Chapter 225 - The Slime King(Part 3)

"I suppose I should thank you...this is, almost definitely...-going to be my last day alive, but at least I got to clean myself up after ages and change into fresh, clean clothes," Remarked Lumena, as she walked out of my portal, about half an hour later. 

"Huh, you kinda went for the same kind of outfit you were wearing before, didn't you?" I responded, shutting the portal as she exited it. 

She was wearing a black tank top and black shorts, along with the boots I'd given her earlier. 

"And? Does it really matter either way?"

"No, I guess not."

"Well, anyway...what's the plan? I doubt we'll survive, but if I'm going to die, I might as well die fighting. Then again, maybe I should just focus on making the most of the time I have left, since I'm no longer a slave," She sighed, as she plopped herself down on the ground.