Chapter 169 - Inspirational

"Sure you don't wanna come with us? They'll probably attack again soon, you know," I pointed out. 

"Yeah, I know that. But with so many high ranked Adventurers killed, Kaygee Town will be in trouble if I'm not here," Ilex shook his head in response. 

"Wow, just listen to this guy. You've sure gotten a lot more confident, haven't you?" Grinned Rosary teasingly. 

"Well, after seeing how much all the other Adventurers struggled against the Monsters today, it's only natural," He shrugged wryly. 

A couple of hours had passed following the attack, we'd wrapped things up a while ago but the town had still sustained a tremendous amount of damage in the attack. 

About a third of the buildings had collapsed or been destroyed by the Monsters, and over a quarter of the residents had been killed in the process. That includes nearly half the Adventurers as well, many of them having been wiped out by the Catastrophic Grade Monsters.