"Hey, Larrk, you busy? Mind if I come in?" Came Lumena's voice, as my door swung open and she poked her head in.
"Oh, hey, Lumena. Sure, come on in, I'm not doing anything," I replied with a nod, before she stepped into the room and shut the door behind her, before approaching my bed and flopping face-first onto the mattress with a sigh, as I added in bemusement, "Uh, everything okay?"
"Yeah...I just completed the Magic Item to counter the moonlight barrier, and as soon as I finished it, all the fatigue just piled on all at once," She replied wearily, her voice muffled as she buried her face into the bedding.
Today's the 18th of Quintilis, 2021, just two days before we intended to make our counterattack against the Vampires. We'd finished all our planning and strategizing a couple of days ago, and figured we should use the remaining time to rest up and mentally refresh ourselves.