Chapter 13 - Friends

"So, how much longer will it be before you turn ten and get your powers?"

"Five more months, more or less," I replied with a grin.

"You're so lucky, I wish I was a bit older so that I could get mine sooner!"

"Yeah, me too!"

Today's the 33rd of Maius, the third month of the year 2010. And I was currently hanging out with the other kids who were around my age in the village, of which there were three.

A guy named John Monoc, who was about three months younger than me, and a pair of siblings, Rick and Kera Harch, the former six months younger than me, and the latter about a year and a half younger.

I'd befriended them when I was about five, which had been kinda awkward, and made me realize that I'd never made any friends in my previous life.

Literally the closest thing I had to a friend was the maid I banged, and I really don't think that counts as a friendship at all. And I pretty much hated everyone else in my life back then, so yeah.

"Hey, what kind of Soul Weapon do you want to get? I think I'd like a really cool sword!" Grinned John, as he picked up a fallen branch and swung it around.

He had spiky silver hair and blue eyes, with a dark complexion and a skinny build, though he was highly energetic and hyper in spite of that.

"No way, spears are way better, they're longer," Responded Rick smugly, as he picked up a long branch and lightly poked at John with it.

He was on the short side, and a little chubby, with bright green hair, black eyes, a freckled face and smug but friendly personality. He's easily excitable, but always the first to run out of steam when we play anything tiring.

Naturally, I have the most stamina, since I actively and regularly train. Now, then, how should I respond? I probably shouldn't say that I want a whip, it'll sound lame to kids.

"I think a gun would be could shoot someone who has sword or spear before they can even reach you," I pointed out, as I formed my fist into a finger gun and exclaimed, "Bang!"

"Hm, that's a good point...but swords are still cooler!" Declared John enthusiastically.

Guns have been around for a while in this world, though only somewhat old-fashioned ones like revolvers and shotguns, nothing like assault rifles or semi-automatics have been invented yet.

I guess everyone having Magic Spells, Skills and Soul Weapons at their command has resulted in the development progress of guns to be slower in this world than in my previous one.

Huh, now that I think about it, a gun would've actually been a pretty good choice. Oh, well, too late to change it now...and I'm still pretty hyped about the whip I'll be acquiring as my Soul Weapon soon. I can just add a gun to my arsenal if I decide I want one.

"What about you, Kera, what kind of Soul Weapon are you hoping for?" I inquired with a smile.

"Me? Oh, um...I don't know, maybe a shield? I don't like fighting, so...," She responded while fidgeting awkwardly, her gaze darting about.

She's the youngest of our group, and also the most shy. It's been a while since we all started hanging out together, but she still gets kinda awkward and stuff when we talk to her. Well, not so much with Rick, since he's her brother, but she's pretty shy around John and I.

She's short and soft-spoken, with curly blonde hair, purple eyes and a pale complexion. I'd never say it out loud, but I find her shy personality to be pretty cute. Not in a creepy way, I'm not into little girls, just so we're clear.

My preferred type is older women, so I don't see myself having any romance in this world until much further down the line. To clarify, my ideal is at least three to five years older, and no more than ten years older. Okay, any more detail would probably be TMI, so let's get back to reality.

"A shield? That's so lame. If you're fighting two people, you can block one but then the other one can attack you from behind," Remarked Rick in response.

"Hmph, it's better than a spear, it's just a long, pokey stick," She huffed indignantly.

She may be shy most of the time, but she can definitely stand up for herself if she needs to.

"Wha-...don't make it sound so lame! A shield is just a...a, uh...," He trailed off, failing to come up with an insulting way of describing a shield.

"I think a shield is good so long as you have someone with can defend and they can attack!" Grinned John, as he swatted at some bushes with his branch.

"Yeah, and a shield is perfect against a gun too," I spoke up.

"See? It's not lame at all," She stated smugly to Rick.


"Ooh, you know what would be cool? A shield with, like, sharp edges on the sides! Then you can use it for blocking and attacking!" Suggested John as his eyes lit up, before adding, "Okay, I change my mind! I want that instead of a sword!"

Two weapons combined into one, huh? Damn, I should've thought of that during my reincarnation customization. Like, a whip that had a blade or gun on the other end of the handle.

"Hey, I almost forgot, I got these when I went into town with my parents yesterday...let's use them!" Suddenly spoke up Rick, as he took some small balloons out of his pocket.

"Uh, what do those do?" Responded John skeptically.

"They're paint bombs! We can form two teams of two, and to win, one team has to hit both members of the other team with these!" He explained with a grin.

Oh? That sounds like fun, if not a little messy. It's kinda like paintball, just without the, basically a paintball-water balloon fight hybrid.

"Alright, that sounds good to me. How do we choose the teams?" I inquired, feeling excited.

What? I never played with another person in my previous life's childhood, just because I'm mentally much older than these kids doesn't mean I can't have fun with them.

"'re too fast and jumpy, so you should pair with whoever is the weakest," Replied Rick, after mulling it over, before surmising, "In that case, it's me and John versus you and Kera!"

"Hey, I'm not the weakest, you get tired faster than me!" She pouted indignantly.

"Hmph, but I'm faster and stronger than you, and I can throw much better too!" He stated smugly.

"You're a butthead," She grumbled in response.

"I feel like it's still a bit unfair though...Larrk can probably win even if it was three against one," Remarked John with a frown.

Heh, yeah, I'm basically unstoppable in games that involve physical activity, like tag and stuff. So, to even the playing field, I should give myself a handicap...

"Hey, how many of those paint bombs do you have?" I asked Rick.

"Hm? Oh, fourteen...I had twenty, but I used some of them already," He grinned sheepishly.

"Okay, then, how about this? My team only gets six bombs, and your team gets eight," I suggested in response.

"Yeah, that sounds good...oh, and you only get two bombs, and Kera gets the remaining four! That means, if you miss even once, we're sure to win!" Declared John triumphantly.

"Fine by'll make my victory so much sweeter," I smirked tauntingly.

"Look what you did, you got him all fired it'll be even harder," Groaned Rick in dismay.

We then set a few more rules, like setting the boundaries of the playing field and deciding that we could use 'weapons', ie sticks and branches, to defend against the bombs, but no attacking each other with anything besides the bombs.

After that, each pair headed off to get out of the sight of the other pair and counted to twenty, as we got ready to get started.

"Sorry, um, I probably won't be able to give you any help," Mumbled Kera apologetically, as we finished counting down.

"That's not true at all. Listen up, I have a plan...," I replied, before whispering it to her, and then asking after I finished explaining what I had in mind, "So, you think you could do that?"

"Okay...I can try," She nodded after a brief pause, before adding, "But, um, I might fail, so-..."

"That's fine. It's just a game, no big deal. Just try to have fun, that's the most important part," I responded, as I patted her head, "Got it?"

"Y-yeah, okay!" She nodded eagerly, a slight smile on her face as her expression lit up.

Aw, so, I wonder, would my previous life have been any different if I'd gotten the chance to interact with people my age and made friends?

Well, that's a hypothetical I'll never have the answer to. But, you know what, that's okay. My previous life holds no relevance to me anymore, I've started over, and this time, I'm happy. And this might be kinda cheesy, but...that's all that really matters.

"Alright, let's do this," I grinned, as I held up my hand for a high five, before she tapped her palm against mine with a bashful smile.

We then split up, as I headed straight for where the other pair was likely to be. And soon enough, they came into view, both holding sticks and eyeing me warily.

"You're by yourself, huh? Oh, I get it, Kera must be hiding, right?" Laughed Rick, as he stepped forward with John.

"Maybe, maybe not. Worry about me right now," I responded smugly, as I took out one of the paint bombs with my left hand, stepping closer.

"Now! Just like we planned! One, two...three!" Exclaimed John, both of them flinging a paint bomb at me simultaneously.

I swiftly evaded one of the bombs, before carefully catching the other one with my right hand, letting out a quiet sigh of relief as it didn't pop.

"Oh, come on!" Groaned Rick in exasperation.

"So, can I use this?" I inquired with a raised eyebrow.

"U-uh, well...n-nope, you can only use your own bombs!" Exclaimed John immediately.

"Alright, fine," I shrugged, as it tossed it aside, before sprinting towards them with a smirk, leaping away to the left as the both flung another couple of bombs at me, dodging them.

I then arched my arm back and threw my paint bomb at John, taking aim at his chest. He began to try and get out of the way in alarm, but got struck on the shoulder, the balloon exploding and covering his arm and neck in bright blue paint.

"He...he got me...," He gasped dramatically, before slumping to the ground and playing dead.

Yeah, so, I've done some dramatic reactions like that in some previous games, and lately, they've started copying that. It's, uh, kinda embarrassing, if I'm being honest.

"Noooooo!" Exclaimed Rick in response, before getting over it and waving his branch around in front of himself wildly as I flung my second paint bomb at him, "You won't get me that easily!"

As the balloon flew towards his chest, he managed to strike it with the branch, batting it away. The balloon hit the ground and burst, as he let out a triumphant laugh.

"Nice dumb luck," I smiled wryly.

"N-no, I totally meant to do that! Anyway,'re out of bombs, and I've still got two. I can win!" He declared confidently.

"Yeah, I can't attack anymore...but maybe you should watch your back," I smirked, right as a paint bomb struck the back of his head and exploded, a look of bewilderment on his face as the paint dripped down his neck and back.

"Yes! I did it!" Squealed Kera in excitement, jumping up and down.

"Huh? No way...," Muttered Rick in disbelief.

I think that's a genuine reaction.

"Nice, that was awesome!" I grinned, as Kera skipped over towards me.

"I really did it! And it was so easy, I got really close and he didn't even see me!" She laughed cheerfully, as she suddenly gave me a hug.

Oh, uh, wasn't expecting that. But it's really nice, I feel all warm and fuzzy. I've honestly been having so much fun since coming to this world.

"Damn it, this can't be real," Groaned Rick, as he flopped onto the grass, while John watched in bemusement.

"Alright, guys...let's play again, that was so much fun!" I suggested eagerly.

"We don't have many paint bombs left though," Pointed out Rick in response.

"Oh, then let's use stones or something," Replied John, as he picked up a small stone.

"Absolutely not."

"Are you crazy?"

"Yeah, um, we could get really hurt."

" didn't all have to shoot me down so fast."


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