A Pricey Cultivation Manual

Just as I was about to kill the Old mayor, I suddenly stopped and looked in a certain direction as I heard a weak voice,

~Looks like I'm about to die now, If only I could have the power or see someone that has the power to reach the peak, I would even sell my soul to a devil...~

Hearing this, my curiosity got piqued, and I decided to find the one who just spoke weakly as It might be a little more interesting than killing an Old man.

I quickly left after informing Kereina about it, I told her to explore the town for now and find a place we could stay at.

Kereina accepted quickly as she wanted to explore the whole town as this was her first time finding strange structures except the ones called ruins that she and her master went to.

While leaving the Old man behind without any notice, I looked in the direction where the weak voice came from and saw something that wasn't there a few seconds ago.

There seems to be a red smoke in the distance, though I haven't seen such a thing before it seems to be familiar to me for some reason.

'System, What was that voice all about? Is it related to my new race or something? And what is that smoke?' I asked the System as all of this got my curiosity piqued.

[To answer the host's questions, As the host had reached a high tier as a devil. You will now be able to see the red smoke in the surroundings which represents someone's request to a devil.]

'If so, What does that thick smoke in the distance mean?'

[To answer the host's questions, The bigger and thicker the smoke is, the harder the request of the said someone is.]

'So I will have to fulfill their request and I will get rewards or something like that?'

[The host is correct, You can either gain an item that he has, his soul, or other souls in his possession, lifespan, or be your eternal servant.]

'Oh? This function seems interesting, this will keep me away from boredom for a very long time.'

'I wonder what fun things I'll discover?' I thought while feeling excited at what new things I will discover today.


After a few dozen seconds of traveling at my fastest speed, I discovered that the smoke was coming from a room of a creepy mansion with vines all over it.

It even has a graveyard on the side, if you look carefully you could only see a small amount of vegetation around it.

There also seem to be slaves working near the graveyard but we're either resting or passed out.

Seeing this I can't help but thought, 'From the looks of it, It seems like the shockwave from my earlier attack reached here.' I also noticed that some of the vegetation has little rot on its sides.

I quickly entered the room where the smoke was coming from and was met with a pale-skinned boy in his teens laying on an antique-styled bed.

As I was about to ask the system what should I do next, A sudden notification came up that caught my entire attention.

[The system suggests the host use the system function, Spacial-Kingdom. While also using the skill of Soul space at the same time to create an illusional space on the target.]

'Oh? I can also combine my skills with a System function. But, What would happen if I follow your suggestion?'

[As you combine both the function 'Spacial-Kingdom' and the skill 'Soul space; you will be able to bring any near-death souls to an illusional space where you could use your imagination to create anything that you would like, though you are only allowed to bring a near-death soul to this separate space as it's only related to the 'law of the soul', 'law of illusion' and 'space law'.]

Hearing this, plenty of things became clearer to me, 'Looks like becoming a devil is the best decision that I made...' I thought while feeling excited, I looked like I have found a new toy that I could play with as A large smile could be seen on my face.

I decided to follow the system's advice, a few minutes of failed activation later due to the difficulty of using it, I was able to activate it properly on my 7th try.

'Well, Alls well that ends well... I guess?'


As I had activated the skill, at the next second, the surrounding suddenly got dark. A few more seconds later, the surroundings suddenly changed as I was sitting on a throne made out of bones.

'Oh? I'm in a throne room? That's... Classy I guess?' I thought as I looked around the place.

Just as I was about to look around more, I suddenly stopped as I saw a young man materializing in front of me, he was the teen I saw just before I did what the System suggested.

"Well, this could be interesting..." I thought as I felt excitement all over my body.


Remembering all of that, I decided to put it in the back of my head as I asked the system.

'Do you have any way to fix his mana circuit? Or maybe a new cultivation technique he could use?'

[To answer the host's question, there is a way to fix his mana circuit, but it's currently impossible to achieve as you would need plenty of rare material all around the world. Though there is a manual in the System Shop that could help...]

[Does the host want to buy an 'Immersion cultivation manual'? It will only cost the host a total of 249 shop coins.]

'Eh? 249 shop coins!?' I was shocked as I didn't expect such a huge amount of coins for a simple manual.

Though I didn't complain as I knew that the system is fair and would only price such a huge amount because it is either 'OP' or provides several effects.