Following a less than ideal life and a harrowing death, the protagonist finds himself in the presence of a God, offering him a customized reincarnation into a world of his choosing, with his memories intact
He decides to reincarnate into a world of Magic and Monsters, intrigued by the notion of being able to use fantastical powers that did not exist in his previous world
Having grown up in a stifling high society and unloving family environment in his previous life, he chooses to reincarnate into a more simple life, opting to be a Commoner instead of a Noble, despite the oppressive class system present in the world of his reincarnation
Following a detailed customization of the powers he chooses to acquire, he reincarnates into a peaceful, loving family in this new world, with the name Larrk Stryker, in a small village well away from Noble society
While Larrk's fascination with Magic and the other powers he possesses in this world, along with the desire to be able to protect himself against any threat that might arise, drives him to master these abilities, all he really wants is a nice, peaceful life, one that's free of any strife or tragedy
But whether or not such a life can be achieved in this world, remains to be seen, as the countless unfamiliar elements of this strange new world only give rise to countless more possibilities, both good and bad...
i like the story however i think the mc could be better written he has some good moments however he is usually just as bad and treats even people who are nice to him badly. then about the pricing later on is between 15 - 20 coins i think it's pretty pricey considering most stories have 10 - 12 coins per chapter. despite everything i just said i still recommend the story it has its good moments i love world the story takes place in and think everyone should try reading it regardless of what i said
Good novel starting was bit off some cliche suffs But after some chapters story become dark and become more interesting Xjjdjdjxgfjxkxgkxkxkxkckxjdjxkxkxkxkxkxkxkxkckckckfkckdkdjdjdididididixixixixkxjxjxjxjxjxjxjxix
The author uses things like sexual assault just for the shock factor. Things don't really feel realistic and the introduction to the MCs life before transmigration goes on for several chapters.
great story, I like the world building and everything about the book
A really good read aside form the plot to make MC alone, the rest is ok...
The writing quality is good. The story has all sorts of clichés. At least it's written well
Really good novel, nice writing and character development
Fantastic and interesting novel. The story and the writing quality is so fantastic as it never bores me, I really like how the pace of the story is going. Good work!
Overall this novel is pretty good, the protagonist is interesting and while the story is not that amazing it's still pretty interesting and good enough for a fun read
Pretty solid story, MC is well written and the power system is simple and easy to understand I have read upto chapter 30 so far and the other characters are not that interesting but still enjoying the story so far
I'M HERE well done to another great book
Really like this MC personality tho he's too cold to his friends sometimes but still good Story is pretty good and power system is interesting also especially the soul weapons power
Read what was free: quality of the story is decent and updates seem stable. World background isn’t expanded on to much besides the basics but at least it gives some details. MC isn’t very likeable or relatable for me. He does go through a lot sure but the way it written makes it sound like it’s nothing just another day so you don’t feel like the story is on edge. He just somehow is strong enough to fight strong people even in odd situations. MC is victim to many cliches of the dark genre without much creativity used. Not for me need a sense of personal growth even if it’s a villain character to stay hooked
the writing was good overall. Just dont like the plot and the MC. Dont get me wrong its just matter of preference.