Chapter 174 - The Haven(Part 3)

"Each of you will face one of us in a one on one sparring bout. If you defeat us, or at least give us a good fight, you can stay here for a month. To be precise, we'll let you stay here as our guests for a maximum of thirty-seven days. You may each choose which of us you want to face. Now, who wants to go first?" Inquired Howll, after a quick recap of their terms. 

"Ooh, let me! I wanna fight one of you...which of you is the strongest?" Inquired Izzy with a gleam in her eyes, before any of the rest of us could respond. 

Hm, ideally, I'd have preferred to have her go last, save the best for last and what not. Plus, if she goes first, that sets a pretty damn high bar for the rest of us to follow. 

Well, then again, this isn't all bad...with her going first, we've effectively guaranteed that we'll start off with a win. Hope I didn't just jinx things for us. Nah, a simple jinx won't be enough to make Izzy lose.