Chapter 218

After Harry heard everything Rukia and Renji had to report about the upcoming meeting between himself and Genryusai, both Shinigamis were then escorted by Yasaka to visit Neo Kyoto, while Harry stayed behind to think about the situation.

He wasn't kidding when he said that he was busy, so he had pushed back so many things and events that he had pending, among those, were the meeting between himself and the captain of the Gotei thirteen, a meeting between himself and the Fay's Queen, Titania and of course a few other things that have popped up over time.

Honestly, he had even forgotten some of these things he needed to be doing, so, Harry began to think, that perhaps, it was time to get some of those things done, especially now and before everyone moved on to the second stages of the many plans he has for Neo Kyoto and preparing for war.

As Harry thought over the many things he had to do, a voice suddenly called out to him from nearby, "Jeez Harry, you look so serious, did something happen?".

Harry looked over to his side and saw none other than Rimuru in his slime form sitting beside him, "Rimuru? Where did you come from? And how long have you been sitting there?".

Rimuru tilted his entire body to the side and gave Harry an odd look, "I've been here for a while dude, you must have been thinking really hard if you didn't notice me or even see me".

Harry sighed but nodded, "Looks like it... sorry about that Rimuru, I was just thinking about a few things I have to take care of".

Rimuru nodded and then raised a small little limb, which he waddle side to side, "Nah don't worry about it, being a leader sucks when it keeps you so busy, I know that more than anyone.

But forget that! Anything I can help you with? I'm not too busy right now you know? In fact, I've been world-hopping all over the place and having so much fun! So might as well help and be productive for a while".

Harry smiled at his friend, "Oh? Going around and sightseeing huh? Anything interesting?".

Rimuru excitedly bounced on the couch a couple of times before telling Harry about his world-hopping trips, Harry smiled as Rimuru told him about how he went to Yoshi Island and rode a blue Yoshi.

How he went to the Digital World to meet real Digimon, how he helped the Mario Brothers clear a few pipes of koopas and goombas, had tea with Princess Peach and Zelda, how he and Link kicked the butt of a mask-wearing skull kid.

How he visited all the ninja hidden villages and met with all sorts of ninjas, he even found a lab and ended up using his skill Beelzebub to absorb it all when he found out that there were some very dangerous people who had been enhanced and kept asleep in there.

Plus he also got to meet all the bijuu as well, overall, Rimuru seemed to have been having a lot of fun lately, "Then I rode on top of Kurama for a bit! That was cool, honestly, Kurama wasn't as grumpy as I thought he would be!".

Harry chuckled and nodded, "Well, he mellowed out a lot after living with Naruto and the Uzumaki for so long, plus I heard that Himawari hangs out with him a lot now, so he's probably learned to be more patient".

Rimuru nodded, he then continued to speak, "The only other place I want to visit next is Soul Society, I want to see a Shinigami, maybe even fight one, and see if I can learn something from them. They do have quite the cool magic system and sword skills".

Harry grinned and then decided to explain something to Rimuru about what was happening, "Soul Society huh? I was actually thinking about it now, well about a whole bunch of things actually.

But Soul Society is part of that, I have to make a visit there soon, so how about we go together, who knows, maybe we'll have a cool adventure along the way, just like old times".

Rimuru actually wobbled in excitement when Harry mentioned an adventure, he really missed exploring with him, which is something both Rimuru and Harry did often in Tempest, "Oh! That sounds like a ton of fun! But what do you have to go there for?.

As far as I remember, you're not really fond of the place right?".

Harry nodded, "Yeah, it's usually not a place I would consider visiting much, but I do have friends there that I want to see again, plus, the Captain-Commander wants to meet with me and it seems serious".

Rimuru wobbled his head body up and down, he was nodding to let Harry know he understood, "The Captain-Commander huh? Isn't that, the very powerful and scary grampa?".

Harry raised an eyebrow and nodded, "So this world made it into the media of yours as well, huh?".

Rimuru nodded again, "Yup! Though I've only watched the anime, I did hear the manga got super awesome later but I didn't want to start to read it yet, so I waited and hoped that it would be made into the anime as well".

Harry hummed as he considered what Rimuru just told him for a few seconds, "How far did the anime show?".

Rimuru looked up and seemed to think for a few seconds before answering Harry's question, "I think it got as far as Aizen's defeat and then there was a movie in which Ichigo goes to hell to save his sister, Yuzu I think".

Harry raised an eyebrow at that little bit of information, "So we don't know what's happening soon huh?".

Rimuru nodded, "Yeah, though I did hear rumors like quincies are going to be involved and some big revelations about Ichigo would be made, but I really didn't want to be spoiled so, I ignored all of that".

Harry nodded in understanding and then stood up, "Well, no reason to stay here pondering about all of this, might as well deal with what's to come, let go to Soul Society in about four days".

Rimuru hopped off the couch and nodded, "Sounds good, that will also give me some time to go back to Tempest and check how things are doing before we go on another adventure!".

Harry grinned and Rimuru and nodded, "Yeah, I have a few things to do for the Digimon Tamer's Guild but it shouldn't take too long I can't leave things hanging to much over there, otherwise Tony will have a breakdown".

Rimuru laughed at Tony's situation, that man does not like administrative work, but it says a lot about him that he's willing to do this for the DigiDestined, it seems like having a daughter in Morgan has made him change quite a bit and for the better.

(Four days later)

Both Harry and Rimuru spent the last four days setting things up and making sure everything would be alright in their absence, in Tempest, everyone in charge of things pretty much had everything down, though Rimuru did have to sneak away, otherwise, Shion would have forced herself on this trip.

Harry just made sure that things were going to run smoothly in the guild, though with Izzy, Yolei, and Tony dealing with things there, there wasn't anything to worry about.

So, both, slime and dragon god left for Karakura town early in the morning via a portal, both soon arrived in the room that had been set up for the Kurosaki family to visit whenever, a room built by Harry in the very same Kurosaki household.

Rimuru was pretty excited to visit this world, in his past human life, he had been a fan of Bleach, so getting to see more of this world was pretty exciting for him, sure he met Yoruichi and had quite the nerd attack about that, but getting to see this world with Harry was a whole different thing.

Both he and Harry soon walked out of the room designated as the portal room and walked into the living room of the Kurosaki household, Yuzu and Karin who had been watching TV, immediately turned their heads to see who was coming over, only to see Harry and Rimuru stepping out of the room.

Yuzu immediately stood up and went to give her brother in all but blood a big hug in greeting, Harry hugged Yuzu back with a small warm smile and then gave her a head pat, "Hey Yuzu, how have you been?".

Yuzu looked up and smiled at Harry, "I've been great big bro! I learned a ton of new recipes from Himiko-chan and I've gotten even stronger as well! I'll be able to kick your butt in no time soon!".

Harry chuckled at Yuzu's excitement, meanwhile, Karin huffed as she got off the couch and walked over to Harry and Yuzu, "You can kick his butt now Yuzu, I don't think big bro would fight back against you, you know?".

Yuzu pouted at her twin sister, Harry smiled at Karin and pulled her into a one-armed hug, which got Karin to grumble but she didn't do anything against it, in fact, she had a small shy smile on her face, "And you Karin? How have you been?".

Karin looked up towards Harry and gave him a shrug, "Meh, it's been okay, a bit boring with Hope and Morgan gone, but other than that, it's been about the same, where are they anyways?".

Harry hummed for a bit before he answered Karin's question, "I think they're in another world with Yoruichi and Koneko, something about giant transforming robots, they're testing a weapon we designed in order to improve it".

Karin nodded, though she seemed pensive, Yuzu however, decided to ask her big bro what he was doing here, "Hey big bro, what are you doing here anyways? I know you didn't exactly come for a visit since you're very busy right now, right?".

Harry smiled at Yuzu and nodded, "Yeah, but I've been summoned to Soul Society, I decided to just go there and be done with it, since it sounds like it's going to be a bit serious".

Yuzu nodded and then frowned a bit, "Shouldn't you wait for Ichi-ni? If it's really serious you might need some help or a bit of backup".

Karin nodded in agreement to her twin's idea, "Yeah, knowing your crazy and random luck, things might be to dangerous or serious".

Harry chucked at the mention of his very tsundere luck, "Well, Ichigo is in school right now and he already misses a lot of it because of his duties as a substitute shinigami, so I don't want to drag him into whatever is going on.

Besides, my buddy Rimuru is coming with me, he's plenty strong and I'm sure he can handle anything that might happen".

Both Yuzu and Karin turned to look at Rimuru at the same time, which made him jump a bit from the suddenness of it, both Karin and Yuzu stared at him for a bit, which only served to make him a bit nervous, Yuzu then suddenly spoke up, "Big bro, is this another girlfriend? I don't think I met her, who is she?".

Karin nodded, "I mean she's cute and all, but she doesn't look that strong, you sure you don't want to take Ichi-nii with you?".

Rimuru was stabbed through by two metaphorical arrows right then and there, one in the chest and the other in the back of the head, which made the poor slime wince and slump in both pain and defeat, "But... I'm a guy...".

Harry chuckled at his friend's predicament, the poor guy is always getting confused for a girl, but then again, he really looks like one and the fact that Shion and Shuna dress him in girl's clothes often doesn't help his case, "Rimuru is a guy, girls and he's actually a demon lord from Milim's world, he's among the strongest beings there".

Both Yuzu and Karin stared at Rimuru even more intensely now, which made him sweat, he nervously raised a hand and waved hello to the twins in hopes of calming down things, "Err... hello there! It's nice to meet you both...".

Yuzu suddenly hummed and gave Rimuru a check-over, "... Why do I get the sudden urge to dress you in all kinds of different clothes?".

Karin nodded and hummed as well, "Yeah... it's like I just need to see him in a dress or something... I don't even like dresses".

Rimuru immediately took a step back and shook his head at high speed, "Nooo! No more of that please! Harry! Do something!".

Harry, however, smiled and turned around, "I'm going to go see if Mom is home, I kinda want to talk to her right now".

With that said, the dragon god walked away from the situation Rimuru got himself in, Rimuru reached out to Harry while Yuzu made her way towards him, "Harry! Don't leave me like this! Broooo!".

Yuzu grabbed Rimuru's wrist and gave him an overly sweet smile, "Let's go to my room! I have a few outfits that would look cute on you!".

Rimuru looked on in despair as Harry walked out of the living room and Yuzu began to pull him upstairs with Karin following them both up the stairs.

Having abandoned Rimuru to his fate, Harry walked into the kitchen of the Kurosaki household and found Masaki washing dishes while humming, though she soon smiled as she sensed Harry stepping into the kitchen, she quickly turned around and gave him a big and warm hug, "Harry! How have you been? Are you eating well?".

Harry chuckled at Masaki's questions and hugged her back, "I've been good Mom, busy and all of that and yes, I've been eating well, you know how the girls are, they always make sure I take care of myself".

Masaki smiled and gave Harry a nod, "Good! A big boy like you needs to eat a lot"

Harry shook his head and smiled at his mother in all but blood, "Mom, I'm not a kid anymore you know? I'm super old now".

Masaki shrugged and giggled in amusement, embarrassing her two sons was her favorite thing to do after all, "Nonsense, you and Ichigo will always be my little boys, doesn't matter how big and old you get!".

Harry sighed, he and Ichigo have always gotten this treatment from Masaki, and despite being a bit embarrassed about it, they both quite enjoy having her frett over them, it has made them realize that both of them are a bit of a mama's boys, no that they mind, Masaki is an awesome mom after all.

So Harry just nodded to his mother and accepted his fate "Fiiine Mom, jeez, anyways, where's the old man? Is he being lazy or something?".

Masaki giggled at the way Harry addressed her husband, both he and Ichigo treat their father quite harshly at times, but Isshin brought that on himself with his shenanigans.

Still, Masaki knew that both Ichigo and Harry respected their father, it was just hard to actually show him that respect, especially when Isshin was acting up and both her sons had to beat him up, "He's out on a medical convention in Tokyo, he should be back in a few days, why? What's going, Harry?".

The matriarch of the Kurosaki family was very happy that Harry had come over to visit, but she also knew that he had come for something else, Harry is not one to come unannounced, he usually called whenever he was coming over to be with them or to just spend some family time with the Kurosakis as family.

So, something must be going on, Harry sighed and smiled at Masaki, "Can never hide anything from you huh?".

Masaki just grinned at Harry and nodded, "That's right! No one can fool a mom, much less their sons! Now spill mister, what's going on?".

Harry chuckled in amusement, Masaki has always been a kind and caring mother, but there were moments where she showed this youthful exuberance that just made her shine, with that in mind Harry then began to explain why he came for a visit and what he was going to be doing.

Masaki silently and patiently waited for Harry to tell her everything, soon enough Harry finished explaining and Masaki stood there with a very expressive and pensive face, "The Captain-Commander of the shinigami wants to speak with you?

That's kind of serious, right? I remember Ichigo and you telling me how powerful and imposing that man is, given how old he is and that he holds a high rank among the Soul Society, then whatever he summoned you for must be serious... do you think it's because of your title?".

Harry shook his head, "No, I think Genryusai knows I'm the Master of Death and he has shown me some sort of respect before, but he's never said anything to anyone nor made any moves about it either.

In fact, he seems content to just let me do as I please and cover for me, kind of disturbing actually, especially with how much of a hard ass he is to everyone else"

Masaki nodded at Harry, "That's true... then what could it be? It can be the hollows, Ichigo and his friends have been taking care of them lately and attacks have been scarce to begin with, it can't be the Arrancar either, we haven't sensed any of them lately either".

Harry hummed as he absorbed the information Masaki just told him, "... Honestly, I have no clue what the Old Man wants, it could be just about anything really".

Masaki scratched her head in confusion, she honestly had no idea what the shinigami would want from Harry, most of them don't really like him, he does have some friends among the captains and their lieutenants, but most of the citizens of Soul Society steer clear from him.

Still, Masaki had one last concern, "What about that rejection you told me about? Can it still affect you?".

Harry shook his head, "No, I'm way more powerful than what I was back then, there's no way the rejection can affect me as it did when I was weakened and not as strong as I am now, don't worry Mom I'm going to be okay, besides, I brought help as well".

Masaki raised an eyebrow and on cue, Yuzu and Karin stepped into the kitchen while dragging a complaining Rimuru, Harry snorted when he saw the poor demon lord and the clothes his little sisters dressed him with.

Rimuru groaned when he heard Harry snort and soon after glared at him, the poor slime had been dressed in Yuzu's school uniform, his hair was even tied into twin ponytails, which only served to hurt Rimuru's pride even more.

Yuzu immediately pointed at Rimuru and called out to Harry, "Big bro! Look, doesn't Rimuru look pretty and cute!".

Karin grinned and nodded, "I usually don't like clothing like this, but it suits him pretty well".

Harry looked like he was trying not to laugh so very hard, Rimuru just glared at him, as if daring him to do it, but Harry held strong, "He sure... does look cute... and prettier! I mean, yeah, he looks pretty".

Rimuru frowned at Harry while pointing his finger at him, "You bastard! You're enjoying this, aren't you?! Don't you feel bad with the way my manhood keeps getting trampled on like this!? It's bad enough that Shuna and Shion do this to me! But now your sisters too?! Go to hell!".

Harry lost it and began to laugh hard at Rimuru, he was soon joined by the giggles and laughter of Yuzu, Karin, and Masaki, which only served to hit the poor demon lord's pride even more.

Poor Rimuru, he just dropped to his knees and hands while crying waterfalls from his eyes and whispering of how unfair the world was to him, was the only thing that could be heard from the poor defeated slime.

After poking fun at Rimuru for a while, Harry and his slimy friend left the Kurosaki household after saying their goodbyes to Yuzu, Karin, and Masaki, once they were away from the house and in a desolate park, Harry opened a Dark Corridor and both he and Rimuru stepped through.

Soon enough, both stepped out of the Dark Corridor, right into the middle of Soul Society, Rimuru was awed at the place and immediately looked around, he quickly caught sight of the tower where Rukia was held captive during the Soul Society Arc.

He then saw the pedestal where she was held to serve her death sentence, of course, the massive spear that was once there, was now gone, Ichigo had destroyed it and it seemed like the shinigami never got around to fixing it or even getting a new one.

The demon lord then looked around some more and saw the massive wall surrounding Soul Society, "... Looks like the barrier is still active huh? Did you use your Dark Corridors when you invaded this place".

Harry shook his head and chuckled, "No, I didn't know how to use the Dark Corridor back then, we got through in a reishi bubble and got shot through a massive cannon, it was fun".

Rimuru grinned, he just knew that Harry was the only one who enjoyed getting shot through a cannon to break through the barrier surrounding Soul Society, he kinda wanted to ask Ichigo and the others what their reaction was.

Harry suddenly grinned and summoned Oblivion just in time to block a downward slash from above, a loud clang echoed throughout the area and a massive shockwave shook the ground, the dragon god looked up and was met with an insane grin, "Hello Kenpachi, seems like you just couldn't wait to say hello huh?".

Rimuru gaped at the fact that he was in front of one of the most popular characters in this world, none other than motherfucking Kenpachi Zaraki, "Holy shit!".

Kenpachi chuckled and gave Harry a bloodthirsty look and smile, "Harry Potter, it's been a while! And I even heard that you've become even stronger than before! Show me!".

Kenpachi pushed down on his Zanpakutō even harder thinking he would be able to push Harry aside, something he did the first time he faced off against him, however, to his surprise, Harry didn't even budge, his arm didn't as much as trembled, Harry just stared back at Kenpachi in amusement as he held his blade back with ease, "I'm surprised you even found me, your horrible with directions after all".

Without even waiting for Kenpachi to say anything, Harry lightly swung Oblivion to the side and parried away Kenpachi's blade, Kenpachi had to flip in midair and land on his feet to avoid getting sent rolling back and away from Harry.

Kenpachi immediately looked up and stared as Harry stood there, in front of him completely relaxed and calm, for some reason, it made Kenpachi both excited and nervous and he loved it, "You have gotten stronger, I still remember how you and Ichigo were able to cut me.

Back then, both of you were terrified of me, but you stood your ground and faced me head-on, now look at you, standing there tall and strong it makes my blood boil in excitement!".

Harry chuckled and shook his head, "I told you before didn't I? I would return and give you a beating for almost bisecting me in half back then, I almost died that day Kenpachi and I never forgot that".

Harry raised his other hand and summoned Oathkeeper, with both light and dark keyblades, Harry got into his battle stance, Kenpachi grinned in excitement and immediately took off his eyepatch, his spiritual pressure immediately burst out of his body sending shockwaves all over the place from around him.

But despite the constant current of spiritual pressure Kenpachi was letting off, Harry just stood there completely unaffected with a smile on his face, meanwhile, Rimuru stood at the side completely in awe at watching these two clash like this, "Man... this looks like something straight out of an anime...".

Rimuru suddenly felt something or someone climb up his back, so he looked back only to see a head full of pink hair, soon enough a round and cute face showed itself to him, causing Rimuru to widen his eyes in surprise, after all, he recognized the little girl on his back.

Yachiru didn't care about the gaping face Rimuru was making right now, she was more curious about him, since he felt odd to her, "Hey there mister! Who are you!? What are you doing here? Are you a friend of Harry? And are you fighting Kenny too! Cause that would be very fun for him!".

Despite the rapid-fire questioning he just got hit with, Rimuru couldn't help but grin and chuckle a bit, "I'm Rimuru, I'm here visiting with Harry, yes I'm his friend, and I don't think Kenny will be able to fight me after Harry".

Yachiru tilted her head and hummed, "Why's that?".

Rimuru shrugged, which made Yachiru wobble and laugh, the demon lord then just grinned at Yachiru and then said, "Well, that's because Harry looks like he's not going to be holding back".

And indeed, Harry's eyes were glowing as he got ready to fight Kenpachi, the dragon god seemed excited to beat down the shinigami who beat him and Ichigo to an inch of their lives back when they invaded Soul Society, It looked like it was time for a little payback.

So, Harry soon let his energy explode outwards, filling the area with white light and pitch-black darkness, the waves of twilight soon began to flow out of him in a stream of energy that flowed upwards.

Harry's twilight energy and Kenpachi's spiritual pressure soon clashed, causing the entirety of Soul Society to tremble, something that alerted everyone here, that something was happening.

Harry suddenly crouched down and got ready while Kenpachi maniacally grinned and raised his Zanpakuto, ready to battle against the dragon god.