Chapter 210 - Contract(Part 5)

Point-of-View: Argent Stryker


"Sounds like things are getting pretty bad up there, huh? I wonder if we should go help," Frowned Prysm uncertainly, a conflicted look on her face. 

"I have little interest in a war between humans, especially since there's unlikely to be anyone on either side who can genuinely challenge me," Shrugged Izzy indifferently. 

"The main problem is that none of us can afford to expose ourselves...the Knight Commander knows what I look like, same with you, Izzy. Though even if no one did know what you look like, the fact that you're a Monster would probably lead to them attacking you. Prysm's got the Light Attribute, so she definitely can't afford to be seen either. And Larrk's whip will give him away, since it's such a rare type of Soul Weapon," I surmised with a sigh.