Chapter 101 - The Culprits(Part 3)

I came out into the open with a grimace, as the trees and bushes around where I'd been hiding had been set ablaze, the flames rapidly spreading and clouds of smoke starting to billow out. 

"Hm? Dark blue hair, two scars on the face, different colored eyes and a whip Soul Weapon...ah, I remember. Your appearance matches the reported description of the brat who killed Commander Duralles and his family before escaping Dianus," Remarked the green haired Knight, as he regrouped with his bald partner, while Rosary came over towards me with a grimace. 

"You take the bald one, I'll deal with this guy," I muttered to Rosary, who nodded after a brief, hesitant pause. 

"Huh? Who?" The bald guy responded to his partner. 

"Ugh, never mind. I don't understand how you're a Lieutenant like me, it baffles me that we're at the same rank," Sighed the other one in exasperation.