Chapter 301 - Replication

"Hey, how's it going?" I remarked, as I knocked on a door and opened it, poking my head in.

"Hm? Oh, hey, Larrk...what's up?" Lumena greeted me, as I entered the room and shut the door behind me.

"Wow, looks like you've made some pretty good progress here, nice. How are you holding up? This is probably some pretty tedious work," I replied as I walked over towards her.

"Yeah, it is kinda boring and repetitive, but it's easy enough, so I don't mind," She responded with a shrug.

Lumena has a couple of extremely rare and very powerful, useful Skills, called Copy and Replicate. Those two Skills are kind of a package deal, one's useless without the other.

They're pretty self explanatory...Copy lets the user copy any inanimate object within a limited size and weight, and Replicate allows the user to create a copy of the object.