Chapter 372 - Gearing Up

"Alright, guys, this is it...the Vampires are likely to make their move anyday now, so make sure to prepare yourselves both mentally and physically, we may need to fight at a moment's notice," I remarked, as I looked around at the others.

Today's the 2nd of Quintilis, 2021, around midday. And earlier this morning, we received reports from the other nations that their scouts in the Dead Zone had noticed movement in the Light Continent, seems like the Vampires are finally gearing up to make their move.

Of course, since it's too dangerous to enter the Light Continent, the scouts weren't able to get too close, so we didn't have any specific details. That said, we're as best prepared as we can be, so now that's left to do is to wait for their attack.

It's just too risky to make the first move ourselves, since we don't have enough information about the enemy to go off of, so we don't have much of a choice but to wait for them to make the first move.