Chapter 114 - Izzy vs Aries(Part 1)

Point-of-View: Argent Stryker


"I won't let you get away with this, you killed my subordinates...I'll make sure that you regret that," Declared the Knight Commander coldly. 

"Man, talk about hypocritical. You Knights abuse and kill us Commoners all the time, and then we're in the wrong for retaliating. Here's what's going to happen...we're gonna beat you within an inch of your life, and then you're going to answer all my questions, Miss Commander," I shot back, before blasting out a powerful bolt of lightning at her. 

She didn't move, as a couple of her blades moved across and blocked my lightning. This is gonna be tough, she's in full control of every single one of those sixty blades. I've got three minutes left with Intangibility, time to go all out. 

Initiate Skill: Limit Br-...!