Chapter 309 - The Water Dragon King(Part 2)

I swiftly spread out my wings and took off into the air as Liquaqua sent a massive tidal wave barreling towards me, narrowly evading it before getting some altitude as the wave crashed onto the shore with immense force.

A hiss of steam echoed out as Frielektra flew out of the water with flames swirling around her body, an annoyed look on her face, right as several water arrows came shooting up towards me.

I opened a portal into my Pocket Dimension below me as the projectiles closed in on me, shooting into the portal right as a massive, angled pillar of water came rising up towards me from behind.

I spun around and swung my whip straight down while rapidly extending it, splitting the incoming pillar in half as it closed in on me, the two halves flying past either side of me, as I sensed a presence above me.