Chapter 219

Rimuru watched with excitement in his eyes as both Harry and Kenpachi blurred out of sight and began to clash all over the place, shockwaves shook the very air while loud clangs filled the area, Yachiru, who was still hanging from Rimuru's back, narrowed her eyes struggling to even catch sight of the fighters.

Meanwhile, Genryusai, the Captain-Commander who was meditating suddenly sighed as a particular powerful shockwave shook his chamber, the old shinigami opened an eye and looked completely tired, "... Those two fools, they better not destroy the district they're on".


At the same time, in the the Shinigami Research Institute, researchers were running around all over the place in a panic as many of their scanners and computers began to explode, sirens and warning sounds echoed through the hallway of the institute as chaos descended on everyone in here.

Mayuri Kurotsuchi, the captain of the 12th Division in the Gotei 13 was looking through a screen of one of the only working computers in the institute, however, he had a frown on his face, "... Why aren't we getting any readings!? Are we even recording anything!?".

A researcher who was typing at high speed nearby suddenly spoke up, "Sir! They're moving too fast and Harry Potter's unknown energy is burning all scanners! We can't record anything!".

Mayuri growled in anger and turned around to face everyone, "Then do something about it! I want readings and scans! I want to know what energy that blasted dragon is using! It's not spiritual pressure! Find out what it is!".

The researchers around Mayuri jumped and immediately got to do what they were ordered, though many would soon find out that it would be impossible to do so.


In another building, this one named the 4th division barracks where the shinigami act as court healers, a young man named Hanataro Yamada, suddenly jumped in shock as the building unexpectedly shook, "Eeek! What was that!?".

Isane Kotetsu, a young woman of white hair and a lieutenant in the 4th division, grunted as another shockwave hit the barracks and made her lose her balance, "That's Captain Zaraki's spiritual pressure! He must be fighting someone".

Suddenly, a soft and calm voice called out to everyone, "Calm down and prepare, Captain Zaraki must be fighting a powerful foe, he's fighting at full force, we must be ready for the injured".

Hanataro and Isane immediately heeded their captain's words and began to run around to prepare for whatever may happen, now alone, the woman who had just issued the orders smiled, "Well then, this is interesting... who are you fighting child, that you felt the need to stop holding back?".

This woman is none other than Retsu Unohana, Captain of the 4th division, though, despite smiling, she had an odd and aggressive look in her eyes, one that carried a hint of excitement.


In another part of Soul Society, a young black-haired man opened his eyes from his quiet thinking, the young man frowned as he felt the shockwaves shaking the building, suddenly, a young man came into the room where he was resting and called out to him, "Captain Kuchiki! Captain Zaraki is fighting someone!".

Byakuya Kuchiki, Captain of the 6th division, closed his eyes again and huffed, "Renji, you told me that Harry Potter would be coming over to speak with the Captain-Commander, that's who Captain Zaraki is most likely fighting right now".

Renji widened his eyes and then huffed in annoyance, "Damn it! Captain Zaraki must have ambushed Harry! But he was warned of how powerful Harry has become right!? Didn't Captain Yamamoto order him to leave him alone".

Byukuya nodded, "Of course he did, but do you believe he would listen?".

Renji looked down and shook his head, "No, of course not...".

Byukuya suddenly stood up and began to walk towards the doorway, "Come Renji, I want to see how strong Harry Potter has become in all of this time".

Renji moved away from the doorway and Byukuya soon stepped out, Renji however raised an eyebrow not expecting his Captain to be this curious about Harry's strength, well either way, Renji soon followed Byukuya, he was curious as well after all.


In another building, Rukia who was serving some tea, dropped the teapot she was using when a shockwave hit the building and shook the place, the two men she was serving tea to, looked up with a curious look on their faces.

Jūshirō Ukitake, Captain of the 13th division looked over to Rukia, "Didn't you mention that Harry was coming over to a visit, Rukia?".

Rukia nodded, "Yes... but who would he be fighting? He was supposed to be coming for a meeting with Captain Yamamoto".

The other man drinking tea with Jūshirō suddenly chuckled, "It's obvious who would challenge Harry right now".

Jūshirō chuckled and nodded, "Shunsui is right Rukia, only one person would actually dare to try their luck against Harry, even after hearing from Ichigo, just how powerful he's become".

Shunsui Kyōraku, Captain of the 1st division, chuckled again and nodded, "I kinda want to see Harry mop the floor with Kenpachi!".

Rukia sweatdropped at the comment made by Shunsui, while Jūshirō smiled in amusement, that's not really how a captain should speak about another captain... was the last thing Rukia thought as everyone got up to go check the battle out.


In another building, a woman known as Rangiku Matsumoto was suddenly awakened from her sleep and sent falling to the ground in a heap, though she quickly recovered and stood up in alarm, she wildly looked around only to see her captain working on his desk not at all caring of the shaking around him.

Rangiku stared at her captain in disbelief for a few seconds before calling out to him, "Toshiro! What's going on?! Are we under attack again! Is it Ichigo and his friends?".

Toshiro Hitsugaya didn't even look up; he continued to work on his paper, though he did speak to answer Rangiku's questions, "First of all, it's Captain Hitsugaya, second, it's probably Captain Zaraki and Harry, he is scheduled to make a visit and third, get back to work!".

Rangiku pouted at Toshiro, disappointed that he wasn't reacting to anything happening right now, "Aren't you curious about Harry's power? We heard a lot about it from Rukia and Renji, so everyone has been very curious about just how powerful he's become".

Toshiro stopped working and put his pen down, he sighed and then nodded, "Of course I'm curious, he was already very powerful when he invaded the Soul Society and he only grew more and more powerful as time went on... honestly, I can't even imagine just how strong he's become now".

Rangiku grinned and then excitedly fist-pumped, "Then let's go and see!".

Toshiro stared at Rangiku for a few seconds, pondering whether he should go or not, but he soon stood up and nodded, Rangiku cheered and together with her captain, both left to see the battle.



A powerful shockwave once again shook Soul Society, as Kenpachi was sent flying towards the ground and crashed against it hard, he was soon followed by Harry who fell down knee first into Kenpachi's chest, "Aghhh!".

Despite getting hit hard, Kenpachi still managed to lash out at Harry with his Zanpakuto, though the dragon lord easily blocked the attack with Oathkeeper, he still got off Kenpachi with a quick jump and landed a fair distance away.

Kenpachi immediately got up to one of his knees and coughed up some blood, Harry stared at him as Kenpachi recovered from the hit, the battle-hungry captain looked up and grinned at Harry, "Amazing, that hesitation you used to have when we fought is completely gone, you attack with everything now.

Seems like you finally stopped being afraid of your own strength! Your true self has finally awakened Harry!".

Harry frowned and then sighed, "Hesitation huh?... I guess I did have some back when I came to Soul Society, though you're wrong to think it was because I was afraid, back then, something was rejecting me in this place, and that made me struggle.

That struggle was making me way weaker than I was, but now? That's not the case, nothing is holding me back now and that rejection is gone as well, or rather, I can't feel it anymore, still, I did learn to be extra brutal with stubborn assholes like you".

Kenpachi laughed and then launched himself towards Harry at high speed, he instantly tried to slash at Harry, but the dragon god moved to the side and let the attack sail past him, Kenpachi wasn't done though, he quickly used shunpo to appear behind Harry and lash out with another attack, this time however and to Harry's surprise, he used both of his hands to attack.

Harry immediately swung Oblivion upwards and parried Kenpachi's attack, despite Kenpachi using both hands and thus attacking with double the power, Harry was still able to push him back, but Kenpachi didn't seem to be angry or anything.

On the contrary, he was smiling like a maniac at the fact that Harry parried his attack with ease, the dragon god narrowed his eyes feeling quite annoyed at the fact that Kenpachi was enjoying himself right now, so he did the one thing he knew, would annoy the captain.

As Kenpachi was pushed back from Harry's parry, the dragon god jumped back and pointed both Oathkeeper and Oblivion towards Kenpachi as he moved away from him, "Ragnarok!".

Kenpachi's eyes widened as black energy and white energy gathered at the tips of Oblivion and Oathkeeper, he quickly tried to move away, but Harry's magical technique shot forward too fast and Kenpachi found himself barraged by powerful and explosive small orbs of light and darkness.

The magical nature behind Harry's technique helped bypass Kenpachi's spiritual defense and caused him to roar in pain as he was sent flying back and crashing against a building, Harry soon landed on his feet not too far away and stared towards where Kenpachi had crashed waiting for him to come out.

After all, he knew that his magical attack wasn't enough to defeat the bloodthirsty fool.

At the same time, Harry's use of magic drew the attention of someone who had been hiding within the shadows of Soul Society, a man with long black hair and a beard, wearing a white quincy coat and a cape turned his sight towards the battle going on inside Soul Society and stared in surprise as he watched Harry used an energy he hadn't felt before for a long time, "... its that boy again... he's back in the Soul Society.

Did Genryusai summon him here because my quincies are attacking Hueco Mundo and the Arrancars?".

This man is none other than Yhwach, the monarch of the Wandenreich and Father of the Quincy, son of the Soul King, a being who has lived for over a thousand years and has been keeping an eye on everything that has happened in the Soul Society as of late.

So the Quincy King is aware of Harry and of his unusual powers, still, even with him getting involved in the affairs of the Shinigami, Yhwach's omni-precognition never showed Harry Potter to be a threat to his plans, but now? Now that he was back? Yhwach's precognition was no longer working; he couldn't see into the future anymore, shocking the Quincy King, "... What's is happening? What does this mean?".

As Yhwach pondered this new situation, something that had never happened to him before, he was made to jump in alert when Harry suddenly narrowed his eyes and moved his gaze towards the direction the Quincy King was looking at him from.

Yhwach quickly looked away closing his view of Harry, but for some reason, he was feeling an odd sense of foreboding now, one that was weighing down on his very soul.

Harry looked in confusion towards the shadows to the side, it was for about a second, but he sensed someone looking at him, suddenly, a system notification appeared in Harry's sight, which surprised him a bit, it's been quite a while since he had received a quest from the system aka Death.

He quickly tried to read it, but Kenpachi chose this moment to burst out from the area he crashed into, forcing Harry to block the series of slashes from a maniac Kenpachi, "I hate that magic of yours! It hurts, what happened with having honor in a sword fight!?".

Harry huffed in annoyance, "Don't force your close-minded ideals on me, when I fight I don't limit myself! But since you hate magic so much, then let me show you what I can really do with it! Rimuru!".

Rimuru who was on top of a building and watching the fight grinned, he then waved at Harry and said, "Got it! Leave it to me, Harry!".

Harry grinned as he pushed Kenpachi back and launched himself towards him, Rimuru then raised a hand and began to gather his mana, Yachiru who was still on his back tilted her head and decided to ask a question, "What are you doing?".

Rimuru smiled at Yachiru and then explained, "I'm just giving Harry a place where he can fight and go all out without worrying about destroying the Soul Society or hurting innocents".

Rimuru then snapped his finger and a barrier appeared around Harry and Kenpachi, with a wave of his hand, the area inside the barrier expanded and expanded until it became the size of an entire city, Rimuru even created buildings inside of the barrier to add more character to the expanded area he just made for Harry and Kenpachi.

Yachiru clapped and smiled impressed with what Rimuru had done, suddenly a voice called out from behind Rimuru and Yachiru, "Interesting, you created a barrier, and inside you expanded space and time to create a different domain within the barrier".

Rimuru turned around and narrowed his eyes when he saw who it was that spoke, Mayuri grinned upon seeing the glared Rimuru was giving him, he found it amusing, "Ho? Looks like you already know who I am, I'm sure Harry told you all about me, but don't worry, all I need is a sample from you, so don't struggl- what!?".

The moment Mayuri tried to step towards Rimuru, the slime let the full force of his demon lord aura explode outwards, causing the area around him to grow heavy and for Mayuri to be assaulted by the dark and oppressive feeling behind Rimuru's aura, "Take another step and I'll erase you from existence freak...".

Mayuri took a step back and stared into the feral and cold yellow eyes of the Demon Lord Rimuru, suddenly, someone chuckled drawing Rimuru's attention from Mayuri, Shunsui stepped forward and grinned at Mayuri, "You deserved that Captain Kurotsuchi, you should know better than to mess with a friend of Harry.

They're all scary and way beyond our power, this little girl is just merely letting out her aura, no doubt that this isn't the full force of her power, best you behave or you will die".

Mayuri frowned but nodded, as greedy and self-entitled as he was, he was not stupid nor ignorant, the moment the being in front of him let out its aura, it made his very soul tremble in fear, so Mayuri stepped back with an annoyed look on his face.

Rimuru relaxed his aura and looked over to Shunsui who had Rukia and Jūshirō behind him stepping forward, Rukia smiled at Rimuru and then spoke up, "Lord Rimuru! You came with Harry!?".

Rimuru smiled at Rukia and nodded, the day Harry and he made plans to come to the Soul Society, they had caught up with Yasaka, Rukia, and Renji, where he was introduced to them, so Rukia was fully aware of who and what Rimuru is, "Hey Rukia! Yeah, I came with Harry as representative of Neo Kyoto and as support, you never know right?".

Rukia nodded, and suddenly a new voice spoke up, "Oh? So you know who this is Rukia?".

Rukia widened her eyes and immediately turned her head towards where she had heard the voice, only to smile when she saw both Byukuya and Renji arrive, "Nii-sama!".

Byukuya nodded, while Renji waved at Rukia with a grin on his face, Rukia then nodded to Byukuya and began to answer his question, "This is Rimuru Tempest, a demon lord and friend of Harry, he's among one of the strongest beings in Neo Kyoto and is someone you don't want as an enemy".

Shunsui widened his eyes while everyone turned to look at Rimuru, who shrugged and grinned at everybody, Shunsui suddenly shook his head and seemed very confused, "You said he? This is a man? But... that's impossible!".

Rimuru grinned at Shunsui and said, "Meh, I don't have a set gender per se, but I consider myself male, I am slime after all and we're genderless".

Shunsui looked down with a look of defeat and despair, everyone else except Rukia and Renji looked at Rimuru in confusion, Jūshirō then decided to ask a question, "A slime? What's that?".

Rimuru chuckled and then suddenly took on his slime form, Yachiru who was still on his back dropped down and landed on top of Rimuru where she bounced up and down on top of him while giggling in fun.

The captains stared at Rimuru in shock, while Rukia and Renji tried not to laugh, though they couldn't really blame the captains for reacting like they did, after all, both of them reacted the same way as well.

Suddenly, Rangiku and Toshiro arrived as well, only to look in confusion as they watched the captains gaping at some sort of blue creature, Yachiru jumped down from Rimuru and picked him up above her head and began to stretch his body while laughing in fun.

Something Rimuru didn't seem to mind and just let Yachiru have her fun, Rangiku, noticed Rukia and Renji nearby, approached them, and asked them what was happening.

Rukia stopped quietly giggling and explained how Rimuru left the captains gaping at his revelation of what he is, Toshiro just sighed at his fellow captains' reaction and walked over to the edge of the building they were on to take a look at the fight between Harry and Kenpachi.

Kenpachi stood up and looked around with interest, "What did you do? Where are we, Harry?".

Harry just stood up straight and quickly explained, "We're in an expanded dimension surrounded by a barrier, we can now go all out without any worry of destroying anything or hurting anyone".

Kenpachi grinned like a maniac again and then, a second later, began to laugh out loud while Harry raised an eyebrow in confusion, Kenpachi soon stopped laughing and looked into Harry's eyes, "Such an amazing thing, think of all the battles I could have without any worries... I want to learn how to do this Harry!".

Harry of course chuckled and shook his head, "Sorry, but you need a lot of training on different branches of magic to be able to pull this off and you hate magic right?".

Kenpachi stopped smiling and glared at Harry, he knew that the dragon god was mocking him, however, Harry soon shrugged and got ready, "Anyways, even if you wanted to learn about magic, I sure as hell wouldn't teach you asshole!".

Harry pointed Oblivion towards Kenpach as his mana exploded out of his body, Kenpachi widened his eyes in alarm as he sensed the amount of mana, Harry was using for whatever he was trying to do.

Meanwhile, Harry began to chant his spell, "Reflect on thy sins, they smite with blackened blade! Execution!".

The spell came too fast for Kenpachi, who didn't even know where it was coming from, so when four spirals of dark astral energy sprouted from the ground and rose up to the sky he was completely caught off guard.

A giant beam of energy then crushed Kenpachi before the energy rose up, forming a cross as Kenpachi was relentlessly launched into the air while being crushed in the middle of the energy cross.

Kenpachi roared in pain as the dark energies within the spell inflicted damage to his body, the reason Kenpachi hated Harry's use of magic spells, was because they were always able to bypass his defenses and hit him hard, that's how he was defeated by Harry and Ichigo the first time Kenpachi fought them.

Harry hit him with every debuff spell he knew back then weakening Kenpachi quite a bit, while Ichigo fought against him and Kenpachi ended up not only losing the fight but severely injured as well.

This was also different, back then, Harry's offensive spells hardly did anything to Kenpachi, even when they were able to bypass his defenses, he just didn't have the magical might he possessed now.

Something Kenpachi was finding out now the hard way, but Kenpachi was not one to call it quits because of a little pain, so with a roar he let his spiritual pressure explode, which caused an explosion from the spell and his spiritual pressure colliding against each other.

The explosion sent Kenpachi flying back, but he recovered in mid-air, only to have to quickly dodge Oathkeeper, the keyblade came flying at him at high speed like a buzzsaw out of nowhere, forcing Kenpachi to use shunpo to get away after dodging it.

Though Kenpachi was then forced on the defensive immediately, as Harry was already waiting for Kenpachi, Harry's Oblivion crashed against Kenpachi's Zanpakuto with a tremendous amount of force, much more than what Kenpachi experienced a moment ago.

But the captain wasn't allowed to think more about this and was then kicked away to the side when Harry spun in mid-air and lashed out with a spinning kick that landed on Kenpachi's side.

A sicking cracking sound echoed through the area before Kenpachi was sent twirling away from Harry and screaming in pain, meanwhile, Harry summoned Oathkeeper back to his hand and pointed it towards Kenpachi as he crashed and bounced against the ground a few times.

Kenpachi soon stabbed his zanpakuto into the ground stopping himself from flying further back, he quickly looked over to Harry, only for Kenpachi to hear him chanting a spell, "Light of the horizon, etch your name into fate... Sunburst!".

A massive orange orb of plasma and flames formed above Harry and then shot upwards, Kenpachi immediately shot forward towards Harry, hoping to get him before his spell came to him, but Harry just smiled and suddenly disappeared from his sight.

Kenpachi stopped mid-way and wildly looked around for both Harry and his spell, but he didn't see either right away until the area was suddenly lit up by an orange bright light coming from above.

Kenpachi couldn't help but gape as a literal sun was falling on him from the sky, so shocked he was, that he found himself unable to move and Harry's sunburst spell crashed right above him, detonating on contact and engulfing the area in a massive explosion of plasma and flames.

The shinigami captains and their lieutenants gasped and covered their eyes to protect them from the bright explosion within the expanded barrier Rimuru created, speaking about the slime he was now being held by Rangiku under her bust, making the slime blush and smile.

Meanwhile, Yachiru was jumping in front of Rangiku while trying to get a hold of Rimuru, since she quite liked playing with his body, the bright light soon subsided and everyone took a look at the explosion that was devastating a big chunk of the expanded area inside the barrier.

Renji gaped at the spell Harry used and couldn't help to exclaim, "Fuck! What was that? Harry never used a spell like that while he was here! He would have destroyed Soul Society with that one spell alone!".

Byukuya nodded as he narrowed his eyes and watched the explosion run its course, "This level of power output... it so extreme compared with what he was capable of doing, to think the difference in power would be so great, could the Captain-Commander even match him now?".

Everyone silently pondered Byukuya's question, until a new voice made everyone jump, "I'm afraid Harry Potter has reached a level of power I can't even touch".

Everyone turned around towards where the voice came from, only to see Genryusai Yamamoto stand there watching as the explosion began to finally lose power, Rimuru couldn't help to gape and stare at the captain-commander in awe.

He was quite literally, having an otaku spasm attack in silence, though his body was shaking in excitement, causing Rangiku's chest to vibrate, which Renji noticed and blushed at as he watched the quite amazing sight.

Shunsui frowned and immediately asked a question, "Old Man, you mean to tell me that Harry is way beyond even you? Even with your bankai?".

Genryusai raised an eyebrow at his young apprentice and fellow captain, "Can you sense Harry Potter's energy Shunsui? Can any of you do so?".

Everyone present immediately tried to sense Harry's energy, but no one had any luck, Mayuri even tried to use one of his portable scanners, but nothing showed up on it, Genryusai silently watched in amusement as everyone failed to realize what this actually meant, "Think, when have we encountered a situation like this?".

Everyone pondered the question and began to think hard, but Byukuya quickly realized what Genryusai meant, "Aizen and Kurosaki... they both were able to accomplish a feat like this before".

Genryusai nodded at Byukuya, "Well done Captain Kuchiki, you are correct, both young Kurosaki and war criminal Aizen, reached a level of power beyond mortal means of sensing and understanding, even if it was for a short period of time, they both stepped into the realm of the gods".

Everyone stared at the captain-commander in shock, Mayuri grinned and even began to breathe hard, "Harry Potter has become a transcendent being! That's why we can't sense his energy or power level! His power is on an entirely different dimension now!".

Rimuru stretched a small limb outwards and waved it, "Of course, Harry has reached a level of power beyond anything you guys have seen before, you seem to think that he's the same as the time he was in this world.

But, this world was actually one of the first Harry lived in, he has long passed many lifetimes living in other worlds and learning new things, always getting even stronger, to the point that he has become a true dragon, a being that transcends time, space, and even creation.

Harry has lived for millennia now, he's not the same young boy everyone met so long ago, he's more or less, a being beyond understanding and common sense, the things he can casually do with just a wave of his hand, would break your mind! That's who Harry is now, what he has become!".