Chapter 119 - Adventurer Party(Part 3)

Well, here I am, way out of my comfort zone and heading to the Labyrinth with a bunch of people whom I know basically nothing about. Seriously, how did I end up here? 

I really should've done better to avoid winding up in a position where I had no choice but to reveal everything to Rosary...I'm regretting a lot of choices right now, I hate this so much. 

"There it is, right up ahead," Remarked Ekspen, as the entrance to the Labyrinth came into sight. 

"As discussed, the two of you will take the vanguard, while the three of us will cover you from behind, providing back up if and when necessary. That said, your goal is to get through this without needing any assistance from us, so keep that in mind," Sakri reminded us.