Chapter 222 - Teleport Trap(Part 2)

"'re a Heretic too? You lowly dare you do this to me!?" He snapped, as the dust cleared to reveal him with a look of fury on his face, his left hand and forearm severely broken and mangled, his arm trembling in pain. 

His lance was on the ground by his feet, and he was glaring at me with immense, burning hatred in his eyes...damn, if looks could kill. 

"Try to stay alive a bit longer...I've got a few more tricks that I'd like to test out, and you're the only ones left," I smirked, as I gestured off to my left. 

"N-no, impossible!" He gasped in horror, his eyes widening at the sight of Izzy sitting atop a pile of corpses, a bored, disappointed look on her face.