Chapter 95 - First Date(Part 2)

"So,'s basically a super strong and concentrated alcohol?" I surmised, as I took a puff of the joint I'd ordered, before taking a swig of beer. 

"I guess you could say that...I pretty much never get a chance to use it in a fight though, or ever at all, really," She sighed wistfully, as she downed a shot. 

About half an hour has passed since we came here, and I'm already starting to feel pretty unsteady. Which makes sense, this is the first time I've had alcohol in this body, it's only natural that it has a lower tolerance than what I was used to with my body in my previous life. 

As for Rosary, she seems to have a pretty damn high tolerance. She's definitely stoned, her eyes are red and she's more smiley and cheerful than normal. But the alcohol seems to be working pretty slowly on her.