Chapter 266 - Lucifer(Part 5)

"I appreciate you cooperating with us...honestly, if I were you and I'd gone through what you did, I'd probably want to kill at least a few people before leaving," I remarked wryly, as we made it out of the capital and reached the rendezvous point, hidden in a small grove of trees about half a kilometer outside the city.

"Yes, I can't deny that that temptation was certainly there, the thought of massacring those bastards definitely crossed my mind...but since Izzy is currently buying time for us, I wouldn't want to make her job more difficult," Replied Lucifer, as she stretched her arms up and took in a deep breath, staring up at the sky.

"Here, you're probably gonna want some clean clothes. Take your pick from these," I offered, as I took out a bunch of outfits out of my Pocket Dimension and handed them to her.

"Oh, thank you, I appreciate it," She nodded gratefully...before proceeding to tug off the tattered clothes she was wearing.
