Chapter 206 - Contract(Part 1)

"What are you-...? Wait, you don't mean forming a...?" Trailed off Azazel, his eyes widening in realization at what I was getting at. 

"Looks like you've caught on, good. Form a Contract with me...that's the only way to keep you from dying here and now. Though, I'm not sure that can be called won't have a physical form anymore, you'll essentially be trapped inside my body, and when I die, you'll die too. 

But that said, if you agree to it, you can see for yourself how things turn out after this...well, assuming I don't die anytime soon. I'll give you my word that I'll use your power to save the other Demons and help protect Izzy," I promised him, as I held out my hand towards him. 

" can't be serious?" He responded incredulously.