Chapter 276 - Hematite(Part 6)

Point-of-View: Prysm Duralles


I swiftly shot away and evaded an incoming lightning bolt before countering with a rapid slashing wave of water, my target leaping out of the way just in the nick of time before I raised my axe up to left as a swirling fireball came shooting towards my side, blocking it with the blade of my Soul Weapon.

"That was Water Magic...I see, she must be from the Light Continent!"

Nope, I'm not.

"Are we being invaded by those foul bastards!?"

No, we beat them to the punch.

"Tch, they must be trying to take advantage of our civil war!"

Mhm, we sure are.

"We can't let ourselves be beaten here...we've got her outnumbered, and she's just a little girl, we can do this!"

Wha-...little girl!? Hey, I'm almost seventeen, asshole!