Chapter 315 - Arcadia Championship Clash(Part 5)

Point-of-View: Aries Velenet


She's strong...she's easily on the level of most of the Knight Captains, I'd probably struggle against her without my Soul Weapon Ascension. And her Soul Weapon is powerful...I don't know exactly what its ability is, but it likely has something to do with manipulating the weight of it.

She's able to move so quickly while holding it despite the fact that it's more than half her size, she wouldn't be able to do that if it was as heavy as it looks...but the immense impact it made when she swung it down, that wouldn't have been possible if it was a light as a feather.

She must have worked hard to master it, her Soul Weapon's power is fairly simple and straightforward, assuming it really is something to do with weight manipulation, but actually using it wouldn't be easy...if she messes up on the timing of shifting the weight, the momentum of her swing would get affected.