Chapter 376 - Vampire Attack(Part 2)

Point-of-View: Sirius


"Hahahaha! Come on, you can run faster than that, can't you? Better pick up the pace, humans, I'm catching up!" I called out in amusement, as I chased after a group of seven humans.

I was moving at a deliberately slow speed, to give them the false notion and hope that they actually stand a chance of escaping me. I find that despair is at its greatest when hope is first built up before then being destroyed.

Now, then, let's put a few cracks in their growing sense of hope...I then took aim at one of them, firing out a piercing beam of blood, hitting the back of their head and bursting through, killing them instantly, the other humans in the group screaming in horror as the one I'd killed collapsed onto the ground with a thud, blood pouring out of his head.