Derek's Backstory(5)

As the merchant looked around, he saw a guy with a mask on his face, he had a cold look in his eyes as he stared at the merchant in front of him.

"Who are you brat!? Don't you know who I am!?" The fat merchant said with anger visible on his face.

"I don't care who you are, I will only ask you one question, Do you know who I am?" Derek asked with a cold tone as he removed the mask on his face.

Seeing this, He quickly recognize as he had seen him I'm one of the banquets he attended years ago, and he even tried to do business with him but failed miserably.

He quickly bowed and said, "Young Mas-", He suddenly stopped as both of his arms were grabbed by someone stronger than him.

He looked around and saw 3 guards dragging him toward an alley between two shops.

The 3 guards that were grabbing him were Derek's guards that came along with him.

Knowing that he was about to be killed, he quickly shouted hoping to escape this danger, "Quickly kill them all and help me escape!" As he said that, 7 guys with weapons appeared out of the crowd.

Though they have the number advantage, My guards didn't worry as they are a tier higher than them.

After all, the guards that accompanied me were all at tier 3, while the merchant's goons were just tiered 2 trashes. They aren't worried about me, after all, I'm also a warrior and a highly skilled mage that is at the peak of tier 3.

A sword appeared in front of me, I got it from the space pouch that my mother gifted me on my 10th birthday.

"Ahs`She`Kort!" I chanted as the sword in my hand was releasing a space-like aura on it.

I appeared in front of the goons and used my sword on him, A huge hole appeared in his chest, and he fell with a shocked expression visible on his face.

Two of my guards helped me clean the rest of them up leaving no one behind, as the other one was pressing the tier 1 fat merchant on the ground.

The crowd around was running around not wanting to get caught in our fight as they were just tiered 1 civilian.

A minute later, all of the goons were dealt with the merchant was dragged and tied on top of my carriage waiting for his doom.

As I looked back to Abby that was the victim of the merchant, I was about to ask if she is okay, but she suddenly came running towards me and hugged me while saying.

"Thank you for your help, Looks like you finally came and will fulfill the promise you made to me years ago..." She said happily while she is hugging me.

'She still remembers? Well, I'm not gonna complain though.' I thought while feeling happy that she still remember the promise I made years ago.

As the crowd was looking at us, I quickly suggested that we continue our discussion at my house, which she didn't know was a mansion.

She agreed, and we quickly went back to my house, my guards have questions about the lady that will come with me, but they didn't show it on their faces as their jobs are to only follow orders and not ask questions.

A month quickly passed, And oh, boy! It was such a headache. Abby became my girlfriend as she didn't want to get married not knowing anything about me.

She also almost broke up with me after finding out that I was the heir of the Clan Santos which was one of the highest positions in this town.

My mother also went crazy after finding out and killing a total of 23 maids, 13 workers, 5 civilians, and 31 slaves that we owned. She even almost killed Abby which I prevented by threatening to kill myself if anything happened to her.

Though I feel bad for the people my mother killed, I just shrugged my shoulders as I have plenty of problems to deal with at the moment.

My father even spoke to me, but the weird thing is he didn't congratulate me or anything like that, he just said, "No matter how smart you are, If your naive you'll still be considered behind someone." he shook his head at me as he exited the room.

I didn't know what he meant by that and just shrugged it off as my father has always been weird as long as I remember, though I kept it in my mind as it is the only thing my father said to me properly.

And just like that,/6months have passed by quickly, and I still haven't seen Andrew this whole time.

The only thing that's worth mentioning these past 6 months is, Abby is now living in our family mansion, though she would sometimes ask permission to leave just to see her mother.

Speaking of mother, I asked her about her family as I didn't even know them except for her mother whom I saw when I met Abby.

She seems to be sick according to what Abby said, I even told her that I will visit her mother with her this following week and even bring a doctor to her home.

She just declined and said that I should focus on my work and that her mother is currently fine and just needs rest.

Oh right, During these last 6 months there have been plenty of necessary documents that I need to sign and such due to the yearly beast tide.

6 more months have quickly passed, And I'm currently 15 years old, a year more and I will now be considered an adult by this world's standards.

During these past 6 more months, I have noticed that Abby seemed to be a little distant toward me and will only stay at our family mansion for 2 days per week.

She said that her mother seemed to be a lot better compared to the last half a year that she was sick. Though I would have liked to meet her, Abby would just come up with random excuses just so that I can't go with her.

I also noticed that when I'm with her, When my mother sees us together, she would give Abby these looks without saying anything. Which I find weird, as my mother would just often speak what was on her mind if she wants to say something.

Another year passed and I'm now considered an adult, I would just always think about what Andrew said to me a couple of years ago.

Something about the way he said it to me just doesn't seem right, well I would usually just ignore this kind of feeling but not when I know that he either has a traitor or a spy watching me the whole time.

I have also reached tier 4 this year, I can be considered a genius by human standards as an average 16-year-old would just have reached tier 3 at my age, which I passed with an over-the-top score.

My mana control also evolved and now reached the peak of tier 5, I have also declined the invitations from the academy as I didn't want to be separated from Abby.

A month passed, I and Abby and we're suddenly invited to a banquet in Andrew's Clan mansion in a week, they seemed to be celebrating Andrew's acceptance to the best human academy in the world.

I also heard that he had become a tier 4 swordsman, he seemed to have reached the top 20 best youth swordsmen in the whole continent.


A week passed by quickly, and both Abby and I were heading towards the banquet that will be hosted by the Clan Familia, Though we were both in different carriages as Abby said that she didn't want to be seen with me.

I just assumed that she didn't like our relationship to be seen in public. So I just allowed it as I also don't want to cause a commotion.

The public didn't know about our relationship as it's been hidden quite well by my mother. She said she did it to avoid future problems.

Which got my curiosity picked, so I asked my mother about it she replied, "I can't tell you, but just know this, no matter what happens I'll always be by your side." She hugged me the whole time as she said that.

"And also keep this in mind this whole night, Whatever...


'Why does everyone keeps saying things that I can't understand? Can't you just tell me directly?' I thought while feeling a little annoyed as I exited the carriage while remembering what my mother said.

A few minutes later, I was now infront of a door connecting to the venue of the banquet, A guard looked at me and nodded.

"Introducing, One of the three heirs of this town's clan Santos, Derek Santos, Border town's number one genius." One of the guards at the door announced as I entered.

As I entered the banquet room, I was met with plenty of people looking in my direction, some with curiosity, some with neutral expressions, and others with smiles on their faces.