Derek's Backstory(4)

I decided to set aside that thought for now and focus on my remaining duties for now.

A month had passed, and I had just finished all of my duties for the following year except for the emergency ones that might suddenly arrive.

"Now that I'm done, I should try and fulfill my promise to her..." I said as I was dazed while looking at the moonlight in my room window.

A few minutes of dazing later, I was laying in my bed while having a nervous look on my face, I was thinking about the possible things that she might say to me...

"Who are you?"

"Do I know you?"

"Is this a prank?"


Those were the few things that I imagined that she might say to me tomorrow.


"I better man up and just try to deal with it tomorrow, after all, It's not like worrying will fix anything right?", I said to encourage myself to have confidence for tomorrow.

Though I was still nervous, It was still better than me overthinking things as I did a few moments ago.

As I had that thought in my mind, My eyes were closing slowly, 'I hope I don't need things up and will do great tomorrow...' I thought as I slept without having any idea of what will happen tomorrow.

As I woke up, I quickly prepared myself and asked a servant to prepare a carriage without our clan's insignia on the side of it.

As I was heading towards the market in a carriage, But it suddenly stopped as if it hit something, I quickly opened the window and tried to know what was going on.

I opened the carriage window as I asked one of the 3 guards that were escorting me, "What's going on? Why did we stop?"

"Young master, We seem to have collided with another carriage." One of the escorting guards said with a troubled look on his face.

As I looked around, I was met with plenty of people looking at the carriage that I was currently on.

"Whose carriage was it?"

"Young master, The carriage that we collided in is from one of the three clans, they seem to be from 'clan familiar based on the insignia on the carriage." another guard answered.

As I got out of the carriage, I noticed that some of the people were whispering, while the others had a look of pity on their faces. Seeing this I can't help but think:

'What's happening? Why are they looking this way? Do they know that I'm from one of three clans?'

Though I'm okay with other people knowing, I don't want everyone to know where I'm from due to the trouble it will cause.

"What a pity, to think someone would bump into one of the three clans' carriages of all people..." One of the people who were looking towards my carriage.

"Sigh, I hope I could see a fight," another said.

"Do you think that the carriage without an insignia will perhaps die?"

"Well, from the looks of it, there is a high chance of it happening."

As I heard this, I can't help but sigh in relief, after all, I don't want anyone to know about my irregular visit to the market.

Though they didn't know who I was and was relieved for it, I'm currently in a pickle right now due to the other party thinking someone lower than them had crashed into them.


'I just hope that they won't cause trouble for me right now, Well, I can only see and hope for now as I don't know what the future holds.' I thought as I was feeling a headache from all of this.

I asked one of the guards, "Who's the one at fault? Were we the ones who crashed at them?"

"Young master, That isn't what happened, We were just slowing down and were hit, they were the ones speeding and hitting us In the process." one of the guards said as he kept waving his arm during the whole explanation.

"Do we know who's the one inside the other carriage?" I asked while hoping that it was not one of the elders and the main family of the other clan as it might cause a problem.

"Young master, The one inside the-," As the guard was about to explain, He was suddenly interrupted by someone that I knew very well.

"Oh? I didn't expect to see you here Derek..."

I looked at him and muttered, "Andrew..." I was shocked as I didn't expect to see him here. After all, what are the chances of meeting him as I was about to meet Abby?

"Sorry about the collision, we were in a hurry and didn't expect all of this to happen, are you perhaps going somewhere?" He said as he having an apologetic look on his face.

'This is weird, too weird...somethings wrong here.' I thought as I eyed Andrew, though I have known Andrew for years, I still haven't seen his true face.

He always has this mask on his face as if he is hiding something.

We didn't talk to each other or meet for more than a year, and now that I'm about to go and visit Abby, do we happen to meet by coincidence? no matter how you think about it's weird, it's almost as if this is planned.

"It's okay, I better go now, I still have things to do for the rest of the day."

"Can I come with you? I mean we haven't seen each other for a year, and I just want to catch up and I'm curious about what you're about to do. After all, You didn't seem to have anything on the schedule for today as you had just finished all of it." He said with a creepy smile on his face.

"How did you know that? Are you spying on me!?" I said with a cold tone as I didn't expect someone to spy on me all this time.

"What? No, No No! I didn't have any spy on your home or something, I just heard it from one of your servants coincidentally." He said in a wronged voice.

"You better not be, or this friendship of ours might just break."

"Ok, Ok, I better get going now, Don't worry we'll meet soon enough, or it might even just be sooner than you'll expect." He said as he went inside his carriage while waving.

As he said, I didn't expect that I will meet him sooner than I had expected.


"Woah! That was one of the town 3 heirs just now!"

"Sigh, I thought that I would witness a fight."

"Who would have taught that they weren't even angry at each other."

"Who is that guy? For him to get away even if a noble clan's carriage was damaged."

"Maybe young master Andrew knew him?"

As the crowd was speculating about our encounter just now, I quickly ordered my guards to continue our travel.

"Is there any damage in our carriage?" I asked as I watched the back of Andrew's carriage getting farther and farther away from us.

"Don't worry young master, The carriage didn't suffer any damage except for the paint on the side." One of the guards answered.

"Continue our travel at a moderate speed, Quickly Tell me if we had already arrived at our destination."

"Yes, young master!" The three guards said as they quickly returned to their assigned positions.


A few minutes later, A knock could be heard on the carriage door as a soldier said the following moment, "Young master, We have arrived at our destination."

As I got out, I was met with a market with a never-ending sea of the crowd trying to buy things from the market.

"Stay in the surroundings for now and only come out if there is any danger," I ordered as I waved my hand.

Seeing this, my guards just nodded without saying anything and blended in with the crowd.

I quickly went towards the inner market and was trying to find Abby's stall, as the place where she was selling apples in the past was now gone.

Though I didn't worry as I knew that she is still selling apples somewhere around the inner market.

After a few minutes of searching, I finally saw her in one of the stalls selling different varieties of fruits, Plenty of people could be seen buying in her stall.

I quickly went towards her as I wore a mask to cover my face and try to see if Abby will recognize me.


"You better come with me! Don't you know who I am? I'm Ron, one of the most famous merchants in the whole town! Now that you know me, You better come with me bitch!" A fat guy said while trying to grab a beautiful teen in a stall.

"Let go of me! Can't you see I don't want to come with you, You fat pig!?" The teen said as she tried to resist him.

The crowd was just watching this, As they don't want to intervene as they might be noticed by the merchant.

The merchant was about to slap the teen in the face when suddenly someone grabbed his arm with greater strength than his.