Chapter 26 - Impatience

"Damn it, succumb already...why won't you break!?" Snapped Duralles in frustration, as he pierced a needle into my torso.

"Eh, I've gotten used to it at this point," I shrugged as I put on a nonchalant expression, doing my best to keep from crying out in pain.

Shit, this really hurts...he's been stabbing with needles that are coated in a neurotoxin, one that has the opposite effect of anesthesia. So, you know, instead of dulling pain, it enhances it.

And it's absolute agony, even after all this time, it's taking everything I've got to not scream out in agony and excruciation. For the most part, I've learnt to power through these torture sessions...but this time, I'm really struggling, I haven't felt this desperate for it to be over since around the time I was first brought here.

But I...I won't let it break me. I won't! Not after I've made it this long while maintaining my fucking way!

"Tch, I have to admit, your sheer will is impressive. Unlike your father, it would seem," He suddenly remarked provokingly.


"If you're trying to upset me, don't bother. He's a Prince, after all, so I know that-...," I began indifferently, doing my best to mask my concern.

"Oh, the Royals certainly won't kill him, but they have to make sure he'll never have the will to abandon the capital ever again, by breaking his mental resolve into pieces. I'd say it's been quite effective so far," He smirked in response.

Damn it...don't let him get to you. If it's just a bluff, then I'll only be playing into his hands. And even if it isn't a bluff...I can't show any emotion-...or, on second thought, maybe I can come up with a bluff of my own...

" that true? What have they done to my father?" I inquired, letting my concern and worry show.

"Hahaha, wouldn't you like to know!? Feel free to imagine it, but I'm sure whatever you come up with will be ten times tamer than reality!" He laughed sadistically and gleefully, before trailing off in confusion as I began laughing too, "Uh, did that break you?"

"Oh, sorry, my bad. I just found it kinda funny how happy you seemed at the prospect of finally breaking me," I chuckled condescendingly as I put on an amused expression, before smirking at him as I added, "What, did you really think that'd work any better than your meagre attempts at physical torture? Come on, I figured as much right from the start, you arrogant prick.

Aw, but I do feel looked like a little kid who tried candy for the first time, the way your face lit up like an idiotic simpleton. Tell you what, how about I fake some reactions to make you feel better? That way, you can pretend like you're actually hurting me!"

"Y-you little fucking shit!" He snapped, looking like he was about to pop a blood vessel as he punched me in the stomach.

"Oh, nooo, that's so painful, stoooooppp!" I cried out in an obviously patronizing tone, after a brief pause as I let the pain sink in.

Don't want my voice to come out all strained, after all.

"Don't mock me, you fucking brat!" He exclaimed, his eyes bulging with rage as he slammed his fist onto my face and broke my nose.

"Man, now this is just sad. A grown-ass man throwing a fit because he can't even hurt one little brat...hey, by the way, how old am I now? I've lost track of time, you see," I responded with a smile.

After that, he beat the shit out of me for the next half an hour, before storming off as he commanded the slave woman to heal me.

As he left the room, I grimaced in pain and let out a slight groan, finally able to stop putting on my facade. I didn't make it too obvious though, in case she goes and reports it to him.

But from what I've seen of her, she doesn't speak unless spoken to, so unless he's directly asked her to see if I show any signs of being in pain, she most likely won't say anything.

After all, it doesn't seem like she's mentioned that time I asked her to close her eyes and heal me so that I could Magic Eater on her spell. Granted, we did have a deal, but in all likelihood, if she was commanded to do so, she'd have undoubtedly broken that deal in a heartbeat.

Anyway, I sincerely doubt he'd ask her though...that'd just hurt his oh-so-Noble pride. I've been speaking to her every so often, but unfortunately, the few times she does reply, she doesn't give me a proper answer. No harm in trying though...

"Hey, what's today's date?" I asked her, as she healed me enough to speak again without coughing blood.

"Huh? Um, it's the 5th of Quintillus."

"And the year?"


Hm, I see...then I'll be thirteen in a few months. Which means that I've nearly been here for three whole years. After all, I was torn away from my village the day after my tenth birthday.

Still, though, I see this as a silver lining...I'd just assumed it'd only been a year or so at most since I was brought here. The fact that it's been three years is encouraging, more time has passed than I had assumed.

Guess I should've figured as much body's definitely going through puberty right now, I've noticed a bit of facial hair growing, plus hair in some other places too.

And now that I think about it, my voice has gotten more scratchy and deep lately. Hm, my hair's getting pretty long too, it's almost down to my waist. I suppose I should give it a trim.

"Manifest Soul Weapon: Dragon Whisker," I chanted, as a Magic Circle formed and my whip appeared in my hands.

Oh yeah, when I was first brought here, I was told that I'd be trained...but that hasn't happened. They probably intended to do so after they broke me, but unfortunately for them, that hasn't happened. And it won't happen.

I've been training plenty on my own though. Lycia drilled the basics into me, and I've been working on my hand to hand combat, as well as the use of my whip.

And Duralles has left some Magic books in here, and I've learnt a fair number of Plasma, Flame, Lightning, Earth and Metal Spells, plus the combination Lava Spells, as well as some Dark Spells.

Of course, I make sure to train only when I'm alone, I don't want anyone seeing my progress or how strong I am. I'm still twelve years old, so I'm physically weaker than an adult, naturally. Which means that maintaining the element of surprise up my sleeve is crucial.

My body's looking pretty good too, I've gotten jacked or ripped or whatever you call it. I've been able to up my flexibility and agility at a remarkable pace too...everytime I tear or pull a muscle, I can heal it instantly and keep going.

And just like when recovering naturally, damaged muscles grow back stronger when healed using Magic. Keeping track of my progress is another factor that's really helped with maintaining my sanity.

Having things to focus on in the present makes it easier to keep from succumbing to the despair and torment I endure on a daily basis.

And I can tell that Duralles is getting frustrated, as are his children who torture me. But it's no use, I won't break, I'm determined not to. And they won't push too much harder than they already are...most days, I'm pretty close to the verge of death before I'm healed.

Thankfully, they've stayed away from doing anything to my dick...if they castrated me or something, then I probably will fall into despair. I might be able to grow it back with the Regeneration Spell, but that'd give away the fact that I'm a Heretic.

Recently, I found out why they've left my crotch alone. Apparently, whenever an enemy from the Light Continent is captured, particularly if they're women, the Dark Continent Nobles like to have them raped by their slaves, in order to begin the process of crushing their spirits with a bang, pun intended.

Anyway, considering the time, I think my torture is done for the day. Let's get back to my doesn't need to look neat or tidy, I just want to shorten it so that it doesn't get in the way.

It's all tangled up and matted in some spots, even though I wash it regularly. Plus, there isn't any air conditioning or anything down here, so long hair just makes me more susceptible to sweating all the time.

I pulled my hair and clenched my fist around it, holding it up like a ponytail. This is the most I can grab hold of, should be enough. I'll just cut off all the hair on the other side of my fist, that should be short enough.

I then flicked my whip across behind me, striking my hair and cutting it off, before I let go of my hair and let the remaining length settle down.

Oh, wow, that's so much better, my head feels lighter and the back of my neck feels cooler. As I stared down at the pile of hair I'd cut off, I let out a sigh...that's a lot of hair, it's basically proof of how long I've been here.

And that's starting to make me feel much longer will I be stuck here before I finally get the opportunity to take my revenge?

No, I can't let myself get too far ahead...I just need to think about this way; the longer it takes for me to get my chance, the so much sweeter it'll be when it finally comes...


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