Chapter 39 - Final Stretch

"Alright, you ready?" I inquired, as I got onto my feet and stretched my arms up. 

"Yeah, I'm ready. Let's go," She nodded affirmatively. 

It was the next day, the 2nd of September, 2013, and we were about to head across the final stretch to the nearby town. It should be about an hour away from here...I've been following a map to lead the way. 

That day in my old village, when we had planned to sneak away before the Knights threw a wrench in that plan by putting up that barrier, Rhyle told me to put everything of value in my Pocket Dimension. 

Which was mainly the Magic instructional books I'd been studying. I've never actually taken them back out since then...admittedly, the books I was given by Duralles were more up to date and easier to understand, plus had more Spells in it.