Chapter 34 - Grand Theft Auto

Okay, I think this should do nicely. Nothing too flashy, but still pretty fashionable. I shouldn't stand out in this. I also took the time to neaten up my hair. 

I was wearing a grey-collared white leather jacket over a black t-shirt, with dark blue jeans and red shoes. I've discovered that, outside of fancy outfits for special occasions, Nobles wear pretty normal clothes, the kind of outfits that'd be commonplace in my old world. 

I mean, sure, the fabric is of a much higher quality than what Commoners can afford, but yeah, other than that, it's not too unlike the clothes I wore in my old world. 

I also took several spare outfits, plus outfits in bigger sizes, so that I'd be covered for the next few years or so. I couldn't find shoes in my size, so the pair I was wearing was a little bit too big for me, but it fit well enough that I should be able to move around without much trouble.