Chapter 290 - Restructuring

"Okay, now that everyone's here, let's get started, shall we?" I remarked, as I looked around the table.

Today's the 27th of Quintilis, 2020, about a week had passed since we freed the last two Demons from their imprisonment in the nations of Onyx and Zircon.

Aratron and Pavorphobus had been resting up while Satan, Izzy and Lucifer explained everything that had happened and what the current situation was.

From what I heard, they took some time to get used to the idea of living alongside humans...they weren't at all opposed to coexisting with the Demi-Humans, but as far as humans were concerned, they were both more than a little skeptical and conflicted.

But for now, it seems like they've agreed to go along with this without putting up a fuss or anything, so that's good...we'll just have to work to gain their trust over time, I suppose.