Chapter 83 - Encounter(Part 2)

Point-of-View: Argent Stryker 


"Initiate Skill: Intangibility," I chanted quietly, before taking aim and chanting again, "Elemental Lightning: Double Lightning Blast!" 

I fired out two powerful bursts of lightning, one aimed at each of the two Knights, zipping towards them and closing in rapidly. 

"Manifest Soul Weapon: Double Edged Sword!" One of them swiftly chanted, two blades connected by a handle in the middle forming in his right hand, before he quickly spun it in front of himself to block my lightning. 

But the other Knight, the one holding the rope of their captive, was slower to react, my attack striking his armor and electrocuting him with a vicious spark and crackle, eliciting a sharp, stuttering cry of pain from him, before bringing him down to his knees with a strained wheeze, smoke billowing out of his armor.