Chapter 121

Both aliens stared at Harry in silence for a few moments while Harry patiently waited for them to introduce themselves, the green-skinned female alien sighed and then glared at him "My name is Cheelai and that's Lemo" Cheelai pointed a thumb towards the old alien besides her.

Harry nodded and then smiled "Alright I'm Harry Potter and the girls who brought you here are Milim and Kunou" Kunou waved at them from Harry's side while Milim smiled at them.

Harry then continued speaking "Now what's this about helping Broly?".

Cheelai frowned and looked down, an explosion suddenly shook the area causing her to look towards where it came from, only to see Broly get blasted by an orb of ki "..." knowing that there was no time left she decided to answer Harry's question "Broly was forced to fight! He doesn't like fighting but Frieza made him lose control and now he's going to get killed! We have to help him!... He doesn't deserve this...".

Harry stared at Cheelai in silence for what seemed minutes, Harry then turned his head towards Kunou "Did you get the dragonballs?".

Kunou nodded and took one out of her fluffy tail and showed it to Harry "Yes! Cheelai and Lemo had them and think they wanted to use them to help Broly, how? I don't know".

Harry nodded and then turned his head towards Cheelai "I take it you wanted to make a wish on Shenron huh?".

Cheelai raised an eyebrow "Shenron?..." she suddenly shook her head and then spoke up "Wait that doesn't matter! I just wanted to have the dragonballs take Broly back to the planet he was found!"

Harry smiled "I see, well alright, but you don't need the dragonballs for that, I'll send him to whatever planet you want just tell me the name of the planet".

Cheelai looked unsure whether to trust Harry or not but Lemo decided to go ahead and give it a chance "Broly was found on the planet Vampa, he spoke fondly of it even if it is a harsh place to live in".

Harry hummed "Vampa huh?... Okay, give me a few seconds" Harry closed his eyes and then called up his connection to the Akashic Record, a multitude of screens made out of pure energy suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

Whis raised an eyebrow sensing something odd in the energy constructs but since he couldn't understand what they were showing he decided to quietly watch instead, Harry opened his eyes and then began to read the screen as they began to show some information that no one could understand.

Meanwhile, Cheelai was watching worriedly as Broly continued to try to fight the strange saiyan that was effortlessly beating him, suddenly Broly faltered and the strange saiyan cupped his hands as he began to charge energy in them.

The force of whatever he was going to do was powerful enough to make even her feel it and she began to worry for Broly, Harry suddenly smiled "I found it!".

Harry watched as Gogeta fired a very powerful Kamehameha at Broly, but before it could even touch the big saiyan Harry snapped his fingers and used his control over Space, teleporting Broly directly to Vampa.

Everyone including Gogeta widened their eyes in surprise while Harry relinquished his hold on his connection to the Akashic Record causing the energy made screens disappear.

He smiled and then nodded to to himself for a job well done "Okay! Broly is back on Vampa now" Cheelai and Lemo gaped but nodded not wanting to question Harry when he obviously can do some very powerful stuff.

Instead, they both took off running back towards Frieza's ship, everyone stared at them do so with curiosity but Harry just chuckled "I think they're going to go join Broly".

Harry then turned his head towards Gogeta who sighed and just shook his head now that everything was done, Harry suddenly teleported everyone right to his side but Gogeta wasn't surprised and just grinned at Harry "It's been a while Harry".

Harry smirked and then used his power over reality and snapped his fingers, Gogeta suddenly defused leaving both Goku and Vegeta rather confused as two what Happened.

Whis tilted his head in curiosity "My... just what was that? I felt reality suddenly shift and before that space actually folded on itself right over Broly, what interesting techniques Harry".

Harry smiled at the angel "They aren't techniques per se Master Whis but I'm directly manipulating the concepts of space and reality themselves".

Whis raised an eyebrow intrigued at what Harry just said but Goku suddenly pushed forward and engulfed Harry in a one-arm hug "Harry! You're really back and you're stronger than before!".

Harry chuckled and grinned at Goku "You've gotten stronger as well Goku especially since the Tournament of Power, I take it that you've been training nonstop since then?".

Goku sheepishly chuckled "I kinda had to! You never know what might come up and the Tournament of Power showed me just how much stronger that I need to grow, it was certainly an eye-opener".

Harry nodded having felt the same way, that eye-opener was the reason he went on his travels to look for further strength and power, Vegeta crossed his arms and sighed "So Harry, mind explaining why I can't sense your ki? I can feel divinity from you but that's it, I can't sense your overall power".

Goku nodded having noticed the same thing, Harry laughed a little "Well let's just say that I have become something far more complicated and leave it at that for now, don't worry though I'll explain everything soon but we still have something to take care of".

Harry turned his head toward the direction where Milim left Frieza unconscious, both Goku and Vegeta turned their head towards where Harry was looking and finally noticed Frieza's low energy signatures so they understood what he meant.

Everyone then took off flying towards where Frieza is, of course, Vegeta took Bulma with him in his arms as they headed to confront the frost alien.


Meanwhile, after a little while both Cheelai and Lemo arrived at Frieza's ship and walked inside, they were shocked to see many dead members of Frieza's army and were glad that both Kunou and Milim deemed them harmless otherwise they might have gotten killed as well.

After a while they arrived at the hangar and boarded one of the ships inside, Cheelai immediately turned the ship on and began to fly it out of the hangar of Frieza's ship.

Lemo walked up to where Cheelai was sitting and driving "So where to?".

Cheelai smiled "Well if we can trust what that Harry guy said, then Broly should be back on Vampa and I'm going there! Someone has to take care of the big oaf, especially now that he's all alone".

Lemo grinned "Then count me in as well! Well be safer with Broly anyways but first let's stop somewhere and buy some stuff we might need before we head to Vampa".

Cheelai grinned and nodded to Lemo "Sounds good!".

With that conversation finished both Cheelai and Lemo left the planet and headed toward where Broly is.


Harry looked up as soon as they arrived where Frieza was laying on the ground unconscious and looked up, he smiled as he watched the ship that Cheelai and Lemo were using to leave the planet, he knew where they were going and was glad to know that Broly has good friends.

The group also quietly watched Cheelai and Lemo's ship leave the planet and once it was gone they all look down towards Frieza, Harry then suddenly blasted a ki blast on Frieza's face which surprised everyone not expecting him to do that.

Frieza got up growling in pain and absolutely angry "Who dares hurt the mighty Frieza! I will kill you and everything you lov-".

But Harry cut him off "You're not going to do shit Frieza, not unless you want me to kill you before you could even twitch a finger" Frieza turned his head and glared towards Harry.

But once he noticed him, he somewhat calmed down and crossed his arms over his chest while scoffing "If it isn't the lizard... so you were the one who came to help the monkeys, why I am not surprised?".

Goku awkwardly chuckled while Vegeta just scoffed and crossed his arms while facing away from the group, Harry sighed and shook his head "It's nice to see you too bastard but mind telling me why you're looking for the dragonballs?".

Frieza frowned and looked reluctant to answer Harry's question but Harry narrowed his eyes at him "I will read your goddamn mind and find out myself Frieza, so what will be?".

Frieza growled and then clicked his tongue in annoyance "I wanted to wish for my size to increase a bit...".

"..." everyone stared at the frost alien while Whis was chuckling non-stop, Harry sighed and rubbed his eyes "Why is everyone using the dragonballs for stupid wishes like these? What's wrong with you guys?...".

Bulma sweatdropped while Frieza growled and then began to float "Well since your here my chances of using the dragonballs are practically zero so I'll be leaving, I have no desire to fight against any of you at the moment".

Harry however called out to Frieza before he could take off "I'll be making sure the dragonballs are never missed used again Frieza, the same with the ones in Namek as well so for your own good I would avoid trying to use them again".

Frieza huffed but nodded, he then engulfed his body in ki and took off flying towards his ship, Harry and everyone stared at Frieza's leave.

Suddenly Goku chuckled "I'm surprised how calm he always is when you're the one talking to him Harry, he's never that nice to us".

Vegeta scoffed "Anyone would be polite to Harry after fighting him once, he's not one to hold back and brings you an enormous amount of pain... remember what he did to me when I first tried to kill you all".

Goku nodded and Bulma suddenly jumped "Ah! That's right! Krillin told me that he and Harry let you go because Goku asked you to, but Harry still broke both of your knees and hit you with a curse for a while before he let you go!".

Vegeta physically shook at the reminder of what Harry did to him before he was allowed to leave earth, it certainly made him respect and fear the dragon.

Harry scoffed and pointed at Vegeta "This asshole blasted me off the planet and then beat me to the ground as I fell back to earth, then when he took on his great ape form sat on me and then proceeded to stomp me until I stopped moving... he's lucky I didn't cut off his balls for that".

Goku laughed and nodded "Ah! I remember that! That was the hardest battle we had so far at that time and we both were overwhelmed a bit but as soon as Vegeta stopped holding back that's when things got dicey! Good times~".

Harry sighed while Vegeta just huffed, Harry shook his head "Goku I love you like a brother but sometimes I want to punch you in the face as hard as I can".

Goku just grinned "Hahaha Chi-chi says the same thing just without the 'like a brother' part".

Harry just chuckled while Bulma grinned and spoke up "I can't imagine why Chi-chi would say that..." the sarcasm wasn't lost on anyone right now.

Everyone shared a laughed for a few moments, even Vegeta did as well and soon enough Frieza's ship suddenly took off into the sky and quickly left the planet.

Harry seeing this nodded and then spoke up to everyone "Alright guys, let's all go back! I have a lot to tell you and I'm sure your all curious about what I've been up to".

Everyone nodded except Milim and Kunou who just smiled at Harry, everyone then decided to go to Bulma's house to talk since Beerus was there, so Harry teleported everyone right to where he sensed Beerus was resting.


Everyone found Beerus taking a nap with Bra sitting on his chest and giggling herself silly trying to reach for his ears, Bulma immediately walked up to Beerus and picked her daughter up into her arms, and began to talk to her while Bra giggled at her mother's silliness.

Beerus opened an eye and stared at everyone, he then grinned when he saw Harry "If it isn't the dragon, it's been a while... and you feel different, more powerful too".

Harry grinned at Beerus "Lord Beerus, it has been a while sure and yeah... a lot has happened, I take it you were keeping an eye on everything that was happening?".

Beerus opened his other eye and sat up, he yawned and stretched for a little bit and then nodded at Harry "Yes, I was aware when you arrived along with the girls beside you, I guess you helped with the situation as well?".

"Yeah, that Broly was strong you know? With a little bit of training he could even give you a run for your money Beerus".

Beerus grinned at Harry and nodded "Never mind the saiyan, I'm more curious as to why you feel like Zeno-sama and how strong you've really become".

Vegeta raised an eyebrow "You can't sense his energy either Lord Beerus?".

Beerus just continued to grin "No, only the fact that it's divine in nature is the only thing I can sense... either he has ascended way past what a God of Destruction can accomplish or he has become something else entirely".

Goku and Vegeta looked perplexed while Whis just smiled, Bulma turned her head towards everyone and began to pay attention to everything that was being said since she was curious as well.

Harry lightly laughed and nodded "Then perhaps I should explain what I've been up to and what has happened to me on the rest of my journey, buckle up everyone because is quite the story".

Everyone nodded and Harry began to explain what he's been up to after he left this world and about the sort of worlds he's visited and lived in for a while, he also explained the sort of skills, techniques, and magic he picked up along the way.

Everyone even Whis and Beerus were surprised at everything Harry told them, sure Goku, Bulma and to some extent, Vegeta knew of Harry's circumstances and the fact that he's a dimensional traveler but the whole scope of the rest of his journey was unknown to them.

Beerus and Whis only knew the gist of it since Harry wasn't too keen on revealing everything to them, he trusted Whis but not Beerus and he knew that he was not someone to be careless about.

Beerus chuckled "You bastard, to think you would hide all of this from me, I should destroy you for keeping such secrets from your God of Destruction".

Harry just smirked, "You're not my God of Destruction remember? I'm from another world plus like hell, I would reveal other worlds to someone like you, you tend to act like a child and destroy things on a whim".

Beerus's eye twitched in annoyance while Whis laughed and then spoke up "Young Harry does make a good point Lord Beerus though... that does make me wonder why Harry would reveal all of this to us now?".

Everyone nodded wondering that as well, Harry shrugged and then smiled "Beerus is not a threat to me anymore and I can deal with him quite easily if he tries anything funny against my world".

Beerus narrowed his eyes at Harry "Oh? You think you can beat me now Harry?".

Harry tilted his head and nodded "Of course, I can but I rather not fight you and accidentally destroy this universe, I only have to kill the Supreme Kai and then bring him back to life to deal with you".

As soon as Harry said those words Beerus immediately jumped and powered up, Kunou immediately rose a barrier to protect everyone and everything around them while Harry just huffed "All I have to do is wish for the Supreme Kai to die and he will immediately drop dead before you can even move an inch, so Lord Beerus you better relax".

Beerus growled and powered down, he hated to admit it but out of everyone he met, Harry is the most dangerous foe one could ever face, he was after all one to prepare hundreds of steps ahead of you just to make you utterly powerless to face him.

But to think he would do that to a God of Destruction, Whis chuckled "My, he has you in a checkmate Lord Beerus but... how do you know about that Harry?".

Harry smiled "Goku and Vegeta mentioned it after they faced Goku Black and I confirmed it later when I received the ability to connect to the Akashic Records, the moment I arrived back into this world I tagged the Supreme Kai with an instant death technique... all I have to do is wish for his death and poof he drops dead, of course, I would bring him back to life right away but that would get rid of Beerus permanently".

Beerus nervously began to sweat while Whis just sighed "I did warn you about causing to much trouble Lord Beerus, eventually someone was going to get tired of your aloof attitude towards destroying planets".

Vegeta sighed "Don't feel too bad Lord Beerus, Harry is a guy's that can hold a grudge, and eventually, he will get even, one way or the other... he's not one to let bygones be bygones".

Goku and Bulma nodded having known this about Harry all this time, it was something that was both scary and endearing to them since Harry only really acted like that when it came to his loved ones.

Do you want to get under his skin, or piss him off? Then go after someone he cares about, but know that he will get even, and if he doesn't kill you, he will make you suffer for it.

It was something that Vegeta knew too well as well, as mentioned before when he first came to earth and attacked along with Nappa he came to understand that Harry wasn't one to mess with.

He isn't naive or kind-hearted like Kakarot, no he is cunning and cold when dealing with enemies and has no hesitation when it comes to killing his enemies, honestly, the only reason he was alive right now was that Harry decided to humor Kakarot and let him live.

Though he did make sure Vegeta paid for everything he had done, the end result? The proud Prince of all Saiyans ended up with two shattered knees and unimaginable pain from that Crucio or whatever spell mumbo jumbo Harry had hit him with.

All of that had earned Harry the respect of Vegeta, Nappa had also suffered at the hand of the now Dragon God, when Harry and Kakarot arrived Harry wasted no time in beating and then violently killing Nappa by ripping his spine out.

Luckily for Vegeta, Kakarot had called dibs and he faced him while Harry watched but after a while, he joined and boy did Vegeta regret his life choices, he put up a big fight against both Harry and Kakarot but he was soon forced to take on his great ape form.

As a multiplier form, Vegeta was able to overpower Harry and he wasted no time in taking him out first, though he only succeed in knocking him unconscious after violently attacking him, after that taking on Kakarot was a piece of cake.

Still, all of that showed Vegeta that Harry was one of those individuals you didn't want to end up on the wrong side of, though now Harry has become an ally and even a friend to Vegeta he was still wary of him.

Harry smirked at Beerus "You didn't think I would forget how you just appeared out of nowhere, picked a fight, and threatened this planet, did you? I still remember the beating you gave me too and I don't forget those who beat me to an inch of my life".

Harry narrowed his eyes at the God of Destruction and Beerus just glared back at him, in hindsight he can't blame Harry for doing all of that and he can admit that he had somehow deserved it as well "You think Zeno-Sama would allow you to do all of that?".

Harry smirked, "He would, unless he doesn't want all his destroyers and angels to stay alive, after all even he can't mess with Death... Death comes for us all after all".

Suddenly as if being summoned, a dreadful aura spread around the area, an aura so thick and cold that it made everyone shiver, especially Beerus and Whis.

Harry just went on "The first time I arrived in this universe caused my connection to the conceptual being known as death to be cut off because of Zeno-sama's influence in this universe, it also didn't help that Death's influence in this world was not the same as others but now that I'm stronger, now that I'm a Dragon God and that I have powers beyond your understanding... Death now has the ability to join this universe, my Death has now arrived and we don't like to play fair".

Suddenly behind Harry a feminine silhouette took form, it was big and was shrouded in a black cloak that covered her eyes but the thing that shook everyone was the fact, that it was engulfing Harry in a loving hug with a soft smile on her face.

Both Beerus and Whis jumped in what seemed to be fright, Whis actually backpedaled "W-what is this?! It's far stronger than Zeno-sama! but... all I can feel is Death! The end of all things!".

Beerus froze and just stared at the being behind Harry in silence until she suddenly seemed to move her head towards him and smirk, which caused the God of Destruction to shiver in horror.

Soon Death vanished with an amused giggle but the coldness in the air stayed which left everyone feeling cold, except Bra, Kunou, and Milim unaffected by Death's presence for some odd reason that everyone else didn't understand.

Harry smiled "I can instant kill anyone now and if necessary Death and I can fight off both Zeno-samas and come out on top, if I feel in the mood I can even summon my girlfriends and have them help and they're far more powerful than any of you can imagine as well, but we don't have to worry about that if you play nice and behave Lord Beerus".

Beerus narrowed his eyes and then gazed at both Kunou and Milim who only smiled and waved at him, Milim suddenly grinned and then spoke up "There's more of us! and Harry made sure that we're powerful enough to fight off anyone too!".

Kunou nodded "We all have our expertise and all kinds of unique abilities as well plus we have a few instant death techniques as well, and that's not even counting on the fact that Harry has given us all kinds of skills as well.".

Harry smiled "From the moment I arrived home and found people to love and care for I decided to prepare them to fight and defeat beings like you, I know of the true horrors laying in wait in the multiverse and I for one wasn't going to sit on my thumbs and wait for some bored god like you Beerus, to show up and threaten my world and family".

Beerus stared at Harry in silence until he scoffed and looked away "Fine, have it your way Dragon... I won't hurt your precious ones".

Whis chuckled and shook his head "I have to say, Harry, you're terrifying as an enemy ohoho!".

Harry grinned at Whis "Regretting training me Master Whis?".

Whis stopped laughing and then smirked at Harry "Not at all".

Beerus sighed "If you're done with your threats and whatnot can you continue with your story? I must admit, I'm even more curious about what you have been doing back in your world".

Beerus seemed calm but Harry and Vegeta noticed he was still quite tense, it seems like he was still shaken by Harry's preparations to make sure he wouldn't be a threat again but Harry didn't care and just continued.

He then told them about his world, what he had done when he got back, the Yokai Faction, Neo Kyoto, and everything they had accomplished together, and of course about his big chaotic family.

It surprised Bulma and Goku quite a bit at the size of Harry's family but they were truly happy for him, they knew he had the dream of having a big family someday and they were glad he had gotten what he always wanted.

Vegeta was interested in all the ways someone can train and get stronger in Neo Kyoto and seemed rather excited about it, this of course piqued Goku's interest as well.

Bulma however was more interested in the technological advancements of Neo Kyoto and was rather curious about all the projects Harry was working on, she knew that Harry had quite the mind for technology and was an inventor by heart.

Everyone listened to Harry for a few hours as he told his tale and eventually everyone had to move to Bulma's living room, Bra had ended up in Harry's arms and as he told everyone what's been going on in his life he played with Bra and kept her entertained.

This allowed Bulma to take mental notes and keep track of everything Harry was telling them, Goku and Vegeta were, of course, excited as well along with Whis himself who seemed pretty curious as well.

Even Beerus seemed to be paying a lot of attention to everything Harry was telling them and quietly sat there intently listening to Harry, eventually Harry finished catching everyone up with everything he had been doing lately.

Harry poked Bra on her belly and made her giggle as he spoke up again "That's everything so far guys, I decided to come here and visit after I finished dealing with the Greek Faction and had time to relax".

Bulma sighed and leaned back on her couch "Wow... that's quite a lot you've been up to Harry, honestly it all sounds amazing and I had seen a lot myself".

Goku crossed his arms and hummed "I'm more interested in all of those powerful beings that live in your world Harry, there are even Dragon Gods over there! I want to fight them!".

Harry chuckled while Bulma, Vegeta, and even Beerus sweatdropped "I'm afraid that not even the gods of my world would pose a challenge for you Goku, sure some of them might have some unique abilities that might give you some difficulties but they're not something you can't handle".

Goku just widely smiled "But I bet I can learn some things from fighting them!".

Harry raised an eyebrow but nodded since he couldn't really argue with that statement "Well that's true, plus your the type to learn from your opponents in mid-battle so... yeah I can see it happening actually".

Goku just laughed and nodded to Harry while everyone just sighed, Vegeta then spoke up "I'm more interested in the ways the people of Neo Kyoto can grow strong and that Natural Dungeon as well".

Milim grinned "Ah! Everyone in Neo Kyoto can grow powerful, all they have to do is put in the effort! Harry, Le Fay, Jessica, and Hermione have placed training chambers with time dilation and gravity controls for anyone to use and the Natural Dungeon can spit out some very powerful monsters and bosses".

Harry grinned at Vegeta "You actually appear as a boss in one of the deeper floors of the dungeon Vegeta or rather the you I fought when you and Nappa came here".

Vegeta raised an eyebrow at that while Kunou giggled "You're actually a very popular boss in Neo Kyoto Mr. Vegeta, in fact, you even have a fan club too! Something about the way you furiously fight just appeals to Yokai in general!".

Vegeta smirked and seemed rather proud which just made both Goku and Bulma smile, Whis hummed and then decided to raise some questions "This Natural Dungeon seems very interesting, I take it that the monsters and bosses found inside are the ones you have fought during your travels right? What are the requirements?".

Harry smiled at Whis "Yes the Natural Dungeon has been spawning enemies that I have faced before for quite some time, one day it just connected to me and began connecting to all the worlds I've been to and using the information on enemies to create and fill its floors with all sorts of beings".

Milim scratched her head "When that started happening the smart ones in the family studied everything as much as they could, Hermione explained to us once that the conditions seem to be that, Harry has to be the one to fight the enemies and beat them before they can spawn in the Natural Dungeon".

Whis nodded "I see you wouldn't find me or Lord Beerus inside the dungeon, Harry has fought us but never defeated us... though I did spar with him while I trained him, would that qualify?".

Kunou shook her head "No, it has to be a real fight otherwise nothing happens! In fact, Mr. Goku appears as a boss on multiple floors, each one as a kid".

Goku tilted his head "Huh? Why as a kid?".

Harry smiled "Well, the only times you and I ever fought seriously was during the tournaments as kids, we really did go all out and tried to beat each other down at those times".

Goku awed and then nodded "Ah! So that means Krillin, Yamcha, and Tien appear in the Natural Dungeon! How cool!".

Harry nodded and chuckled "Yeah, even Piccolo Dai Maou appears and Piccolo as Junior as well, they caused a lot of guild members a lot of problems progressing in the dungeons".

Milim giggled "For a long time everyone had to gang up on Piccolo! The guilds had to send whole armies and train none stop! Not surprising though because Piccolo has a lot of very explosive and destructive techniques".

Goku nodded and completely agreed, Piccolo was a very dangerous adversary in his youth and was not surprised the guilds in Neo Kyoto had a hard time facing him, he himself was almost beaten by him multiple times during the tournament where they faced off.

Harry made Bra float and fly around with magic which made her laugh out loud in fun while he continued to speak "Every being from this world that appears in the Natural Dungeon forces everyone to adapt and grow stronger, I'm actually very proud of everyone that they never gave up or grew discouraged".

Milim grinned "It also helped that Harry and everyone at home are always happy to train and help anyone that needs it, that's why Neo Kyoto is the strongest in the world!".

Everyone even Beerus smiled at Milim's enthusiasm while Harry and Kunou laughed in amusement, Bulma then spoke up to ask Harry something "Hey Harry?".

Harry turned his head towards Bulma and smiled "Yeah?".

Bulma smiled back at Harry "Are you going to connect this world to yours?".

It was a good question since this world is filled with very powerful and dangerous beings, Harry closed his eyes and thought about Bulma's question "Well to be honest, I'm very hesitant to connect both worlds, I don't have to worry about the angels and destroyers anymore but there's always someone strong popping out of nowhere here...".

Bulma and Vegeta nodded knowing how true that was, Beerus just looked away but inwardly agreed with Harry since this universe always has something or the other happening, meanwhile Goku tilted his head in confusion since he didn't understand what was so bad about that.

Harry looked up "I guess I can if I find a great secret place to make a gate and ward it to hell and back on both sides but even then it is a risk... I don't want to risk my world or my family".

Bulma nodded "Yeah that makes sense, I would love it if I could visit whenever I wanted, in fact, I'm sure many of us would love to but you do have good reasons not to do it".

Harry frowned "Let me think about all of this a bit longer, maybe I can come up with a way to allow everyone to visit whenever but give me some time".

Bulma smiled and nodded knowing that Harry will be able to come up with something, Goku then stood up and stretched "You should go and visit Chi-chi Harry, she's missed you a lot and maybe you can get her to relax a bit~ she's been on my case for a while now".

Harry chuckled "I bet it's because you're always going off to train Goku, but I'll see what I can do! No promises though, you might have to take your lumps like a man".

Goku just smiled and nodded "Sounds good! I'll go ahead and let her know your coming!" with that said Goku teleported away and Harry just shook his head.

Bulma smiled "Next time you come over bring the whole family, I want to meet everyone".

Harry smiled "Well you better prepare for the chaos that will rain down on your house Bulma!" Bulma just grinned letting Harry know that she welcomed it.

Which made him chuckle, Harry then turned his head towards Whis and Beerus "Despite everything, I am happy I got to see you both".

Whis just smiled and nodded, and Beerus just closed his eyes and smiled a bit "It is good to see you again too Dragon" Harry smiled at Beerus and Whis, then waved two fingers at Vegeta who did the same with a grin and with that Harry teleported himself, Kunou and Milim to Mt Paozu.

Bra floated to Bulma with the help of Harry's magic while giggling and Bulma grabbed her from the air and hugged her daughter with an amused smile on her face "That was your uncle Harry! Wasn't he awesome?" Bra laughed and clapped her tiny hands in agreement with her mother's words.