Chapter 129 - Adventurer Party(Part 13)

I sat down by a pillar with a strained sigh, pain throbbing across my injuries. I so badly want to fully heal my chest and left shoulder, but I can't without giving away my Light Attribute. I've healed them enough that they're not going to be fatal, but they're still pretty severe injuries. 

I suppose I could pretend that it's a Skill, since I haven't used my Shadow Phase Spell in front of them yet, but that'd be suspicious. After all, if I have a healing Skill, why wouldn't I have used it much earlier? 

Damn it, the Dragonoid caused me to feel instinctive fear, I couldn't think as well as I usually do. I could've used a Dark Attribute Spell to confuse it or mess up its mind somehow...I'm not very good with Dark Spells since it's hard to logically visualize them like I can with Elemental Spells, but I should be at a decent enough level to at least mildly agitate a target. 

"Um, hey, are you okay? You don't look so good...," Remarked Ilex, as he approached me.