while he spoke with everyone.

Bulma unable to see the fight anymore decided to answer Harry's questions "Well apparently Frieza had a few of his goons steal the dragonballs from my lab, we don't know why though but when we found said goons Frieza appeared here and he brought that big saiyan and an old one with him".

Harry nodded and was a bit worried about the fact that Frieza came looking for the dragonballs {I'm going to have to do something about that...}.

Bulma continued while the ground shook from the fight going on underground, suddenly Harry felt something shatter reality but decided to actively begin to fix it while Bulma spoke "We still have to get the dragonballs back! Frieza's men still have them!".

Harry turned his head towards Kunou and Milim "Do you girls mind looking for them? They're these orange orbs these stars inside them, there's seven of them too".

Milim and Kunou smiled and nodded, soon after both took off flying while Harry began to protect Bulma now that Kunou left "Don't worry, the girls will find them soon but why did you have the dragonballs Bulma?".

Bulma blushed and stuttered a bit "Err...".

But Whis chuckled and answered the question instead of Bulma "Apparently Miss Bulma, has been collecting the dragonballs on and off to wish for a few years off of her so she could look younger and of course, just in case they're needed".

Harry deadpanned at Bulma which made her blush crimson red "...".

Bulma couldn't take it and exploded "You don't understand Harry! It's hard to be the wife of a saiyan! When they don't age! I have to do something to keep u- ouch!".

Bulma grabbed her forehead after Harry flicked her out of her rant and glared at him while Harry just continued to deadpan "Bulma, you can't just use the dragonballs for something like that, what's wrong with you?".

Bulma slumped defeated and looked down making Harry shake his head and sigh, Bulma then looked up at Harry "Sorry Harry...".

Harry just chuckled and nodded "You haven't changed one bit Bulma, still the crazy and short-fused woman as ever but don't worry I can actually grant you eternal youth, so please stop using the dragonballs for things like that okay?".

Bulma's eyes sparkled while she nodded vigorously while Whis chuckled, suddenly the air cracked above them like glass, and both Broly and Gogeta appeared in the sky still fighting.

This time however Gogeta seemed to have turned into super saiyan god blue and was beating Broly around now, Harry looked up and watched as Gogeta blasted Broly with a few interesting ki techniques.


Meanwhile, both Kunou and Milim arrived where Frieza's ship was located, they followed the energy signatures from the beings inside to find it and wasted no time in blasting themselves into the ship to look for the Dragonballs.

Of course, Frieza's men attacked them and tried to kill them but they were no match for the true demonlord and the nine-tailed fox, both took out and killed many of Frieza's men and eventually found two aliens running with the Dragonballs.

A female alien, with white hair and green skin, stopped and pointed her gun at the girls who just stared at them, her partner who was behind her and holding the dragonballs also stopped and glared at the girls.

But both Kunou and Milim just smiled, Kunou then spoke up "I'm going to have to ask you to hand over those dragonballs, they don't belong to Frieza or you both for that matter".

The green-skinned female alien shook her head and glare at both girls "No way! We have to help Broly before he gets killed fighting that other guy out there!".

The green-skinned alien suddenly shot her weapon and fired a laser at Kunou but the nine-tailed fox summoned her keyblade and easily blocked the laser, the green-skinned female alien growled seeing her weapon be useless against her.

Milim grinned "Look, you both don't seem like bad guys, or at least not like the other guys we found in here so just hand over the dragonballs and we won't hurt you okay?".

The green-skinned female alien frowned, looked down, and began to tear up, the other alien beside her looked at her worriedly "Cheelai...".

The now-revealed Cheelai shook her head "Lemo we have to help Broly...".

Both Milim and Kunou turned their head towards each other and stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds, Milim shrugged letting Kunou know that she didn't care what happens and that she could do whatever she wanted.

Kunou smiled and then turned her head towards Cheelai and Lemo "Look maybe we can help you, I'm sure we can help Broly if only because my boyfriend had fun with him, so how about you come with us and we can do something about all of this okay?".

Usually, Cheelai wouldn't trust someone she just met especially when said person seemed to be very dangerous, but right now she just wanted to help Broly so she nodded.

Lemo walked up to Kunou and handed over the dragonballs, Kunou then put them within her fluffy tails for safekeeping and then teleported everyone back to Harry.


As the fight between Broly and Gogeta continued to escalate, Harry took advantage to learn a few ki attacks and fighting techniques from both fighters, Gogeta then began to blast Broly with a massive ki blast which shook the area and unleashed a massive shockwave.

Whis smiled and stared at the explosion intently "Wonderful..." Harry nodded in agreement, that technique was very powerful and he knew that even he would have felt it.

Suddenly Kunou and Milim teleported back to them with two new additions, Harry raised an eyebrow as he watched the aliens panic as soon as they saw him.

The female alien even pointed a finger at him "You're the one Broly had a hard time-fighting!" the other alien glared but seemed more afraid than anything.

Harry turned his head towards Kunou who just smiled and began to explain "I didn't feel any darkness in their hearts so I knew they weren't bad guys like the others we found in Frieza's ship, they want to help Broly so I decided to bring them to you and see if you can and want to give them a hand~".

Harry smiled at Kunou and then turned towards the female alien "Alright, mind telling me your names?".

And so both Cheelai and Lemo would soon get to know a Dragon God, one that will change both theirs and Broly's life for the better in the future.