Chapter 120 - Adventurer Party(Part 4)

Point-of-View: Rosary Farndrey


"You seem a bit restless, everything okay? I can put on a different movie if you don't like this one," I offered, as I munched on some spicy chips.

"Huh? Oh, no, the movie is fine, it's not that. I'm just wondering if Larrk is okay, I'm a bit worried. He looked like he really didn't want to go, I feel a little bad about pressuring him to do so," Prysm replied with a look of concern. 

Aw, how cute, she's absolutely adorable!

"You really like him, don't you?" I smiled as I reached over and patted her head. 

"Well, at first it was partly because he was my only option for survival, and he was really mean at times, though I never disliked him. His attitude was understandable, after everything he had to endure at the hands of my family.