Chapter 304 - Alliance

"I have to admit, I'm a bit surprised, you really did show up by yourself," Remarked Landis, as I entered the throne room in my slime form before reverting to my normal state.

"Well, yeah, I did say that I would, and I'm definitely not here to start a fight, so consider it a peaceful gesture," I replied with a shrug.

That's a lie...truth is, Satan and Lucifer are in my Pocket Dimension right now, and if things get ugly, I'll let them out. But I don't need to tell him that, better to make it seem like I'm displaying a show of good faith or whatever.

There are a lot of other people here...Aries was standing next to Landis, and there were a bunch of people in fancy clothes, I'm guessing they're the influential Nobles he mentioned the last time I was here.