Chapter 288 - Demon Retrieval(Part 4)

"I think this is it," I remarked, as we reached the lowest level of the dungeon, a large doorway coming into sight.

"Yes, it does resemble the doors that I was locked behind while I was imprisoned. You captured that stubborn Queen, didn't you? We cannot open these doors without her, but I doubt she would simply cooperate and open them, especially now that we've laid waste to her city," Pointed out Satan with a frown.

"Well, I could slip through the cracks at the bottom of the doors, put the Demon inside the room into my Pocket Dimension, then slip back out, take them out of my Pocket Dimension and get to work on breaking the control devices. But that sounds like a lot of work, so let's see if we can't make use of the Queen first," I replied, as I opened a portal into my Pocket Dimension and reached in, a slight cry echoing out as I yanked the Queen out of the portal and tossed her towards the doors, a thud ringing out as she hit the floor.