Chapter 224

The five female quincy stared at Rimuru in utter disbelief at the fact that their attacks did absolutely nothing to him, meanwhile, Rimuru just gave them a small smile, even though he seemed relaxed right now, he still felt menacing to the female quincies, especially because Rimuru had somehow absorbed their attacks, something that left the female quincies rather nervous and confused.

Giselle suddenly gulped and began to speak to the leader of their group, "Bambi-chan, that guy isn't normal".

Bambietta nodded and she began to also nervously sweat, "Yeah, whatever he did or whatever that attack was... it felt horrible, it felt like a hungry predator eating away at my very existence".

Lilotte nodded, "This guy... what is he?".

Candice and Meninas just stared at Rimuru in silence, but they were visually worried and nervous as well, none of them had ever faced someone as powerful as Rimuru before and they were beginning to see that they might not have a chance of getting out alive from this battle.

While the female quincies stared at Rimuru wondering what he was and what to do next, the demonlord was busy talking to Ciel, {Ciel, did you finish analyzing them and their energy?}.

[Answer: Yes, analysis complete!.

Soul shards are detected within the enemies' souls.

The originator seems to be the one called Yhwach and those soul shards seem to have granted them special abilities, however, the soul shards are still connected to Yhwach somehow.

Despite this, it seems like the soul shards have been sealed within the quincies, otherwise, the individual known as Yhwach could have recalled them and strengthened himself at any time, at the cost of the lives of his followers].

Rimuru inwardly hummed, letting Ciel know that he was thinking about the information she just given him, a few seconds later he began to speak within his mind again, {I see... those are Horcruxes... I bet Harry knows, which is why he's playing with him and making him suffer.

As to how the soul shards got sealed, I bet it was Death, she seems particularly aggro towards Yhwach and the quincies}.

[Correct, all evidence leads to Death being the one who sealed Yhwach's soul shards, more than likely, to ensure that Yhwach would not survive or escape somehow, however, there's an issue].

Now, that surprised Rimuru a bit, if Ciel deemed this issue, important enough to mention it to him, then it must be pretty big, "Oh?".

Ciel, seeing that she had Rimuru's full attention now, immediately began to explain, [Upon further analysis of subject known as Giselle, her power has been scanned completely.

It has shown disturbing similarities of the branch of magic known as Necromancy, I advise you to deal with her before Harry notices and quickly].

Rimuru widen his eyes in worry and immediately turned to look at Giselle, who upon noticing that Rimuru was looking at her with a hateful and nervous look, began to tremble, meanwhile, Rimuru frowned and narrowed his eyes at the situation before him, "Shit... a necromancer?... That's not good".

Harry really blows his top whenever the subject of Necromancy is brought up, I had to beg him not to destroy Adalman and he only stopped trying when Shuna spoke on the Lich's behalf, still, to this day, Harry is very hostile to Adalman and would more than likely immediately destroyed him if given the chance.

So Rimuru became rather nervous when Ciel told him about Giselle's Necromancy-like abilities, deciding not to waste any more time with this, Rimuru raised a hand towards Giselle and began to gather his mana.

Giselle of course flinched and panicked when she saw Rimuru pointing a hand toward her, Bambietta, Lilotte, Candice, and Meninas widened their eyes and immediately spread out sensing something really dangerous was about to happen.

But Rimuru couldn't care less about them right now, at this very moment, he had to make sure that Giselle was dealt with and quickly, "Abyss Annihilation!".

A pitch-black beam of dark magic shot out of Rimuru's hand and flew straight towards Giselle, the black-haired quincy widened her eyes and immediately tried to move away with her high-speed movement technique, but as she moved, the beam of dark magic turned and headed straight towards her.

This, of course, shocked Giselle, but it was too late, as she was caught off guard by the beam's sudden turn, she was almost instantly hit by it, and the moment Rimuru's Abyss Annihilation crashed against Giselle, it violently detonated.

Giselle didn't even have time to blink, much less make any noise as she was consumed by the sudden and powerful explosion of Rimuru's attack, Abyss Annihilation... an ultra-powerful technique that taps into dark magic to summon minus energy from the bottom of hell and mixes it into a gravity collapse, creating a devastating attack that can tear down entire dimensions and even destroy an entire planet if not properly controlled.

Lucky for the Quincy King's domain, Rimuru controlled his attack, even still, the massive pitch-black explosion engulfed a big area within it and shook the domain, even though the other four female quincies were able to get away from the attack and from Giselle herself.

They were still caught by the shockwave, which sent them ragdolling through the air while they screamed their heart out in shock and fear, as the massive explosion devastated the area and filled it with massive bolts of black lighting that lashed out everywhere.

Rimuru just watched it all happen, while Ciel made her opinion known, [... That was way overkill no?].

Rimuru shook his head, "No... necromancers always have an annoying trick or two under their sleeve that lets them survive almost anything, I'm not going to deal with that... can you scan the area? Make sure I destroyed her fully.

[Okay... Scanning...

No energy detected... no physical fallover detected... no spiritual residue detected... all evidence leads to the fact that Giselle had been erased from existence.]

Rimuru nodded to both himself and Ciel, "Good, what about the Quincy King's shard?".

[It has been absorbed by Harry's Resurrection Stone, it seems like someone made sure it couldn't be destroyed by your attack].

"I see, must have been Death, looks like she wants Harry to make sure all the soul shards are really gone".

[It seems so, looks like Death really wants the Quincy King gone, all other soul shards within those that died with yours and Harry's attacks, have been absorbed as well, the Quincy King is already dead, he just does not realize it yet].

Rimuru moved his eyesight towards the three remaining female quincies and then said, "He will soon enough...".


Yhwach continued to hold his lacerated arm and glared at Harry, who just stood there staring at him with no expression on his face anymore, suddenly Harry raised his Elder Wand and Yhwach immediately moved to dodge whatever was coming.

However, Harry didn't fire any spells yet, instead, he suddenly began to twirl his wand between his fingers, while orange orbs of magic began to shoot out from the Elder Wand, the orbs stopped in mid-air and stayed floating around Harry, until he stopped twirling his wand and then jab his wand forward "Confringo Verberare!".

The orange orbs of mana instantly shot forward with the force of a canon ball and accelerated mid-flight toward Yhwach, the Quincy King immediately began to move from place to place trying to avoid Harry's spell, he had learned the hard way, to not let any spells from the Dragon God hit him, not without knowing what their effects are.

However, to Yhwach shock, the spells immediately began to chase him and even moved to surround him and corner him, the Quincy King soon found himself trapped within countless orbs of mana, so he quickly jumped up as hard and fast as he could.

Harry's spell instantly moved to follow him and shot upwards, Yhwach frowned as he immediately noticed that the spells were gaining on him, but he suddenly widened his eyes and immediately moved his gaze towards Harry when he sensed his mana gather in his wand again.

The Quincy King glared towards the dragon as he saw him smiling while waving his wand towards him, Harry then pointed his wand at Yhwach and said, "Arresto Momentum!".

A shockwave of mana shot out of Harry's wand and traveled so fast towards Yhwach, that he didn't have any time to do anything and found himself getting hit by Harry's spell, his eyes widened once more when he found his body slowed down a lot and become unable to move fast.

The Confringo Verberare spell then caught up to Yhwach and crashed against his body, the Quincy King found himself engulfed in a fiery explosion that shook the area and unleashed a series of shockwaves of flames that lit up the domain in an intense orange light.

Harry grinned upon seeing the effect and destruction created by his spell, "Got to thank Hermione for this one... maybe I should ask her for more lessons on magic spells... she does look good in a teacher's outfit".

Yhwach was suddenly launched out of the explosion and sent crashing against the floor with a loud thud, Yhwach groaned in both anger and pain as he quickly got on one knee and huffed, "... Even with my Blut, that explosion managed to rupture some of my organs...".

The Quincy King looked up and watched as Harry was looking down at him from his spot above him, the dragon king just stayed there floating completely unbothered by Yhwach's stare down.

Harry stared at Yhwach and scanned his body, "Hmm... you must be wondering why my spell could pierce through your Blut and natural resistance, right?

Well, I'm afraid that abilities, like Blut and even natural resistances, don't work on my attacks, unluckily for you I have something called god-killer, a passive skill that allows me to do full damage to those who are deities by nature, you're one, so no matter what you do or try to defend yourself with, it won't work".

Yhwach growled upon hearing Harry's words, he never thought that something like this god-killer skill thing existed, Harry then just shrugged, "In all honesty, even if I didn't have that skill, you still wouldn't be able to do anything.

You're obviously not on my level, even with me limiting myself to just wand magic, you still can't keep up, to think an elder god-level being like you, would be this weak even after being alive for so long, how disappointing...".

Yhwach suddenly stood up and in anger shouted as he absorbed even more reishi into himself, "Do not look down on me! You're just a child who knows nothing and believes in things that do not exist!".

With a roar filled with anger and frustration, Yhwach swung both arms forward and unleashed a twin beam of blue reishi that went through the air and headed directly toward Harry.

The dragon god in response raised his wand and cast a quick Protego spell, a barrier of mana materialized around him instantly after casting the spell and deflected the twin beams of reishi.

The beams of spiritual energy spread apart around the barrier and became countless beams of reishi that were launched all around Harry, they soon crashed against the ground behind Harry and violently exploded in a series of violent and powerful explosions.

But Harry was completely unaffected by the explosions and so was his mana barrier, Yhwach growled and stopped his attack, seeing as his reishi and long-range attacks weren't working, he opted for close-quarters combat instead.

He had been analyzing Harry's battle tactics and movements and it seemed to him, that Harry favored a long-range style of combat when he used a wand, a big difference from when he used those keylike swords of his.

Thinking he could take advantage of this, the Quincy King created a pair of sabers from his blue reishi and launched himself toward Harry at high speed, however, the dragon god could still follow his movements with his eyes, despite Yhwach moving beyond what is known as godspeed Harry was still able to see the Quincy King as he move.

So when Yhwach appeared in front of him and swung his reishi sabers at Harry, he easily moved away from the swings and hit Yhwach with a Depulso, the Spell crashed into Yhwach's chest and sent him flying back.

Though he quickly recovered in mid-air and launched himself back towards Harry again, only for the dragon god to dodge his next series of attacks and use Depulso again, this went on and on for a while, no matter how or what the Quincy King tried to do, he just couldn't hit Harry and only got sent flying back from him in return.

It was as if Harry was playing with him and just pushing him away from him to see what he would do next, of course, this served to only anger Yhwach more and more, to the point that he began to use both his reishi sabers and projectiles at the same time hoping to hit Harry.

The only problem? Harry just easily avoided all attacks coming at him with ease, after a few seconds of blasts and slashes of energy going off all over Harry's surroundings, the dragon god suddenly pointed his wand towards Yhwach's face and grinned as he cast another Spell, "Aguamenti".

A blast of water hit Yhwach's face, not expecting such an attack on his person, Yhwach's reaction was to backpedal quickly, which gave Harry time to combo his spell with another, with a twirl of his wand, the water he had shot from his Aguamenti spell instantly gathered and swirled around Yhwach's face and head engulfing them in an Orb of water.

Yhwach only had time to widen his eyes and see as Harry fired a third and final spell towards him, "Glacius!".

The water orb engulfing Yhwach's head froze solid almost immediately, which made the quincy panic at the suddenness of the entire series of spells, so he tripped while backpedaling and fell on his ass.

While Yhwach was distracted, Harry then began to prepare his next combo, starting with a powerful Incendio, hot blistering flames erupted from Harry's Elder Wand and began to surround him, with another quick flick of his wand, Harry cast the advance and more powerful version of the windy spell, "Ventus Tria!".

A powerful gust of wind blew from Harry's Elder Wand and fanned the flames of his Incendio Spell, causing them to grow and burn more intensely, Harry then wasted no time and began to swing his Wand arm above his head in a wide circle, causing the windy spell to begin to swirl the flames creating a massive tornado of flames.

But Harry didn't stop there and began to feed more and more mana to the flames, increasing their power and heat, until the flames began to change color, first blue, then purple, and then finally, a violet and black color.

The powerful flames lit the area causing everything around Harry and Yhwach to darken, only Harry's glowing green eyes could be seen and that's the first thing Yhwach saw when he finally destroyed the orb of ice that he had around his head.

The Quincy King could only watch in disbelief as the violet and black tornado of flames swirled in front of him as he stared into Harry's glowing green eyes, "T-these flames... they're hotter than Yamamoto...".

Harry grinned and then said, "Thank you for the compliment, honestly though. I've only been using basic wand spells, spells taught to fifth graders of a magic school... I'm just being creative with them.

But I could have used far more advanced and dangerous spells, entrail expellers, eye gougers, blood boilers, and even some dark and evil curses like bone breakers, heart stoppers, and even the torture spell.

But you're not worth the effort, you're not on the level of some of the beings I've faced before, in fact, you compare low to some of the demon lords of the world I first visited, you do not even compare to some of the most skillful and powerful people a faced.

You lack power and skill to be even called a threat, I see that Death really just wanted you gone because you're an eyesore to her, not a threat...".

Yhwach couldn't really respond or say anything right now, in his mind all sorts of questions and thoughts were going through at a high speed, questions that he was now forced to contemplate.

As Harry jabbed his Elder Wand forward and as the violet and black flames tornado began to move towards him, Yhwach began to question himself, his power, and his place in this world.

Was he really this weak? Or was Harry just this powerful? Was he really lacking this much strength and knowledge? Was Harry speaking the truth about Death, just how is he supposed to face something like Harry Potter?

As Harry's powerful combo spell reached Yhwach and his skin began to burn and even melt, the Quincy King couldn't help but think, that perhaps he should have left everything alone until after Harry was gone again, it was obvious that he would leave soon enough.

But his arrogance and confidence in his plans overrode his common sense, those were the thoughts running through the Quincy King's mind as he began to scream and howl in agonizing pain as the super-heated flames of Harry's combo spell began to compress and intensify around him.


~At the same time~

As Harry manhandled Yhwach, Rimuru had been battling against the female quincies, the battle however, was not going in favor of the quincies, Rimuru proved to be a difficult opponent, and not even the power granted to them helped the female quincies in this battle.

Rimuru had a wide arrangement of skills and abilities that easily negated the effects of everything the female quincies could throw at him, that's how they found themselves getting thrown aside and then blasted further away by Rimuru after they tried to gang up on him.

Bambietta, Candice, Liltotto, and Meninas found themselves on the ground filled with wounds and bruises, but as they quickly tried to get up there was a sudden bright violet flash of light and a horrendous howl of pain that filled the area.

The female quincies widen their eyes in shock upon recognizing the scream of agonizing pain that filled the area, Rimuru turned his head towards the flash of violet light and whistled feeling impressed by Harry's spell, "Damn! Those flames are hotter than my black storm flames.

That crazy Harry has to always one-up his friends hahaha, still, it seems like his battle is almost over, after such a spell hit him I doubt the Quincy King would be okay... well, looks like it's time to finish things here as well".

Rimuru turned his head back towards the female quincies, they, of course, flinched in fright, Candice suddenly growled in anger and frustration, she quickly stood up and proceeded to yell at Rimuru, "Fuck you! You're not going to kill us that easily! We have gone through to much to just die here!".

Bambietta scoffed and got up, "Yeah, we're going to make it out alive from this battle and put your head on a pike!".

Meninas stood up next along with Liltotto, both weren't as sure nor confident as Candice and Bambietta, but they agreed with what they said about not going down so easily and without a fight.

Rimuru raised an eyebrow in surprise and shook his head soon after, "You haven't been able to touch me and yet, you think you can do so now? There's a limit to how arrogant someone can be, you know?".

The female quincies grinned at Rimuru which got him to narrow his eyes at them, Candice then shouted at Rimuru very loudly, "We still haven't shown you our trump cards! You're going to regret not killing us sooner pretty boy!".

Suddenly the bodies of the four surviving female quincies exploded with their energy, pink, yellow, blue, and green lights lit up the area around the demonlord and the female quincies.

Rimuru immediately recognized what the female quincies were trying to do since he had seen Quilge Opie try to do the same, so he quickly disappeared in a blur of movement and appeared in front of Liltotto, he quickly stabbed her through the chest with his magisteel katana.

The yellow light of her reishi immediately disappeared and Liltotto gasped in pain, she slowly looked down her chest to see the sword that had pierced her heart, only for Rimuru to pull his katana out and then cut off her head instantly killing her, he quickly turned around and raised an open hand towards Bambietta.

The female leader of this group of quincies widened her eyes in surprise, but couldn't do anything as Rimuru fired a compact and powerful bolt of black lighting at her, Bambietta couldn't move since she was charging up her trump card and was hit by Rimuru's black lightning bolt head on.

She didn't even get to scream since she was immediately disintegrated on contact by Rimuru's attack, but this did give enough time for Candice and Meninas to finish doing what they were trying to do and not knowing what would happen, Rimuru opted to jump back and watch.

Both Candice and Meninas were suddenly engulfed by orbs of their reishi, pink and green, but that didn't stay like that for long, the orbs of reishi soon popped and sent two shockwaves all around the female quincies.

Rimuru just watched this happening until the two reishi orbs dissipated and revealed Meninas' and Candice's new forms.

Candice was wrapped around with green lighting bolts, she also gained six green lightning bolt-edged wings behind her shoulders, a heiligenschein of electricity shaped like a star-like quincy zeichen floating above her head, this form of hers is known as her Vollständig, Barbarriel.

Similar to Candice, Meninas' Vollständig granted her pink wings composed of three large heart-shaped segments each and a heiligenschein shaped like a spiky, star-like quincy zeichen, her Vollständig is known as Pornipora.

However, both remaining female quincy frowned when they noticed that both Liltotto and Bambietta's spiritual pressure was gone, Candice growled and then said in anger, "Fuck! The bastard got to Bambi and Liltotto before they could activate their Vollständig!".

Meninas sadly frowned, "... I can't believe they're gone now".

Rimuru however, just stared at the new forms the two female quincies had activated, Hmm... so this is what that Quilge Opie guy was trying to do when Harry and I fought him.

Vollständig huh? Pretty impressive for humans with just spiritual powers, still, it doesn't seem like it made them too terribly strong".

[Correct, Vollständig seems to allow the user to absorb large amounts of reishi via their heiligenschein, either to empower their spirit weapons or to augment the form and capabilities of their Vollständig itself.

But there's no over-boost to their stats, they just seem to overpower and overcharge their attacks and abilities to a high degree, while the form is self-sustainable via the large amounts of reishi they seem to pulling from the surrounding area].

"Ah, like a charge skill or something like that, but one that is activated all the time and for all skills, pretty impressive, you also seem to have assimilated all the information we got from scanning them too".

[Yes, it took a while to absorb and understand the terms and procedures, but the techniques and abilities are simple enough, once you have a grasp of things, I will be able to help you recreate all of these into proper skills for your use later].

Rimuru nodded and smiled, "That sounds good, maybe ask Harry to show us hollow and shinigami techniques, to complete the s- whoa!".

Candice, not liking that Rimuru seemed too relaxed even when they managed to use their trump cards, grew angry enough to shoot a massive bolt of green lightning toward the Demonlord.

But, even when Rimuru is busy speaking with Ciel, he's still paying attention and keeping an eye on his surroundings thanks to his sensing skills.

So it was easy for him to dodge the attack, this however only served to anger Candice even more, "Stop moving bastard!".

Rimuru suddenly appeared behind Candice making her widen her eyes in surprise, meanwhile, Rimuru raised his arm along with his magisteel katana and said, "Yeah, I'm not stupid to just stand there and receive an unknown attack like that".

Candice closed her eyes thinking she was about to die, but Meninas appeared beside Rimuru and was barely able to punch away his magisteel katana before it could cut Candice in half.

Still, she wasn't fast enough and Candice ended up getting one of her eyes cut before Rimuru's weapon and arm whipped to the side, the demonlord however, seemed unaffected by Meninas' sudden interruption.

So as Candice grabbed her bleeding face and screamed in pain, Rimuru backhanded Meninas in her face with all his strength, the impact made a shockwave go off from the point of impact, which sent Candice flying and ragdolling toward the ground.

While Meninas had her head whipped to the side and all the way around her body with a sickening crack, Meninas only had time to twitch and gurgle in pain, before her Vollständig deactivated and she fell off the sky.

Her lifeless body soon crashed on the ground with a loud splat as the soul shard Yhwach had granted her, flew towards Harry's direction, Rimuru nervously scratched his head and then sighed, "Oops, I didn't mean to hit her that hard, I just reacted... looks like I'm leveling up a lot right now, I better start trying to control my strength again".

Making that mental note for later, Rimuru moved his attention to the screaming Candice, he quickly flew down and landed not too far from where the female quincy landed, Candice soon calm down a bit, but she still growled and cursed out in both pain and anger, "My eye... you son of a bitch! You cut my eye off!".

Rimuru just shrugged not at all caring about Candice's complaints, "You're lucky that's all I cut off, you should thank your friend, she died trying to save your life".

Candice just glared at Rimuru in pure unadulterated loathing, she was practically foaming at the mouth now, "Why!? Why did this have to happen when we were about to show those stupid shinigami how powerful we are!?.

Why did you and Harry Potter have to show up now!? Monsters! That's what you both are! You should both drop dead assholes!".

Rimuru whistled and looked amused at what Candice just yelled at him, "Wow, such temper and vocabulary! You weren't well-liked by your friends huh? But it doesn't matter.

I could give you the reason as to why Harry and I are here, but he already explained that you and those other quincies just didn't believe him, you guys worship that Yhwach guy so much that you just refuse to see the truth.

Sad really, you still had to die, but at least, we would have made it painless if you were a bit less arrogant, but your king's words seemed to have pissed off Death, the true and real Death and now you got to suffer for it".

Rimuru suddenly disappeared in a blur and appeared in front of Candice, who could only watch in disbelief as Rimuru raised his sword against her again, "If you want to blame someone, blame the ignorance and arrogance of your king".

The last thing Candice saw before her world turned black, was Rimuru swinging his sword towards her and then nothing as her head fell to the ground with a heavy thud, so ends the quincy and their foolish plans.