Chapter 118 - Adventurer Party(Part 2)

"I think you should do it, it'll be a great opportunity," Replied Rosary, after mulling it over. 

Huh? Well, that's not how I was expecting her to respond. Really thought she'd have my back on this...I feel kinda betrayed... 

"Come on, you know this is way too risky. If they find out I'm a Heretic, they'll most likely react negatively, which means that I'll probably have to kill them," I pointed out with a frown. 

"It's possible that they're open-minded enough to accept it. Based on what you've said, it seems possible. I don't know them very well myself, I've only spoken to them a few times, but I do know that they're well-liked and held in high esteem by the other Adventurers in town," She responded, as she took a chocolate bar out of the mini-fridge in the room. 

"I think you should do it too. They said it was just for a few days right, so there's nothing to lose, and potentially plenty to gain," Chimed in Prysm objectively.