Chapter 10 - Brother

"Should you really be drinking at breakfast, dad?" Sighed Argent with a look of exasperation.

"Ahh, come on, it's fine once in a while," Our father grinned sheepishly in response, as he sipped from a beer can.

Rhyle Stryker, probably in his early to mid thirties, my father in this world. He was a bit on the shorter side, with a muscular build. He had short, closely-cropped golden blonde hair, bright pink eyes and a short, thick beard and mustache.

He was pretty jovial and cheerful, with a seemingly carefree attitude. Sometimes it kinda feels like he has a bit too much energy, but he's a good person, which is what matters most, at least as far as I'm concerned.

"Come on, don't overdo it, you're setting a bad example, dear," Replied our mother with a narrowed side glance.

Lycia Stryker, she looked like she was a year or two younger than he was, with snow-white hair that flowed down past her shoulders and was pushed back from her forehead using a hairband, icy blue eyes and a tall, slender build.

Her appearance gave off a very 'winter' vibe, if that makes sense. She's was mild-mannered and calm most of the time, but gets kinda scary when she's angry.

If there's one thing I've learnt about this world through living with my new's that hair and eye colors aren't hereditary. Same with our neighbors, there was pretty much no resemblance between family members in those regards.

I have to admit, it still feels a bit weird to consider them my my head, I always refer to them by their names, instead of mom, dad or big brother. Of course, I can't do that when I'm speaking out loud, it'll probably come off as disrespectful.

"So, what's the plan for today?" Inquired Argent, as he munched on some fruit.

Today's breakfast consisted of a variety of fruit, freshly baked buns with jam and honey to dip into. A whole lot of sweet, but my five year old tongue isn't complaining at all. And besides, it's healthy.

"Well, your mother and I have to head into town to buy some things we're running low on. The two of you can relax and take it easy today," Replied Rhyle with his mouth full.

"Eat or talk, not both at once," Sighed Lycia, giving him a sharp nudge.

"Alright, sounds good. Hey, what do you say, Larrk, want me to train you?" Offered Argent with a grin.

"Yes, please!" I nodded eagerly.

I want to get as strong as possible before I awaken my powers, and besides that, I've been finding training really fun. I never got into martial arts in my old world, but it always interested me.

I wasn't able to give it a try mainly because it's not easy to learn on your own with just tutorial videos...and considering my relationship with my previous family, I couldn't exactly ask them to hire someone to train me.

"You're really eager about all this, aren't you? I saw you studying one of the Magic instructional books last night, pal," Smiled Rhyle, as he reached over and ruffled my hair.

I should probably give a response fitting for a five year old...

"Everyone in the village is always talking about how strong you and mom are, so I want to be even stronger than that!" I responded in an excited tone.

"Someone's ambitious, I see. But you're a hundred years too early before you can get to our level," Teased Lycia with a laugh.

"Oh, wow, then you're a hundred and five years old? That's so old," I responded innocently, wide-eyed.

"N-no, I'm, er-...never mind, that was a joke," She cleared her throat as she lightly flicked my forehead.

"Ow, that hurt..."

Heh, guess she didn't like that comment...can't get mad at a toddler for something so innocent though.

"Never forget this, kiddo...don't ever comment on a woman's age, you'd be risking your life," Whispered Rhyle in a serious tone.

"Very funny," Sighed Lycia with a look of exasperation, as she smacked the back of his head lightly, "Come on, help me clear up the plates."

"Yes, ma'am."

The way they interact with each other, it's so different compared to how my parents in my previous life were...they didn't fight or anything, but they also didn't seem all that close for a married couple.

I'd never seen them all lovey-dovey or whatever, for one thing. Ugh, actually, the thought of that is really sickening.

Anyway, once the table was cleared and the dishes were washed, my parents got ready and headed out to the nearby town, which was a few kilometers away from the village.

"Alright, buddy, you ready to get training?" Inquired Argent with a grin.

"Yup, so ready!" I nodded excitedly.

"Let's go to the forest, as usual. Don't want to bother the neighbors," He remarked, as he led the way to the back door.

"Yeah, okay."

He says that every time we go out to train...I guess he's trying to subtly teach me to be mindful of others?

As we left the house and shut the back door, we headed into the forest that was behind the was a pretty big forest, and home to plenty of wild animals and Magical Beasts, as well as a few Monsters.

But most of those, especially the more dangerous ones, lived pretty deep inside the forest, so as long as we don't wander in too much, it's safe enough.

"Alright, here we are. Get warmed up, otherwise you'll hurt yourself," Remarked Argent, as we got to a small clearing, where he usually trains me.

"Yeah, I know," I nodded, as I began stretching.

"Let's see, how about we start with a bout of you on the defensive while I attack, and then switch roles? And to finish it off, we'll have a proper sparring bout," He suggested, as he started warming up too.

"Okay, sounds good to me," I replied affirmatively.

"Alright, then...ready or not, here I come!" He exclaimed, as he shot towards me.

I braced myself as he closed in, suddenly going low and unleashing a spinning, sweeping kick at my ankles. I swiftly sprang back in response, before he let his spinning momentum flow smoothly into a straight palm strike aimed at my chest.

I quickly crossed my arms in front of myself to block it, the force sending me flying back several meters, my feet skidding along the grass as I landed, before I fell onto one knee as my legs wobbled from the impact.

"Focus on your balance, don't let yourself fall! Maintain your balance even when thrown by an opponent!" He instructed me, as he rapidly closed the gap between us before I could even get back up onto my feet.

That's easier said than done, a five year old body isn't exactly the most coordinated...I mean, I can't just improve my sense of balance overnight, after all.

Not to mention that he's way faster and stronger than I am...all while holding back immensely. Though I can't exactly blame him for not going all out against someone six years younger than he is, so I can't complain about that.

As he closed in on me, I swiftly grabbed some dirt off the ground and flung it at him, his eyes widening in alarm...before a Magic Circle suddenly formed by his palm and a wall of earth rose up, blocking the dirt I'd thrown.

"That's cheating, you're only supposed to defend," He grinned, as my feet sunk into the ground and got restrained.

"Oh, right...sorry, I forgot," I replied sheepishly, as he freed my feet.

"Still, that wasn't too bad. In a real fight, you might have to resort to any means of dirty attacks to win, don't be above using any move you can think of," He advised me.

"Okay, got it," I nodded in response.

"Alright, then, get ready, let's give that another I come!" He declared, as he suddenly swung out a kick aimed at my chest.

I swiftly leapt over it in response and placed my hands on his ankle, before pushing off it to get away.

As I began to land, he shot towards me rapidly, closing in on me right as my feet touched the ground...okay, focus, I need to maintain my balance, and evade!

I began to use the momentum of my feet landing to kick off to the side...but lost my balance and slipped, falling onto my shoulder with a thud.

"Ow...," I groaned, as he helped me back up onto my feet.

"I saw what you were trying to do there, good thinking. But your execution could use some work, bud," He laughed as he patted my head.

"You think?" I grumbled in response, before letting a sigh with a wry smile.

"You good to keep going, Larrk?" He inquired, as I brushed off the dust from my clothes.

"Mhm, yeah. Bring it on," I replied with a determined nod, as I took a few steps back and braced myself.

"Love the attitude, little brother...alright, then, here I come!"


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