Chapter 164 - Attack(Part 1)

"Gotta say, I'm gonna miss living in this town. Though on the bright side, maybe I can finally move back to Kieph Town now...the Knights have probably forgotten all about me, since they're more after you guys," Remarked Rosary, as she munched on a sandwich. 

"Yeah, we're probably gonna have to constantly stay on the move for the foreseeable future," Sighed Argent wearily. 

Right, there was a recent announcement that a number of Knights would be stationed in each town and village, as a direct response to the recent attack on The Obsidian Games tournament thing.

That's great and all, but it also means that Argent, Izzy and I won't be able to visit any of those places for what's likely to be quite a while. The Knights have been a lot less subtle in the fact that they're still looking for us...detailed descriptions of both myself and Argent have been issued in wanted posters.