Chapter 100 - The Culprits(Part 2)

"Can't you make yourself visible, already?" Sighed the guy who'd come into sight. 

"There's no harm in being cautious, I would prefer not to be careless," Came the response from his invisible partner. 

Another male voice, so it's two guys. Hm...the outfit that the visible one is wearing, it's high quality leather armor. Commoners can't afford armor of that quality, looks like they really are Nobles, and most likely Knights. 

"This is starting to get boring, can't someone else take over for us? I could really use a break...remember how we almost died against that guy who was fighting alongside a Monster?" Groaned the first guy. 

Wait, what? 

"Yes, that was quite the unpleasant experience, but there's been no sign of them for two years now. As for this, you know there's no one who can take our place, and I've explained the importance of this task many times to you.