Chapter 121 - Adventurer Party(Part 5)

"Alright, we're down to the ninth floor now. We'll head in till we reach the path leading down to the tenth floor and then head back up," Suggested Ekspen, as we entered the ninth floor. 

"Finally...," I heard Ilex mutter quietly to himself. 

"Yes, it's about that time, we don't want to push too far beyond our limits and end up overexerting ourselves," Chimed in Sakri with a nod. 

Great, it's about time. I was getting pretty tired of this, there hasn't been anything challenging since that swarm of Taratects. We've only encountered individuals or small groups of Monsters, none more than groups of five. 

On the bright side, it's meant that I haven't needed to reveal any more of the tricks I've got up my sleeve. But on the other hand, it's been so damn incredibly boring. And I have to put up with two more days of this crap?