Chapter 244 - Obsidian Civil War(Part 9)

Point-of-View: Ilex Sarralot


"Hahaha! Behold, the form of my Contract! Is it not magnificent!?" Exclaimed my opponent, dark grey fur having sprouted across his body, his limbs having grown longer and more limber, and his face had stretched out forward, looking like a wolf. 

"Honestly? You just look like a random Monster, I wouldn't have been able to tell the difference if I hadn't seen you transform," I shrugged dryly. 

"How dare you speak to me that way! I'll make you eat those words and learn your place, Commoner scum!" He snapped, swinging his right arm across and whipping the chain attached to his right wrist in my direction, the sickle blade at the end of it slicing through the air rapidly towards the side of my neck.