Chapter 150 - Eating

"I have to say...that was an impressive performance, you literally made several Adventurers tear up, some were even sobbing," Remarked Rosary in bemusement, as we headed out of the town and made our way towards the Labyrinth. 

"You were really convincing last time as well...if I didn't know what actually happened, I would have believed your story too," Added Ilex in agreement. 

Yeah, I gave an impassioned speech about how I'd make full use of the life that that trio had saved and ensure that I carry on their will, I was just making it up as I went along. And based on the reaction I got, I fucking nailed it! 

"Aw, you guys are flattering me, really appreciate it," I grinned in response, as I looked around the area and added, "Hm, there's no one else around here...I don't hear anyone close by, let's get Prysm out and teleport inside the Labyrinth, it'll save us a good twenty minutes or so of walking."