Chapter 207 - Contract(Part 2)

"Ow...he's yelling in my head," I groaned wearily, before glancing at Izzy, "Hey, he can hear everything I hear, so please elaborate for him."

"Can't he hear your thoughts and stuff though?" She asked me curiously. 

"No, it's-...ow! Okay, stop, that's giving me a major headache! Uh, anyway, as I was saying...the Contract may be formed, but it's not complete yet. According to what he's saying, as a result of the Contract, I can now enter my own subconscious and converse with him. And I'll have to in order to stabilize the Contract. We'll do that later...for now, could you explain why I called you my sister in law?" I sighed wearily. 

"Okay...well, I'm not technically married, Uncle, but I do have a lover. He's Larrk's older brother, his name is Argent, and he's the best! He's always so kind to me, and I really like it when he pats my head, and...!" She grinned, her eye sparkling as she began to rave on about her relationship.