Chapter 223

Yhwach stared directly toward Harry's eyes in silence for a few moments, his quincies stared at him waiting for a response or a reaction from their King, Harry just glared at the quincy king waiting, Rimuru just looked around and began to quietly have Ciel scan all the quincies and Yhwach as well.

However, Yhwach suddenly began to chuckle which a few seconds later turned into laughter, this confused his quincies who all stared at him in surprise and shock, after all, they had never seen their king laugh like this before, Harry actually raised an eyebrow and looked a bit confused, "Oh? Did I said anything funny?".

Rimuru sighed and shook his head, he had enough experience with arrogant and foolish people to know why Yhwach was acting the way he was, all the demonlord had to think about all this, was how stupid Yhwach was for laughing.

Yhwach soon stopped laughing and grinned at Harry, "Death? Humans have a weird concept about death, they have no understanding nor are they able to see the dead, they give faces, names, and appearances to concepts, all so they can worship or give a name to something happening in the world.

It's quite amusing for them to do so actually, after all, my father is Death itself, he created the concept of dying when he spit the world and created the Spiritual world, as his son I'm entitled to that title.

But to think someone like you would fall to the ignorance of mortals... I find it amusing, I was beginning to worry about you, but if that's what you believe, then I'll just have to educate you on how the world really works".

The quincies around Yhwach all stared at him in awe, as if he had just dropped some very special kind of knowledge, however to Harry and Rimuru, it was sad to see, Harry just shook his head and sighed, "I see... so your so arrogant, so stupid, to actually think that you stand above all, even the very concepts of creation...

How unfortunate, I would think someone who has lost to a Shinigami before and as someone who has lived for a very long time, wouldn't be this arrogant, I guess I was expecting too much from someone whose power can only destroy souls.

You just don't know nor understand the kind of abomination your powers really are, but don't worry Quincy King, you will see and understand, and soon enough,p you will know Death!".

Suddenly, Harry's energy exploded from his body, this time however, he stopped holding back, he let everything out and it flowed into the world shaking the very fabric of creation to its core.

Even Rimuru, with all his power and abilities, grunted in exertion upon feeling Harry's unleashed power, "shit... that's scary as hell! I don't think even Beelzebub can absorb this much power let alone scan it".

[Correct, the energy and power level being released by Harry is way beyond your capabilities to consume and copy.

An attempt to do so would result in Spiritual breakdown, as a Slime, your Physical body wouldn't be affected, but your soul and spirit would explode or burn out in a matter of seconds.

Harry has become a life form beyond our world's understanding and the System can no longer identify him or even compute his actual power level].

Rimuru chuckled and shook his head, "So he has really become a lifeform beyond understanding, got to say, that's pretty badass".

While Rimuru was busy admiring the heights Harry had achieved, the quincies weren't enjoying the event taking place in front of them, the weak among the quincies screamed and their very core and soul were burned out by Harry's Aura alone.

The stern ritter fare better, but only because Yhwach braced and reinforced the pieces of his soul he had implanted in them, even then, some of the stern ritter still took damage and some were even screaming in agonizing pain till they stopped moving altogether.

Yhwach was the only one not being overtly affected, but even then, he still began to sweat and grunt in exertion, Harry's powerful energy was shaking him to the core and it was beginning to take effect on him.

As Harry let his energy flow out freely, he just glared at the quincy king as he called upon his power from within, suddenly, from his inventory, the Deathly Hollows reacted to their master's powers and manifested right away.

Harry then found himself wearing a pitch black cloak, the Potter family artifact, the Invisibility Cloak had wrapped itself around Harry and took its place on him, the Resurrection Stone appeared on his neck as a necklace, its pitch black stone shined ominously as if ready to devour everything around it.

Harry raised a hand and the Elder Wand appeared on his hand, the dragon god stared at the wand in a bit of confusion, he hadn't called upon the Deathly Hollows and this was the first time they had summoned themselves onto him like this.

Back when he returned to his world from his long journey and obtained these three items, he really didn't think to much about them, it was years later that he began to investigate and look into them, the Elder Wand really is a powerful magical artifact.

However, its true potential had been sealed ever since it was taken from Antioch Peverell, even though he didn't know the full potential of the wand, and even though it was cursed by Death herself to always attract conflict to its user it still served its true purpose.

Which was to learn and gather martial magical knowledge from the very best, all this was done to pass down that Power and knowledge to its true master, its true wielder, the Master of Death.

Now the Elder Wand has all of its power unlocked, not only does it increase the power of spells cast by the wand by times fifty to its true master, but it also gives the knowledge of Spells and Magical abilities to Harry.

The wand is meant to personify the power Death holds over all creation, something it does well, the Resurrection Stone was also sealed, its true powers and abilities unknown even by its original user, Cadmus Peverell.

The stone was used to summon the souls of the dead and that was what Camdus used it for, however, had he not been so obsessed, he might have discovered the Stone's true powers, the Resurrection Stone can act as a second magical core.

One that can empower and increase the magical capacity of its user, however, its third ability is what really sets it apart, the Resurrection Stone can absorb the souls of the defeated and use it to make its user and true owner more powerful, for a gamer like Harry, that meant that everything he kills or defeats while wearing the Resurrection Stone has their soul taken.

The soul is then turned into a number and used to further increase Harry's stats, further making him stronger, a truly powerful and useful magical artifact, however, Harry doesn't really have much use for it, his stats are already at a ridiculously high level.

So he usually lends the Resurrection Stone to his family and friends, it is the secret to their quick and amazing growth while they train, the latest to have used the stone were actually, the DigiDestined, who had grown even more powerful in the time they had spent in Neo-Kyoto training.

Lastly, the Invisibility Cloak, a Potter Heirloom given to the first son of every generation of Potters, it once belonged to Harry's father, James Potter, and had been used by his prankster friends, Sirius and Remus.

It used to belong to Charlus Potter before it came into the possession of his father, his grandfather used it in the war against Grinwald and had saved the lives of many at that time, a perfect tool for espionage and surprise attacks.

But neither, Harry's father nor his grandfather knew the full potential of the magical artifact given to Ignatius Peverell, yes, it can turn anyone invincible when equipped, but what no one knew, was that this invisibility is conceptual in nature.

No one can perceive, sense, or see the person wearing the cloak, it was a shame that his father and grandfather never knew about the true power of the cloak and that most of it had been sealed, for not only could it hide a person on a conceptual level, but it also had the ability to turn the owner intangible and absorb spells directed at its wearer.

But Harry found out these abilities after studying the three Deathly Hollows with Luna, Hermione, and Le Fay, so their true power had been revealed, not that Harry needed such abilities anymore, after all, he can do everything the Deathly Hollows can do by himself.

By the time he received the hollows, he had already obtained skills, spells, and abilities that allowed him to do the same thing the magical artifacts could do, so most of the time Harry just allowed family and friends to use the Deathly Hollows.

Still, even though Harry has no real need for these magical and powerful artifacts, he still keeps them close when they aren't used by someone else, after all, they are a symbol of his status as the Master of Death.

They are his symbols of power connecting him to Death herself, so given that they had summoned themselves to him, meant that Death wanted him to do something specific with the three Deathly Hollows.

His theory was proven right when he suddenly received an extra quest from Death at this very moment.

[New Quest Received!

Quest Objectives: Show the Quincy King and his followers the true power of the Master of Death.

The Quincy King thinks to highly of himself and the upstart the Spirit King, show them our power and make them fear true Death, use the Deathly Hollows, and absorb all of the quincy's souls within the Resurrection Stone.

Reward: ??? it's a surprise ;D.]

Harry chuckled at the obvious excitement on Death's part, it seemed like she had been listening to everything said right now and she did not like what the quincy king had said about her, denying that she exists is one thing, but to declare himself and his father to be Death, was something she couldn't forgive.

To Harry it made sense, Yhwach is only at an elder god level while the spirit king would have been on a titan level, it's like if Odin and Cronus decided to call themselves Life and Creation.

It's just impossible and a downright insult, conceptual beings like Death are on an entirely different level, they're not normal beings, in fact, they're eternal, showing such disrespect is a big nono, a fact proven right now with how Death chose to issue a new quest.

So Harry was not about to deny her, her wish, so with that in mind, Harry smiled and raised the Elder Wand and pointed it towards the surviving stern ritters and their king, "Looks like Death wants me to make you all suffer".

The stern ritters were still shaken from Harry's explosive release of power, so they actually stepped back in worry, Yhwach however narrowed his eyes, to him, things had taken a very bad turn, in fact, something in him told him that something was wrong, very wrong.

When his weaker quincies died, the shard of his soul he granted them, should have returned to him, but they didn't, instead they were pulled and absorbed by that pitch-black rock that Harry Potter is wearing around his neck.

No matter how hard he tried Yhwach couldn't call those soul shards back to him and that raised a big concern in the quincy king, not only that, the items Harry Potter was wielding now, were giving him a very bad feeling as well.

The quincy king's eyes suddenly widened and immediately lifted a hand up to his face, only to see his own hand shaking, {I'm shaking?... Why?... I'm I... I'm afraid? Of what?.

Harry Potter? This Death he mentioned? Or those items that appeared on him? What is causing me to react this way? It makes no sense! I have never been afraid! Not even when I was about to be killed by Genryusai Yamamoto!}.

Harry grinned when he noticed Yhwach staring at his trembling hand, Rimuru actually scoffed and shook his head, "Never felt this kind of fear huh?".

Yhwach looked up and stared towards Rimuru, the demonlord just shrugged and shook his head one more time, this time making sure the quincy king saw his disappointment, "All living beings fear one thing, no matter who or what you are, that fear is an instinct carved into our very souls...

The fear of Death, after all, no one can run from Death, not forever but that fear is a necessity for all living beings, it shows that we are alive, and despite your so-called exalted position and power, you are not immune to this fear.

That shows that you are not even close to being Death, not like you can ever understand this, not when you foolishly made fun of something that is older and far more powerful than you could ever hope to be".

Yhwach began to sweat once again, "What is this Death you keep mentioning, if it was real and as powerful as you said, why hasn't it intervened in this world?!".

Harry sighed, "I told you, what your father did messed with the very nature of this world preventing her and more than likely, the other conceptual beings from interfering with this world.

Unlike you and your father, Death and then other conceptual beings have laws and rules placed on them, in order to control their actions, all so everyone else in creation could have their free will.

But with that free will come mistakes and bad decisions, like what your father caused when he split this world into three parts.

Because of that action, the cycle of life and death is messed up, no new souls are being created, instead, they're being recycled, but then, your quincies destroy souls, and hollows eat them.

That creates an imbalance and will eventually cause a collapse in this world, do you know how many souls have been eaten and destroyed? Just how little humans are being born now? You are destroying this world with your quincies and you're not even aware".

The quincy king frowned, if he was honest, he never really thought about the way things worked, all he really wanted was to restore the world to what it once was, that should fix everything.

Or at least that's what he believes, he always has, but now, things don't seem as simple as he thought, suddenly, a long-haired blonde stern ritter growled in anger and walked up, "Silence! How dare you scold His Majesty! We don't believe your lies!

He's the only one who is a god in this world, you're just a human with peculiar powers! Those items must be part of your bankai or something! Meaning we can take them!".

Yhwach widened his eyes in surprise, Jugram Haschwalth is not one to have outbursts like these so the quincy king was surprised by his sudden outburst and it made him realize that if he was feeling fear then his quincies were feeling it even worse, Yhwach suddenly noticed that Jugram was shaking as well, confirming what he thought about Jugram being controlled by his fear.

Jugram suddenly took out some sort of medallion and pointed it at Harry, Yhwach widened his eyes even more and immediately called out to Jugram, "Jugram Haschwalth! Stop!".

But it was too late and Jugram activated the medallion, a golden light flew straight toward Harry at high speed, but the dragon god let it hit him, the golden light crashed against Harry and he felt like it was looking for something inside his soul.

Harry raised an eyebrow at the odd feeling but pushed it aside and flexed his own power, the golden light was then immediately blasted away from him, shocking the stern ritters to their core.

Yhwach just frowned already knowing that this was going to be the result of using a medallion on Harry, Jugram actually gaped and stared at Harry in shock, Rimuru turned to look at Harry and raised an eyebrow, "What was that?".

Harry shrugged and shook his head, "Don't know, but it sure felt odd, that light was scanning my soul for something...".

Rimuru looked intrigued and turned his head back to the shocked stern ritter, "That guy said something about bankai and taking it away".

Harry narrowed his eyes as he realized what the long-haired stern ritter just tried to do, "I see... so this is why you felt so confident to try invading and attacking Soul Society, those medallions can steal bankai... I bet you wanted to steal the old man's yourself huh?".

Yhwach scowled at the fact that Harry had figured out so much of his plans, Harry however ignored him and turned his sight towards Jugram, "... Too bad for you, I'm not a shinigami.

I've never had a zanpakuto nor a bankai, it wouldn't be right when in all sense, shinigami are my subordinates, so Death gave me the powers of another race of this world a unique one only seen in a few".

Jugram frowned and stared at Harry realizing what the dragon god meant, "You're a filthy vizored!".

Harry chuckled, "Ah, such hatred and anger, all just because I obtained the powers of a unique race... you know? I think I'm going to use something on you.

A spell I'm not really fond of, but I really dislike people like you... it makes me want to see you drop dead and this kind of intent is necessary for this spell, be happy that you'll die feeling no pain!".

Suddenly Harry disappeared with a quiet pop shocking everyone, Rimuru smiled and nodded to himself, "Apparition huh? It's amusing how using this spell one can move without alerting their foes. Who would have thought such a spell could pass over any sensing ability, hahaha! The wizards and witches of Harry's world sure created some very useful spells".

The stern ritter looked all over the place looking for Harry, however, they couldn't see him, hear him, or even sense him, that is until a small blonde-haired female quincy suddenly looked up.

Her eyes widened when she saw Harry above them all not to high above Jugram, she was about to call out to everyone but Harry beat her to it, he quickly pulled back the Elder Wand and focused on his wanting Jugram dead.

With those feelings in the forefront of his heart, he then jabbed the Elder Wand forward and firmly said, "Avada Kedavra!".

A glowing green beam of mana shot out of the Elder Wand with a sinister howl-like sound, the spell flew so fast, so much faster than anyone had ever seen, and crashed against Jugram who didn't even have the time to jump or even move away.

The green light engulfed him for about a second and them dissipated, but Jugram just stood there for a second and then suddenly dropped dead on the ground, the stern ritter and even Yhwach jumped away in shock while Jugram's soul was absorbed by Harry's Resurrection Stone.

The dragon god then floated down and landed right over Jugram's body, to the quincy king's further shock, the piece of his soul he had granted to Jugram flew out of his body and was immediately absorbed by the Resurrection Stone.

This shocked the quincy king and absolutely terrified him, "Y-you ripped his soul out of his body... completely destroyed his soul chain as well... h-how...".

Harry lifted the Elder Wand and frowned, "Avada Kedavra, the Killing Curse, an instant death spell... as you can see, it is quite effective as well but what makes it very dangerous, is the fact that it's unblockable, as long as it manages to touch the victim, death is all but assured".

Yhwach took a step back, while his stern ritter looked even more afraid, Rimuru then smiled and said, "Honestly, if it was a normal witch or wizard who used that spell on any of you guys, it wouldn't have worked as well. It would have been too weak and slow for it to actually have an effect on you, but Harry being the Master of Death and having such a crazy amount of mana guarantees the spell's success, he can even kill gods with it if he wishes to".

Harry nodded, "Yes, but I'm not to fond of the spell, I hate the feeling it leaves when using it, though that's bad news for all of you, this guy got to die a painless death, everyone else won't be so lucky".

Rimuru suddenly blurred to Harry's side and took out his Magiststeel Katana, "Leave the followers to me, Harry, you take care of their so-called King".

Harry grinned and nodded to Rimuru and immediately shot himself forward towards Yhwach, the quincy king widened his eyes and immediately called upon his power, blue reishi exploded from his hands and he got ready for Harry.

The stern ritters immediately tried to jump in front of Harry to try and stop him from reaching Yhwach, but Rimuru swung a hand towards them and a wave of black flames shot towards them instantly.

The flames traveled too fast for most of them and so, these quincies were burned and turned into ash in a matter of seconds, a few others were faster to react and got out of the way, while the black flames washed over Harry but the flames didn't even affect him in any way.

Soon enough Rimuru launched himself toward the rest of the stern ritters while Harry began to send all sorts of spells toward Yhwach, the quincy king found himself trying to dodge the rain of spells coming his way, but the speed at which the spells were flying towards him was so high, he was having a hard time dodging them all.

The fact that all the spells had different effects when they crashed against the ground made things more difficult for Yhwach, some exploded, some pierced through the ground, and others burst into flames.

Some left a very dark and dangerous feeling on the ground, while others actually turned the ground into all sorts of animals and creatures that pounced on him forcing Yhwach to fight them off as well.

Harry suddenly waved his Wand towards Yhwach firing a black-gray wave of mana, the cutting curse flew towards Yhwach fast, but the quincy king was too distracted and with his omniscience not working, he soon found himself getting his shoulder cut open.

The quincy king immediately jumped back and blasted all the conjured animals and creatures apart with a massive blast of blue reishi.

Harry let it wash over him and stared at Yhwach who grabbed his injured shoulder and grunted in pain as blood poured out of the cut he received, which made him growl in anger, "That cut through my Blut...".

Harry just grinned and then said, "Of course it did, that was a Sectumsempra Spell, a dark cutting curse, it deeply lacerates anything it hits, and unless you know the counter curse, then that wound won't be healing anytime soon, something like a Blut of your level won't stop it either".

Yhwach growled in anger as more and more blood poured out of his lacerated shoulder, despite the anger and rage he was feeling right now, he was also quite concerned as well, Harry Potter's spells seemed to be able to bypass his Blut, meaning that any spell making contact with him was too dangerous.

Rimuru immediately launched himself at the remaining stern ritters, the normal quincies that had been around the quincy king had been killed off in an instant with Harry just releasing his power, that long-haired stern ritter was super dead as well and quite a few stern ritters had been killed by Rimuru's black flames.

So the few that remained were quite cautious of the demonlord before them, though Rimuru was more interested in something else, "So... why was that stern ritter I turned into ash wearing a luchador's mask?".

No one answered Rimuru, all the stern ritter were far more concerned with being ready to attack, Rimuru just shrugged and smiled, "Won't tell me? Well that sucks, but oh well, I was just curious".

Out of nowhere, Rimuru was blasted with a massive bolt of green lighting and then engulfed in a massive explosion, a light green-haired woman grinned and then loudly said, "Take that, you smug idiot!".

A long black-haired woman frowned and called out to the green-haired woman, "Candice, it's not over yet! I don't think our attacks were powerful enough to defeat that guy".

Another black-haired girl spoke up next, "What? But Bambi, you and Candice hit him head-on!".

A pink-haired girl spoke up next, "Are you sure Bambi? Giselle is right, you and Candice hit him head-on, no one can survive such an attack".

Bambi nodded and turned her head to look at a small blonde-haired girl "Yes I'm sure Meninas, what do you think Lilotto?".

Lilotto frowned and stared as the explosion and lightning began to clear away, "That guy saw your attacks coming and didn't even move... I don't think this is over either".

Rimuru emerged from the dissipating attacks and looked up towards the female quincies, "I hope you don't think you were being sneaky, those attacks were too loud to be used as a surprise attack".

Candice and Bambietta widened their eyes in surprise when they saw that Rimuru was completely unharmed by their attacks, Giselle frowned and shook her head, "That didn't do anything to him!".

Lilotto began to sweat as Rimuru suddenly grinned at them, "He's definitely not human, there's no way those two attacks couldn't have hurt him otherwise".

Bambietta shook her head and growled, "Blast him!".

The female quincies immediately acted to Bambietta's order and took out their bows, Rimuru just calmly lifted a hand in response and waited, soon after the female quincies shot a barrage of reishi arrows at Rimuru, however, the demonlord stared at the colorful attacks in amusement.

The reishi arrows coming at him came in different and bright colors, blue, yellow, pink, purple, and green, but as the reishi arrows got close, Rimuru stopped smiling and then said, "Beelzebub!".

A black mass of mana shot out of Rimuru's hand and blocked the colorful reishi arrows, however, the female quincies gaped when they saw their attacks being absorbed with ease.

Soon, Rimuru's skill finished consuming the reishi arrows and Rimuru turned it off, he then smiled at the female quincies and said, "Thanks for the meal".