Chapter 38 - From Scratch

"No, that's all wrong, your Mana flow is too rough," I remarked, as I batted away the incoming water Spell with ease. 

"I can't help's too difficult," She sighed wearily, catching her breath. 

Today's the 1st of September, 2013, a couple of days after I'd escaped from the capital city, Dianus. We'd been making our way to the nearest town, and we should arrive there sometime early tomorrow. 

The day after my escape, I decided that it'd be best if I train Prysm to at least a basic level. Her Skills might be super useful, but if she doesn't know how to fight, she'll still be a major liability to me if things get rough.

As things stand right now, if we're attacked, I'll have to toss her into my Pocket Dimension to keep her from getting in my way. So far, we've been attacked by a number of low level Monsters, which were easy enough to deal with, so it hasn't been an issue yet.