Chapter 240 - Obsidian Civil War(Part 5)

Point-of-View: Rayven Farndrey


"Manifest Soul Weapon: Glob!" I swiftly chanted, manifesting my slime blade as several enemies surrounded me. 

I then spun across while swinging my arm out horizontally, extending and sharpening the mass of blue slime of my Soul Weapon, slicing through the people surrounding me and cutting them in half along their waists, their blood gushing out and splattering the ground as their severed torsos hit the ground with fleshy thuds. 

"You filthy Commoner! Die!" Came an angry voice from behind me. 

I spun around to see a bolt of lightning shooting towards me, I quickly formed a shield with my slime blade and blocked the Spell, the lightning fizzling out as it struck my slime.