Chapter 300 - Doesn't Stand a Chance Against Me

"Damn it, what the hell...none of my Dimensions can hold you for more than a second, your Mana capacity is insane," Muttered Mysst with a grimace, a bead of sweat pouring down the side of her head as she caught her breath, looking a bit pale.

Hm, looks like she's used a bit too much Mana. It's been about ten minutes since we began our duel, inside a safety barrier.

She was quick to manifest her Soul Weapon, Dimension Gate, and while she did inflict some damage by briefly ensnaring me in her various dimensions, I was able to break free of all of them within a couple of seconds or so each.

The only reason why she can't hurt me with that power is because I have a significantly larger Mana capacity than she does, so by unleashing a powerful burst of pure Mana, I can rupture her dimensions and forcibly break free of them.